View Full Version : How to retrieve gamespy ID?

06-02-2011, 01:07 AM
I reformatted my HD, so MoW didn't keep my ID/password saved, and i can't remember what my fricknig ID is >_< I managed to reset the password...not very useful without the ID. So i have the original email used to create the account, and i have the gamespy password. With those 2 is it possible to retrieve/reset the actual ID?

06-02-2011, 03:24 AM
I didn't see an edit button, so i'll reply...to my own thread:D

I have the password (i reset it) and i have the original email address, i also have the CD key. With those things, in any other game, you could enter those to retrieve the ID.

I logged into the gamespy website and it came up with a single name. I typed that in and hit "log in", it then went to another screen asking for the cd key. I typed that it but it told me the key was already in use. But i hit "log in", not "create an account" so i don't know why it asked for the key as i'd already played multiplayer months ago.

So if that is the real ID, why would it ask for a cd key again? If it's not, how would i get hold of the original ID?