View Full Version : 7.62 mm

11-27-2007, 07:45 PM
Hi! :D

As a Brigade E5 'aficionado', I have been waiting for this game since I first heard about it a year ago. I have a few questions:

Do you have any news about the English release?
Will the upcoming add-on (7.62 Reloaded) be part of that release?
Will it be available for download?
And last but not least, will the not-so-popular Starforce copy-protection system be on it (like on the Russian version)?

Thanks in advance, and please keep working on that translation!

11-28-2007, 07:03 AM

As for the release date it's planned to release the game in June, but may be earlier.
As for the add-on, I can't tell you anything now, but i'll inform you about it as soon as possible.
As for the download, yes, certainly, it will be avilable in our on-line shop.
As for Starforce, it depends on the American/European publisher.
Thank you for your questions.

11-28-2007, 07:49 AM
Thank you for the quick answer.

June you say, let's hope it will get out before that. :wink:
I also thought you would publish the English version yourself, I guess I was wrong. Any news about whom it might be? Perhaps SFI, like with Brigade?

Oh, I almost forgot. Any chance of an English demo of the game?

11-28-2007, 07:54 AM
The publisher will be 505 Games. As for the demo, it is certainly planned.

12-13-2007, 06:53 PM
Hi again!

I couldn't help noticing that your last reply about the name of the publisher and a demo has, hmmm, disappeared.

Does this mean that the company you mentioned before will not be publishing 7.62? There is a group of people eager to know more about the details of an English release. Please update us. :)

EDIT: And now the post has re-appeared, oh well.

12-15-2007, 12:41 AM
Just chiming in to prove Barrabas that there IS an actual interest in this game (two guys at least already :grin:). I loved BE5 dearly despite it's shortcomings, but i remember it was quite a difficult process to get it on the shelves here in Germany - the synchronisation took forever and ended up horrible nevertheless (adding to my anger pre-release "Just type the damn text, no need for speech files!" :-P).

Anyway, i don't care if the release will be german, english french, or any other western european language - i'm waiting white-knuckled for the release... any updates would be extremely welcome!

Oh, and btw: June? Dear GOD, who's translating this?

12-15-2007, 02:10 PM
Great, someone else is here too! :)

So 505 are supposed to do the translating, right? I agree with Dosenben, it doesn't seem like they are in a hurry.

I and another guy over at the Strategy First BE5 forum wrote a message to 505 Games, trying to get some more info about the English release. That was more than two weeks ago, and they haven't answered either of us. A bit disappointing, I must say.

Surely, it shouldn't take half a year to translate and publish the game in English, should it? This is a truly unique, one-of-a-kind tactical game you are sitting on 1C. I can't see why you don't show some more urgency in getting it out to a western audience.

Alexey Ozerov
12-15-2007, 09:21 PM
Barrabas - its simple - in Russia they can sell very low quality game product beacuse there is no option to bring games back to retailer if - You buy it - it's Your forever. So why need to pay beta testers - peoples payed money than send huge amout of errors - so to 7.62 already made 3 unofficial patches + Weapon mod (2nd version is included in first official patch - 3 rd entered few days after official patch was ready :(

So I really glad that soemone will play this as a game - not as a buggy something - Universal answer for bugs after patch - delete old saves + try to reinstall game + install latest patch only.

My own disk with 7/62 moved to trash. Im playing fantasy wars and waiting JA3

12-16-2007, 02:57 AM
Sorry to say that, but believe me it's no big difference in Germany at least - although you can (granted, some luck is required) return your purchase to the retailer, the few remaining german game developers have had some extreeeeemely bad times. Crysis is another story (and not a purely german production), but check out "The Fall - last days of Gaia", "Söldner - Secret Wars", both "Spellforce", and last one of the few successful german franchises, "Gothic" - which found its sorry end in Gothic 3 - like the other titles an almost unplayable bugfest, always with a ridicolously hardware-hungry programmed engines.

What i fail to grasp is - russian / eastern european developers seem to be the last remaining with some sense of originality and fresh ideas, yet somehow their games never seem to reach the western markets successfully.

I just keep praying that 7.62 might avoid this fate... and i'm not hoping for JA3 to save the day. Once a title has been anounced / bought / sold / given up on too often, it normally stinks. Besides, with the title, you take up some kind of promise to live up to it's predecessor - and that's a rough ride with JA2.

As long as it's somehow playable... scrap the damn voice-overs and bring it over! *wince*

01-31-2008, 08:17 AM
:grin: I am eagerly anticipating 7.62! :rolleyes:

Any news about the translation.. is anything getting anywhere!? What's Happening? Maybe there will be an english demo out soon!?

I have downloaded a russian version... that is how impatient I am! I cannot wait to hear it will be out in stores here in canada!!!!!

Any news will gladly be welcomed!

Many in the Strategy First Forum would gladly and eagerly want some!

Great work guys!

01-31-2008, 02:55 PM
The game is due to be released in summer 2008. The demo also is gonna be released and will be available for downloading at our website. I'll inform you about it as soon as possible.

01-31-2008, 04:08 PM
Thank you! This is very much appreciated! :grin:

We are like a bunch of hormonal teens when it comes to the english release of 7.62mm! :-P

02-03-2008, 08:54 PM
yeah, agreed with Godspeed, we're a bunch on SF forums awaiting for the english version :)
Any clue about Reloaded, will it be included in the english version ? And if not, how long after 7.62 eng release can we expect to see Reloaded ?
Thanks in advance for the eventual answers :)

02-04-2008, 06:08 AM
So... an add-on to 7.62mm... Looks sweet! You guys at 1C are making some pretty incredible work! I'm impressed!

I may be asking this a little early.. but when is the add-on 'predicted' to come out? BEFORE or AFTER the English 7.62? Will it be available in English WITH the original 7.62 [Like a Gold, or Premium Package or something like that] ?

And I am also wondering about any upcoming patches to fix 7.62's memory leaks/slowdowns :evil:... so many of us would be very pleased to hear anything about any upcoming patch! The game is so good, but those slowdowns are pretty annoying! So please notify me ASAP!


*PS* Again! VERY nice work! :cool:

02-04-2008, 06:43 AM
Hi, thank you for your questions. We will inform you about all these things as soon as possible.

02-04-2008, 06:47 PM
Thank you. We are eagerly awaiting ANY news! So do not hesitate!

02-04-2008, 07:24 PM
Also, I'd be very interested to know if a fix is planned for the AI of your allies in those missions where you have to ambush ennemies while keeping alive a specified amount of allies.
Right now they're running like stupid chickens straight to the ennemy's line of fire, and for some *sarcasm mode activated* unknown reason *sarcasm mode disactivated* get pined down.
Feels kinda weird in a game where strategy is SO important.
I sometimes get to think Apeiron confused AI (Artificial Intelligence) and SI (Superficial Intelligence) ;)
Thanks in advance.

02-07-2008, 07:45 AM
Is there any update as to how the translation work is coming along?

Maybe I could have a link to a Russian forum to read about it? :grin:

02-09-2008, 04:05 PM
Cant wait for the english release to come out.

Have a russian copy coz sister in law went back to see her family and begged her to bring a copy back.

But hard to play when you cant read russian and she wont sit on my lap when im playing it;).

well counting everyday till it comes out.

02-11-2008, 03:28 AM
You are welcome in downloading a fan Translation a bunch of us are doing... here is the link, you will find all info here also! http://www.strategyfirst.com/forum/cgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=68;t=000608

You just have to post questions if you have any!

See you later!

02-15-2008, 02:14 PM
Now I'm posting the video for the game


02-15-2008, 07:15 PM
I like that video!

Thank You Evgeny!

02-16-2008, 06:00 PM
Evgeny, do you have any news regarding the english release ?
The russians forums are a pain in the neck to read with online translators ^^
It seems (according to what someone posted) that the english version will include both 7.62 and Reloaded as a single release. Can you confirm that please ?
505 are rather shy on infos aswell, and they don't seem to even have a forum :(

02-18-2008, 11:01 AM
We don't plan this.

02-18-2008, 12:58 PM
Ok, thanks for the answer.

04-09-2008, 04:33 AM
Might sound a tad negative, but is it possible that 7.62 went completely off the radar for the european market? It's not even featured in the "Games" section here anymore... not to mention no release date whatsoever, and we're in Q2 '08.

Sigh... call me a cynic, but i got a bad feeling about another promising game crossed out while we're fed tons of copy-paste titles which get more arcady every month it seems.

Seriously, any sign would be more than welcome.

05-13-2008, 02:19 PM
Might sound a tad negative, but is it possible that 7.62 went completely off the radar for the european market? It's not even featured in the "Games" section here anymore... not to mention no release date whatsoever, and we're in Q2 '08.

Sigh... call me a cynic, but i got a bad feeling about another promising game crossed out while we're fed tons of copy-paste titles which get more arcady every month it seems.

Seriously, any sign would be more than welcome.

Guys, don't worry. The game will be available in september.

05-26-2008, 12:32 AM
Guys, don't worry. The game will be available in september.

now, that's better - a long time to go, but i should invest some time in other matters, so np. Thanks for the update! :)

09-03-2008, 06:30 AM
Are there any news about the relase date?

09-03-2008, 07:06 AM
Are there any news about the relase date?

We don't know the exact date, the localization is almost finished, and very soon I'll specify the release date.

09-03-2008, 10:44 AM
Thanks for your fast answer. That sounds good.

09-04-2008, 10:51 AM
Yes, good to hear that. Man, i want to get my hands on this title...

09-09-2008, 07:05 PM
I have already payed for it over at Gamers Gate. I presume it will be available there at the same time as here. Looking forward to it!

BTW, can you update us on the status of the actual game? Has any of the bugs (and there was quite a few of them) from the Russian 1.11 version been looked at?

09-09-2008, 08:20 PM
Pushed back to Q4, and a release date that unspecific means December in most cases - unless it becomes Q1 '09 again. Come on guys, get this thing on the shelves!

09-10-2008, 11:02 AM
Sorry to be a "pissant" but, how come it takes more than a year to translate a bloody game?

It's not like you have to rewrite every single bit of code for us westerners, its just names and dialogue... postponing the release will only loose you your european and US customers who actually look forward to this game. Think about the money you're missing out on when you postpone the release...Giving a release date to us and sticking to it might improve your reputation so that more europeans and US citizens would buy your games...more customers, more cash, more cash...well you figure that out :)

just the thoughts of a rambling dane

09-11-2008, 02:55 PM
Well PapVogel, actually I'd rather see the game delayed a bit IF it's to fix the numerous bugs... Now I hope that's the reason. I tend to think it is tho.
Any infos on that matter would be welcome, and any update regarding release would be aswell :)

Oh, also... could you tell us if you're planning to release an english Mod Tool please ? :D

And, last but not least... what about Reloaded ? Are you planning to either include it to this release or at least planning to ever make an english release aswell ?

Thanks in advance :)

ps : PapVogel, if they wanted to fix the bugs, that'd actually mean they're rewriting 50% of the overall code ;)

09-13-2008, 02:14 AM
I wish i could share your optimism, nightprowler - and i don't mean that in a derogatory sense...

considering the timespan between the russian release (damn, it's been so long ago i've forgotten it!) this seems to be a classic case of "we hand-pick the most incompetent and uncaring european publishers exclusively, which don't give a damn about our game because their marketing departments tell them innovative russian titles don't swing over in Europe". Next, the publisher is kicked for another publisher of the same league. Goddamn, i hate what the gaming industry has become.

Just my guess. Besides, those guys might be right, but i reckon it's just an idiotic, self-fulfilling prophecy.

With every passing day, the sales for 7.62 will be worse. Losing the guys from the graphics crowd - not that this would be the main customers, but the more graphics advance, the more bleak 7.62 looks.

09-13-2008, 09:53 AM
Well Dosenben, I don't think 7.62 is the kind of game the graphic whores are buying anyhow, you're right on that ;)
Now what'd be really stupid imo, marketting wise, would be to release 7.62 in the Christmas wave...
Lots of people who'd eventually buy it at least out of curiosity when there's nothing major aside won't at Christmas, when the block-busters will be around. And that's what 7.62 needs... new blood. As for the real fans of the genre, we'll buy it no matter when it's released, so waiting for Christmas is definatly a mistake in my books.

As for the translation, I hope you're wrong, since as fans (with most non Russian speaking, using Bablefish or some other online translators, it took us 3 weeks or so to translate it to english.
Of course, that's nothing like the quality of an english release, but it makes the game understandable and playable.

09-15-2008, 01:11 AM
You're definitly right... curiosity buyers and die-hard fans from the JA groups.
I just hope one day games like 7.62 will get the attention they deserve, from producers as well as prospective buyers.

Of course, a few energetic fans can translate games like these with babelfish, a dictionary and a little help, but BE5 was delayed four motnhs because of it's "translation". It was still horrible grenglish, i presume they hired a north korean rice farmer and gave him an suaheli - english dictionary. Nevertheless, i'd take this guy again, since the game came out playable.

Please not december...

09-15-2008, 11:15 AM
Well, if you want to play 7.62 in english without waiting for the official release, you can head here (http://www.strategyfirst.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34738) (to apply on 7.62 russian version) and download our translation. Now, you have to know that, when the official english release will come, you'll have to start anew, as the save includes some infos related to the game files.

And actually, what the games such as 7.62 really need to get more attention is a localisation... I live in France, and I can say for sure that 7.62 won't sell in english language as it should have if it was translated to french. And I tend tho think it goes the same everywhere (except in England and US ;) )

09-15-2008, 02:31 PM
Hehe, depends mate! I'm right over the river in Germany, and over here you got 2 choices: either you understand english and get the import versions (as long as you're 18+) or you don't and get the horrible german version.
I don't know where they hire the guys to perform the german synchronisation... my guess is they ask the janitor to deliver a few lines, then the pizza delivery guy, then they do random picks from the street.

Although i really admire the effort, i'll wait for the english version. Problem is, i always miss deliveries when i'm out of town, and the german postal system tends to send them right back after a few days. I'd like the digital version.

Hm, here's to hope for October/November!

09-15-2008, 10:21 PM
Well, I wouldn't swear, but could possibly get the digital (Russian) version from the Russian 1C website. That's (once again) if you can't wait for the english release :)
Our translation makes it really playable, you won't face much of Bableglish... we used it to translate, then fixed the text.
As for German versions, yeah I heard about the fact everything is sensored to the core out there :(
Stuff as robots instead of humans in some STRs and so on if I'm not mistaking... kinda blows, I agree.
TBH, I don't see the point of such a thing, do they also replace humans with robots on TV news ? O.ô :)

09-16-2008, 01:41 AM
no idea mate. Actually, i don't care much for blood as long as it doesn't get ridicolously censored. The original C&C was the first victim - laughable, barely distinguishible pixel soldiers were swapped for pixel cyborgs, which went "bleargh" when uhm... "ceasing to function" and disappeared in a green puddle (instead of a red one).

Our TV programs aren't particularly bloody (though much less censored then games) but incredibly goofy. I stopped watching that crap when i was 4, it hasn't gotten any better since.

Hmm... a digital version from russia... now that would be something. I'll have a look around. Thx Nightprowler!

09-16-2008, 10:44 AM
Teh holy grail !!! (http://online.1c.ru/games/game/2591962/)
I think that's what you're looking for :)
FYI, 275rbl are about 8€
(it's a pain in the neck to complete the transaction tho... I don't understand squat in all that)

09-22-2008, 06:56 AM
We don't know the exact date, the localization is almost finished, and very soon I'll specify the release date.

So, any news? And what about the version, is it the current Russian version (1.11), or has the game been fixed up a bit for the English release? Will Reloaded be included or will it be released later, if at all?


Ps. Regardless of the above I have already bought this game, both the Russian version (imported through Ukraine) and the English through Gamers Gate. This series is IMO the best hope for the tactical squad-based type of games, and I want to see more of it! Ds.

09-26-2008, 04:38 PM
Gamer's Gate announces the release for October 10th, can you confirm that date ?

09-30-2008, 12:40 PM
Come on Nike-it, give us some info here, please...??? :)

10-08-2008, 09:56 AM
Gamers Gate has changed the release date to 7th November, and on Apeiron's forum there is talk about a new patch to come with the English release.

http://apeiron-games.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=1546&st=80 Last post on that page.

Care to comment?

10-21-2008, 09:46 AM
Nike-It, still no news so far as of release date and the patch Barrabas is speaking about ?

10-22-2008, 07:55 AM
Nike-It, still no news so far as of release date and the patch Barrabas is speaking about ?

The localization is finished (as I was told), by the end of the week I'll probably post the exact date.
And about the patch, I don't have any information.

10-22-2008, 08:55 PM
Thanks for your input Nike-It... I can't wait :)

Oh also, anything about a Modding Kit please ?

10-23-2008, 08:59 AM
Thanks for your input Nike-It... I can't wait :)

Oh also, anything about a Modding Kit please ?

I don't have info about the Kit. If find anything, I'll let you know.

10-23-2008, 12:02 PM
Great news!

Any info about a possible patch (and mod-kit, as Nightprowler said) that you might be able to dig up, would be highly appreciated!! :)

10-23-2008, 12:13 PM
You rule Nike-It ! Thanks mate.

10-28-2008, 07:33 PM
i shouldn t say it but it's a shame...it s a easier to download then apply translation patch(yes translation isn t very good but it s more than enough)

here in France it s announced for June 2009 on a big company website(..) is it true ?i don t know....

anwyay we ll have the game 2 years after release with poor translation and censored!

they shouldn't don't ask why it fail on western market....

10-28-2008, 10:41 PM
Looks like play.com also has moved the release date to June 2009...

10-29-2008, 12:41 AM
@ Tribal : what's the "big company website" you refer to as the source for a 06/09 release date ?

As for the translation, yes, you can have the game earlier by using our mod, and I agree that it can be damn annoying to wait for so long to have a localized version of the game. But I'd like to know how you can say that the game will be poorly translated and censored.

I'm not saying it'll be the other way around, just that you can't say that right away. Wait & See.

ps @ all : It would seem that there's alot of rambling around 7.62, and some websites are giving release dates that they get out of their hats. So take things with a distance ;)

10-31-2008, 07:22 PM
Anything new about release date or whatever Nike-it ?
Still expecting news since last week ;)

10-31-2008, 08:52 PM
Anything new about release date or whatever Nike-it ?
Still expecting news since last week ;)
Hear, hear! ;)

Gamers Gate still has 7th of November as the date. What say you?

11-05-2008, 02:15 PM
Really, how about some information? Paradox has just informed me that with two days to go, the release will be postponed. Again.

Now would be a good time to give us an update.


EDIT: Gamers Gate now says February!? Can you please comment on this.

11-10-2008, 08:26 AM
Well, we're now November 10th and still no news... Nike-it, anything on your side ?

11-10-2008, 11:31 AM
and *dingdingding* release date postponed until further notice.

Okay, i'm giving up. I'm actually not getting this game - if it ever comes out anyway. Not to worry, this is not the usual copy-and-paste "You'll lose ME as a customer" - threats (as it's pretty obvious you don't give a gently caress about customers anyway), but you acutally managed to make me lose interest in this game, and that is quite a feat!

Adding that the behavior regarding the release dates may be transfered to 1ceurope's or 505's support policy (is there one?), i think i'll pass most definitly on any product of these clowns.

For those waiting: Good luck on the release date, and may the final game fulfill your dreams.

@nightprowler: Thx for the link, i appreciate it. Only problem was no paying per credit card, and i'm not too inclined for that money transfer method.

11-10-2008, 04:25 PM
@ Dosenben : welcome mate, and sorry you couldn't get it from there.

I must say that I'm starting to feel like you actually do, kind of fed up with the way things are handled (if the word applies here at least)... can't get a release date, can't get infos of any sort... this starts to look like Duke Nukem Forever, in which "Forever" was probably the answer to "How long will we have to wait to get a hold of that game ?"

I don't mind the release being postponed if it's to fix the bugs and so on. But what really annoys me tho, is the fact that, there's not even an info as of what's being made. And if we're waiting so long to get a raw release (ie localised but not fixed) of the game, that sure is hella long for nothing.
It took us 3 weeks or so to translate the game to english, of course that's not a perfect translation, but most of us don't understand Russian, so we had to use online translators.

I could do the English to French in less than 1 month all alone, so why does it take so long to whoever does it (kinda lost about it by now :p) ?

The game itself is great, but the policy of the company isn't. And who's gonna suffer from it in the end ? Once again, the players... as if 7.62 doesn't sale much, we won't get another one before 10 years (add 3 years for an english release :p)

11-12-2008, 12:24 PM
Nike-It, Admins, anyone:

Could we please be informed as to what is happening with the English version of 7.62 mm?

11-12-2008, 12:27 PM
Nike-It, Admins, anyone:

Could we please be informed as to what is happening with the English version of 7.62 mm?

The release is postponed, I can't say the exact date, but as soon as I find it, I'll post here.

11-12-2008, 01:06 PM
The release is postponed, I can't say the exact date, but as soon as I find it, I'll post here.
I see. At least we finally have been told, thank you.

I have just visited 505 Games website, the company that is supposed to translate the game into English. I noticed that they no longer have 7.62 listed among their PC-games, something they did not so long ago.

Obviously something has happened, and since we find ourselves in a information vacuum here, all I can do is speculate. Is 505 no longer involved in the translation? Are you looking for another English publisher? How long will this delay the release?

I would like to know because I pre-ordered and payed for the English version three and a half months ago, through Paradox's Gamers Gate, thinking it would be released in October (as was claimed back then). I did this because I really like this game and wanted to support it.

But in my opinion, you can't charge money for something and then fail to deliver it time and again. The game should be taken of the market and whomever has payed for it should be given back their money. I am strongly considering contacting Paradox with this in mind. This whole thing is as bad for their reputation as it is for yours.

Or do the easy thing. Tell us what is going on, give us some real information, and all will be forgiven. We are true fans here, we want to see this game succeed. But we want to be kept in the loop.

11-16-2008, 06:22 AM
Well, as far as being charged goes, I ordered King's Bounty from Gamers Gate and I wasn't charged until the game was released. Similarly, my credit card is still not charged for 7.62mm from Play.com (though the game is now off their list, I wasn't charged while it was on preorder, which was for a long time). As a matter of fact, under FAQ Gamers Gate clearly states that preorders are not charged. So, if anyone has been charged (i.e. seen the game they've preordered listed on their credit card bill) they should look into it, but this has never happened to me.

Some publishers (usually very small ones and mostly self-published games) may charge credit cards on preordering, but that is clearly stated.

11-24-2008, 07:17 PM
1C, Nike-it:

Apeiron's forum and website has been down for more than a week now. I have also received information that their phone-lines are down as well.

Could you please give us some info on what is happening. Will it effect the release?

11-25-2008, 07:05 AM
1C, Nike-it:

Apeiron's forum and website has been down for more than a week now. I have also received information that their phone-lines are down as well.

Could you please give us some info on what is happening. Will it effect the release?

It shouldn't influence, the game will be released according to the plan, so nothing to worry.

11-25-2008, 08:46 PM
So you admit apeiron being down? Or did i misunderstand something? There are no news about them anywhere.

And how is that supposed not to influence? Who is going to make patches then? 'Cause if the game will be released at current version (1.11), it's not worth spending money like i did for the russian version, 'cause there are enough bugs (especially in the quests) to make it nearly unplayable.

If so, will at least an editing package be released so the modders can do something?

11-26-2008, 07:14 AM
So you admit apeiron being down? Or did i misunderstand something? There are no news about them anywhere.

And how is that supposed not to influence? Who is going to make patches then? 'Cause if the game will be released at current version (1.11), it's not worth spending money like i did for the russian version, 'cause there are enough bugs (especially in the quests) to make it nearly unplayable.

If so, will at least an editing package be released so the modders can do something?

According to my information Apeirom is not down, maybe some problems with hosting. As soon as I get any info, I'll let you know.

01-07-2009, 03:30 PM
According to my information Apeirom is not down, maybe some problems with hosting. As soon as I get any info, I'll let you know.
Do you have any info about Apeiron or the English release to share with us?

01-09-2009, 07:15 AM
Gamers Gate (http://www.gamersgate.com/?page=shop&what=coming_soon) has it listed for a february release.
But I'm starting to fear that an English version of this game will be released at the same time as Duke Nukem Forever... :roll:

01-15-2009, 12:18 PM
1C, Nike-it:

Any news???

01-17-2009, 12:00 PM
1C, Nike-it:

Paradox's Gamers Gate has postponed the release date again, to March this time, I assume after instructions from you.

If it is still true that "the game will be released according to the plan", there are a lot of us out here that would like to be informed about how that plan goes. We would appreciate some straight answers.

Thank you!

Ps. It is good to see that Apeiron is back on-line again. At least that is something. Ds.

01-20-2009, 01:11 PM
The release is moved to March, as some localization issues are not finished yet.

01-20-2009, 10:37 PM
The release is moved to March, as some localization issues are not finished yet.

Is that March of 2009? Just curious since some gamer sites are listing the English version as discontinued.

I loved E5 and can't wait for this game.

01-21-2009, 06:05 AM
Is that March of 2009? Just curious since some gamer sites are listing the English version as discontinued.

I loved E5 and can't wait for this game.

Yes, it's March 2009.

02-20-2009, 11:42 AM
8 days left until March now.

Do you have a more precise date to give us?
Or any news, perhaps a screen-shot or two (of the translated version)?

02-23-2009, 01:05 PM
I hope there will not be another one to add to this list:


As for the release date it's planned to release the game in June, but may be earlier.
The game is due to be released in summer 2008.
Guys, don't worry. The game will be available in september.
We don't know the exact date, the localization is almost finished, and very soon I'll specify the release date.
The localization is finished (as I was told), by the end of the week I'll probably post the exact date.
The release is postponed, I can't say the exact date, but as soon as I find it, I'll post here.
It shouldn't influence, the game will be released according to the plan, so nothing to worry.
The release is moved to March, as some localization issues are not finished yet.
Yes, it's March 2009.

02-27-2009, 09:47 AM
Gamers Gate now says May!

1C, Nike-it!
Can you please tell us what is going on?
Looking at my last post with promises of release dates going back from June of last year, this is frankly getting ridiculous.

03-03-2009, 08:06 AM
In germany the game is already available since end of February although sold out at amazon.

The most famous gaming magazine "Gamestar" gave the game only 57% though....

03-06-2009, 12:44 PM
I'm happy for you Germans. Lucky you.:)
It's a pity my German is on the same level as my Russian. I know that gewehr means vintovka but thats about it. :rolleyes:

And I will not take one review too seriously. The reviewer are probably an FPS-afficionado or something. :P

03-07-2009, 06:30 PM
1C, Nike-it:

We have noticed that you have changed the release data (again) to April 2009.
Now we are all wondering, would that be April 1st?

Really, this thread is one of the most viewed on your forum with over 12.300 hits, in-spite of it being hidden away in a sub-forum. That is because there are a lot of people who are interested in this game, people who care.

Please take a step towards better public relations and customer service, and inform us about what is happening. We all want to know if we should stick to our guns here, so to speak, or start to admit to ourselves that there might never be an English release of 7.62.

Your silence is not helping either of us.

03-09-2009, 09:54 AM
Un - be - lievable! The game truly was released in Germany and is by now available at Amazon. Actually, only available at Amazon.

Time to give it a shot then.

Oh, @Kizmiaz not to worry. As a native german i can assure that a low score on Gamestar is considered favourable for some games, since this is one of the most mainstream - sucking, brown-nosing and hypeselling gaming magazines available, so unless a game is published by EA or contains "Battlefield xxx" in it's name, it's gotta be crap for the editors.

03-10-2009, 08:46 AM
Oh, @Kizmiaz not to worry. As a native german i can assure that a low score on Gamestar is considered favourable for some games, since this is one of the most mainstream - sucking, brown-nosing and hypeselling gaming magazines available, so unless a game is published by EA or contains "Battlefield xxx" in it's name, it's gotta be crap for the editors.

Nah......I don´t know, it´s even only 51% the magazine gave 7.62 ! They critizised the bad camera and that you have to move it all the time to get a good view in the fights and even then they say it´s difficult to get along in houses on the upper stairs. In addition fights are only a very small part, another big and dull part are the many dialogues and the "job" you got to do: bring thing "a" along to person "b" - and so on......

I will wait for some more reviews to get a more detailed info about the game. TRhe "fanboys" reviews don´t help either ;-)

03-11-2009, 08:05 PM
Oh, not to worry. Got it yesterday, played it for two hours. It's got loads of problems... CtDs, loads of bugs, non-existing balancing and so on... in the same vein as BE5 i'd say. I really like the game, but i wouldn't consider myself a fanboy. Won't assign a percentage, since there are some things splendidly done, and some others suck horribly. But nevertheless, DON'T trust Gamestar reviews. My guess is 7.62 will be shredded in 75% of the reviews, some will recognize it's potential. Gamestar is NOT famous for recognizing potential...

03-13-2009, 07:33 AM
And another review from a german online magazine:


It gave 51% ! To be honest, the game isn´t really good. Planed as JA3, I am glad, that strategy first recognized early enough that it was too bad to carry the name JA3 and they revoke the licence. Hope there will be a rellay good JA3 sometimes.
Heard rumors, that in 2010 Akella will bring an official JA3......

03-14-2009, 10:34 AM
And another review from a german online magazine:


It gave 51% ! To be honest, the game isn´t really good. Planed as JA3, I am glad, that strategy first recognized early enough that it was too bad to carry the name JA3 and they revoke the licence. Hope there will be a rellay good JA3 sometimes.
Heard rumors, that in 2010 Akella will bring an official JA3......
For your information, neither Brigade E5 nor 7.62 mm has ever been supposed to be Jagged Alliance 3.
Of course, the developers from Apeiron were inspired by the JA-series, but they have never been part of the JA-franchise.

IMO, BE5's and 7.62's combat and weapon system are in every way superior to the JA-series. A future JA3 would benefit immensely from it.

Then there are many, many other things that the JA-series has done much better than BE5/7.62, but that really goes without saying.

03-16-2009, 07:38 AM
7,62 is going to be released during April, I'll try to find out the exact date and post it ASAP.

03-23-2009, 09:35 AM
EGCGAMES has recently publish a preview of 7,62.
You can read full article here (http://www.egcgames.com/content.php?id=1323).

04-08-2009, 12:07 PM
I just heard about this game. The review says "Looks good but in need of polish."
I did not play the original game, but based on the screenshots, it looks a bit like a mixture of the XCOM games (which I loved) and the Jagged Alliance series (which I did not like that much). I am looking forward to this - I hope it turns out to be a good mix.
As for modding - well, one can only hope. Then we start hacking ;-)

04-09-2009, 07:44 AM
Have a look at the latest preview at Hooked Gamers!
The full preview can be found here (http://www.hookedgamers.com/articles/preview/849/762_high_caliber).

04-09-2009, 07:46 AM
Updated info about release:
7.62 is already available in retail in these territories: Germany, Slovenia, South East Asia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Greece.
Others are comming.

04-09-2009, 09:54 AM
This preview talks a bit about smart pause - but not enough. On XCOM on could select the specific events when the game should be paused - in the UFO series you can even choose what kind of feedback you want abot certain events (such as text and/or audio). This was really good - I hope you can do something like this in 7.62 as well; or, at least turn it off...
The preview is not very objective about the gameplay though - the good and the bads are not menioned.

As for the release - I guess I will be still waiting...

04-10-2009, 01:04 PM
So this means that 505 Games still haven't translated the game. They have had close to a year and a half to do it.

Great choice for Publisher.

04-10-2009, 01:07 PM
So this means that 505 Games still haven't translated the game. They have had close to a year and a half to do it.

Great choice for Publisher.

505 Games doesn't publish 7,62.

04-10-2009, 01:11 PM
That is good news. I can understand you got rid of them.

Who is the new publisher?

04-10-2009, 01:13 PM
That is good news. I can understand you got rid of them.

Who is the new publisher?

As I know, it is being published by our own strengths. No special publisher.

04-10-2009, 01:17 PM
Interesting. I suppose that might also mean much better support for the game.

Good choice.

04-11-2009, 10:06 AM
I a same but dont botter whit this game, is so screwed that you regret having spend any money on it.

You lost more time fighting agains the game itself than the AI.

Broken paths.

Enemy who knows perfectly where you are and whit more accuracy than you.

A very unrealistic RTS based in time spended in actions. You need X seconds to aim, who is not bad, but when you need 6 seconds to shoot and the enemy not... and when you missed and have to wait another 5 seconds (who dont are in real time, they seen to be like 15 to me)...

A damage system very stupid. You get hit and get shocked, whitout posibility to do nothing (even whit a damage of one hitpoint) but the AI dont seen to be affected whit this. So you were in the middle of a firefight whit a scrach and doing nothing at all except get killed.

If you get hit in one arm you lose your weapon for the rest of the combat, you cant take it back or take another one, only what you have in your inventory.

Knowing that this game is in the market more than a year in other languages than english i dont expect to have a patch to fix this now (if not fixed a year a go why fix it now?).

So keep away from this game until you all know for sure is fixed good and properly.


04-11-2009, 10:41 AM
The game has several shortcomings and some bugs, but the fighting system you are trying to describe, Smart-Pause-Mode, is by far the best that has ever been made for a tactical game. It is realistic, violent and allows for a lot of tactical decisions. It is not RTS.

However, it does take some time to get used to and handle properly. You have obviously not reached that yet. Give it some more time, adjust some of the pause settings, and you will have a fantastic fight experience. Make sure you have cover, change positions, use short bursts to suppress your enemy and do not get hit!

Pretty realistic, I'd say... ;)

04-13-2009, 03:20 AM
However, it does take some time to get used to and handle properly. You have obviously not reached that yet.

This kind of a condescending attitude is what leads to games like these never finding an audience. I've seen quite a few where both the devs and a handful of dedicated fans share the same "heh you're just not good enough for our awesome game" attitude, which a few months later would inevitably change to "why are all there tumbleweeds here instead of fans and why did our game sell four and a half copies".

The underlying core of the tactical element in this game is good. You may even be right about it being the best concept in a tactical game. However what's built around it is nowhere near best. As a matter of fact, the devs seemed to work overtime to pad the tactical core with as much filler as possible. One thing they completely lost track of while building a thousand types of ammunition boxes is how to make this game fun. Or how to design a coherent functional user interface. For a tactical combat game there's precious little tactical combat, and ten times as much walking around empty towns and struggling with the horrible camera while looking for the next quest, which most likely will be a boring fetch quest with no combat involved.

And once you do get into the tactical combat, the difficulty is masochistic bordering on insane. The only way to ever go through a battle is to save literally every 2 seconds of game time, and reload every other time.

You can't be good at that kind of thing. You can just have the mindset for it. Mindset that perhaps shares something with the Asperger's syndrome. You have to be willing to suffer through hours of mindless non-combat gameplay, and once you get to the good part, have the inhuman patience to micro-manage everything and obsessively save and reload time and again ad infinitum. In short, the game pigeonholes itself into such a tiny niche that makes it impossible for 99.9% of people out there to enjoy it. It's not that we're not good enough. We are. We just don't see the point.

04-13-2009, 06:06 AM
Thank you very much Flyboy_Will, you have writen my exact toughs about this mess of a game i cant express in my poor english.

You can say it more loud but not more clear.

04-13-2009, 10:04 AM
When I play I spend about 70% of my time in combat and the rest for training my merc and travelling. Learning the short-cut keys are essential and using the "Speed Up Time" when running across a map is very useful. So is holding down "shift" when scrolling the map. The "raise weapon" reduces your aiming time a lot. I only spend 6 sec when I use a sniper scope, and then only with the first shot. The second shot costs around 3 secs. But you only use scopes on targets that are far away. When dealing with enemies close by, use pistols or SMG's. When using an AR or Rifle at enemies close by, use "Hip Shot" or "Quick Aim". If you are expecting an enemy to come around a corner, use "Aim at Point". When the enemy appears you only have to spend 0.05 sec to fire off that first shot.

If you find the game to difficult and constantly getting hit, try different tactics, like "Fire and manoeuver" or set up a "Cross Fire" ambush. The faster you run, the harder it is for the enemy to hit you. Run for cover and "Prairie Dog" them to death.

There are a lot of these kind of tricks that makes this game easier, the more you play, the more you learn about them. As Barrabas said, it takes some time getting used to and to learn the quirks, but when you do it's soooo worth it. I've been playing this game for more than a year and I still play Brigade E5 from time to time. The re-playability of these games are great, the tactics you'll employ will evovle as your enemies gets better weapons, and so do you. This is a squad based tactical game, it's about testing and using your tactics in battle. It is not about delivering parsels to mayors:rolleyes:

Some of the recent comment are from people that hasn't played the game through and might be of the "instant gratification" types. If you are one of those, don't buy it. But if you are like me and many others who love the game and genre, you know, "harder challenges = greater reward" types, this game is worth a try. I'm glad that there are developers out there with the cojones to make these kind of niche games, otherwise I'd be forced to play the mindless crap that 99.9% of the gamers would buy, but stop playing as soon as a "new" one appears.

Despite the bugs its a great game.

EDIT: I forgot to say that there are some very talented russian guys working on a mod that adds a lot to the game. The community is very much alive and will be for a long time.

04-13-2009, 07:38 PM
I forgot to say that there are some very talented russian guys working on a mod that adds a lot to the game. The community is very much alive and will be for a long time.

Mind leaving a link?

04-14-2009, 07:36 AM
If you like this kind of games, give "Hired Guns" a chance. After a few patches its now more near to the "JA" series than the "brigade" games. It´s a pitty though ....

04-25-2009, 12:09 AM
Argh what an awesome game but I'm litterally ripping my hair out with the bugs.

Steep learning curve was fine, good game play, obviously spent 1000's of hours on this game but holy F*** its ANNOYING AS HELL when you finially finish clearing out a town and you click "leave" after waiting with the game on fastforward and the entire thing CTD's. RAWR.

04-25-2009, 09:11 AM
I was realllllly looking forward for the English version of 7.62 in hopes of seeing some improvement over the sadistically buggy original game... it did not happen unfortunately. I guess Russian game developers have no respect for their customers whatsoever, no matter the language they speak, nor the country their games are being released in. I have to say that I've seen a lot of beta versions of various games that work more stable than the retail version of 7.62. -_-

04-25-2009, 12:01 PM
Can anyone help me with the mission 'The Convoy? I am not allowed more than 75% casualties and I have been playing this mission for the last 3 days.

Each time I get near the end and the suicidal friendly guys always run into my fire or the enemies.

I have two mercs with pretty good weapons (modded AKM with fast shooting scope, and my other merc has a SR25 sniper without the scope for the far off enemies.

There are around 40-50 enemies to kill, I can do it but not saving 25% of the friendlies as they are stupid.

Has anyone managed to get past this level AND have no more than 75% friendlies die?

Thanks in advance...loving the game btw its awesome, but this level is killing me....

04-25-2009, 03:00 PM
I was realllllly looking forward for the English version of 7.62 in hopes of seeing some improvement over the sadistically buggy original game... it did not happen unfortunately. I guess Russian game developers have no respect for their customers whatsoever, no matter the language they speak, nor the country their games are being released in. I have to say that I've seen a lot of beta versions of various games that work more stable than the retail version of 7.62. -_-

Hmmm. I don't think it has anything to do with being Russian. There are good and bad game developers in every country. But, I have to agree that taking the money and leaving customers who otherwise would love the game is a really bad practice. Sure, any company can pull this stunt - but only once. So, I hope 1C will not make any more deals with them - and hold back part of the income to fix at least the major bugs themselves...

BTW: I still did not buy the game for exactly the reasons you and other users are giving. When I hear that the game has been brought to shape and fun to play, I will. Until then, I bite the bullet and wait.

05-01-2009, 05:57 PM
Can anyone help me with the mission 'The Convoy? I am not allowed more than 75% casualties and I have been playing this mission for the last 3 days.

Oh man I had a hell of a time with it - I ended up using a full 6 mercs (my 3 main well equipped guys and 3 disposable ones). basically keep your best ones about where you start, use the other 3 to rush them and spam all around the truck and just to the left of it with as many nades as they can before they get mowed down. best of luck m8.

05-01-2009, 06:02 PM
There are some easy fixes to the problems mentioned in this thread. I'll try to guide you as best I can on how to fix them for yourself.


Hey I really appreciate that info! My biggest issue with the game at present is the under barrel weapons - how the heck do you load them?! Also with a fully automatic weapon with a decent size clip the most I can do in combat is about a 50rnd burst (not in combat, like a town, I can do about 25) and ANY more than that and the game crashes to desktop no matter what. Any suggestions for these two issues would be amazing!

05-03-2009, 08:11 PM
I'm on the mission for the rebels called "The Gold" where the objective is to take the city Ciudad de Oro. I've killed every hostile there but the leave button does not appear and the game still thinks I'm in combat. When I try to leave thru the exit points, I get a crash to desktop.

Can anyone help me thru this? I doubt I have the energy to start over again.

05-03-2009, 09:37 PM
Have you turned on "Last Enemy" in the game difficulty settings, the last enemy will then start walking across the map, easy to spot.
If it's enabled already, try speed up time, "+" button, and wait to see if a question mark appears somewhere. Go there and finish the job.


05-03-2009, 11:31 PM
Have you turned on "Last Enemy" in the game difficulty settings, the last enemy will then start walking across the map, easy to spot.
If it's enabled already, try speed up time, "+" button, and wait to see if a question mark appears somewhere. Go there and finish the job.


wow thanks! that worked. turned out I had 2 more hostiles to kill and I was able to find them with your method. Thanks again... I was so frustrated

05-09-2009, 06:27 PM
In "The Backstab" mission you are to escort arms dealer Willi Krauf's convoy from Puerto Viejo to Cali-Cantinos. Half way, the convoy stops because theres a bomb in the truck and Willi asks you to disarm it and some bad guys appear.

I've killed all the hostiles and now Willi is asking me to disarm the mine. I assume he means the hidden bomb in the truck. Every single time I attempt to disarm the bomb in the truck I get a crash to desktop.

One of the bad guys had a remote truck bomb detonator on him and I suspect its a key to sucessfully completing this mission, but I've tried everything I can think of to finish this but theres no way to get around disarming the truckbomb that causes the crash to desktop.

Please help

05-11-2009, 08:19 PM
I've played that mission not long ago and had no such problems. I've played it millions of times on the Russian version, so I got a routine. This is what I did:

Run to Krauff and talk to him.

Disarm the bomb using the color code from quest item, before the enemies appear

Kill the enemies

Talk to Krauff

Talk to driver

Pick up loot

Talk to Krauff and you'll automatically leave the sector.

If this doesnt work for you, I can't help you. The CTD has to do with something else. What does your log file say?


EDIT: I forgot to let you all know that there is a new hotfix to my mod:

The B.F.X. Mod Hotfix 3 (http://www.mediafire.com/?orhuwqydgdo)

And the next version will be released on Friday, if you're interested. More fixes will be included.

05-12-2009, 10:48 AM
Nice, thanks.
I assume the newer versions include all previous fixes, right?

05-12-2009, 11:02 AM
Yeppers, and some new ones. Are working on Gunner atm, but I can't promise anything about him yet. Well, it's actually my "partner in crime" that is working on him. I only test it;)

I'll keep y'all updated and post a link on Friday.



05-14-2009, 02:06 AM
Hi I left a post yesterday...anyway I purchased the english version on E-BAY AUSTRALIA it came from singapore, and if u call this a 'FINISHED PRODUCT' I'd hate to see the house u live in.
How can u release a game unfinished?
I payed US$50 for this hoping it was as good as Men of War or Faces of War but, I will not know until u release the rest of the program in an english patch, if ever.
Crashes more than any game I have ever seen.
Also why it was made for XP??
Windows Vista and 7 is here but u make a game for XP?
Was it just a mod of Silent storm?
Anyway I was a fan of 1C and 505 but not now.
I am sure when the restof the world gets 7..62mm your next game will not sell at all.

05-16-2009, 11:52 PM
Thanks again for the help. I've already failed that mission after killing all the enemies and not being able to advance properly because of the CTD every time I attempted to disarm the bomb. So I just left the sector and failed the mission. Thanks anyways.

I've played that mission not long ago and had no such problems. I've played it millions of times on the Russian version, so I got a routine. This is what I did:

Run to Krauff and talk to him.

Disarm the bomb using the color code from quest item, before the enemies appear

Kill the enemies

Talk to Krauff

Talk to driver

Pick up loot

Talk to Krauff and you'll automatically leave the sector.

If this doesnt work for you, I can't help you. The CTD has to do with something else. What does your log file say?


EDIT: I forgot to let you all know that there is a new hotfix to my mod:

The B.F.X. Mod Hotfix 3 (http://www.mediafire.com/?orhuwqydgdo)

And the next version will be released on Friday, if you're interested. More fixes will be included.

06-11-2009, 07:47 PM
Just bought another computer and installed the game, I'm 3 days into the game and didn't have one crash or problem! Keeping fingers crossed.
On the other computer it was frustrating as hell...This is suprising.

Got a feeling that the translation of the lines that "Sniper" character says is very approximate...dunno what he says, but I like how dirty those incantations sound. :)

06-13-2009, 12:51 PM
:) Well, it's official: managed to finish the game without ever having a crash! Computer had the following configuration: AMD sempron 3400+, 2Gb RAM, 350 Gb HDD, nvidia 8400gs 512 Mb RAM, something that came in a box with mouse and keyboard for the equivalent of 150 euro with a 2 years warranty in my country. XP installed.
Problems seem to me to have been caused by the fact (well-tested) scripts/scenarios paths were not respected by me previously.

For those of you that wish to know how it ends, or to compare choices, you have a saved game attached. Plenty left to do.
Once again thanks to the guys that have put together the unofficial patch. If only a map editor would have been released with the game...

08-16-2009, 05:52 PM
can u show me how to buy a car in game !? :(

08-16-2009, 08:03 PM
You can get a GAZ69 by doing the "Tax" mission given out by town mayors. It's a random mission and wont turn up that often. You need 70000 eldos - 10000 to pay of the tax debt and then 60000 eldos for the actual car.

You can also do the mission for Krauff, and if you do it right you'll get a Ural truck for free.

Or you could go to Cali-Cantinos, it's located south-east on the global map, in the neighbouring country Palinero. Talk to Rico Reyes(Trade Advicer) and you'll get an option to buy a car.


08-18-2009, 04:08 AM
You can get a GAZ69 by doing the "Tax" mission given out by town mayors. It's a random mission and wont turn up that often. You need 70000 eldos - 10000 to pay of the tax debt and then 60000 eldos for the actual car.

You can also do the mission for Krauff, and if you do it right you'll get a Ural truck for free.

Or you could go to Cali-Cantinos, it's located south-east on the global map, in the neighbouring country Palinero. Talk to Rico Reyes(Trade Advicer) and you'll get an option to buy a car.


I gave Rico 1000 eldos and he promised that he would send me the car but I had waited for a month and didn't see my car.

08-18-2009, 10:37 AM
Sorry, but you have been bamboozled and are a victim of some Russian humor:) If you pre-order a car you'll never get it.

Rico sells a Willies Jeep for 60000 and a BTR for one million eldos. If you don't have that kind of money you won't get an option to buy those cars.

01-09-2010, 11:05 PM
Hi I left a post yesterday...anyway I purchased the english version on E-BAY AUSTRALIA it came from singapore, and if u call this a 'FINISHED PRODUCT' I'd hate to see the house u live in.
How can u release a game unfinished?
I payed US$50 for this hoping it was as good as Men of War or Faces of War but, I will not know until u release the rest of the program in an english patch, if ever.
Crashes more than any game I have ever seen.
Also why it was made for XP??
Windows Vista and 7 is here but u make a game for XP?
Was it just a mod of Silent storm?
Anyway I was a fan of 1C and 505 but not now.
I am sure when the restof the world gets 7..62mm your next game will not sell at all.

This game seems to be beta version. There are so many bugs!!! Some of them repaired by UNOFFICIAL patch. But there are soo many others which still exist!
In Current Missions I have 3 accomplished missions: The Press, The Racket, The Smugglers. Is there any possibility to move these to Completed Missions? I don't want to even mention about others bugs because IMHO there are no chances to fix it in simple way. :mad:

01-10-2010, 10:27 AM
Here's the latest Unofficial English patch 1.02. It fixes the issue with completed missions staying in the active tab and some translation errors as well. Starting a new game is required for the changes to take effect.

Unofficial Patch 1.02 (http://www.mediafire.com/?yyj5xmzmjxy)

Thanks to Deadhead and Dancer.

01-10-2010, 03:08 PM
Here's the latest Unofficial English patch 1.02. It fixes the issue with completed missions staying in the active tab and some translation errors as well. Starting a new game is required for the changes to take effect.

Unofficial Patch 1.02 (http://www.mediafire.com/?yyj5xmzmjxy)

Thanks to Deadhead and Dancer.

Thanks a lot, man :grin:

Do you know there are any plot fixes? I mean patch(I read yours recommendations in this forum or others how to avoid this bug from example) for such bugs as for example after mission The Gold when Indians are attacking you?

Are there still problems with cars? Do I have to install: "CarPlacesFix", "Armored Cars"? What others if any mods do you suggested to install for comfortable playing? You know, I don't want to starting this game non-stop forever. :grin: I would like to finish it at least one time at last. :rolleyes:

I have just one hot problem more. Mission "The Fugitives" which is giving by Felipe Orsolio. After battle I have no car (Willys if it's matter). Do you know the reason of it or what is more important, how to fix it?

Another problem is game crashes everytime when I click right mouse button on the merc portrait.

01-16-2010, 09:21 AM
Do you know there are any plot fixes? I mean patch(I read yours recommendations in this forum or others how to avoid this bug from example) for such bugs as for example after mission The Gold when Indians are attacking you?There's still no fix for the hostility bug after the gold mission, but if we find one it'll be announced and included in the patch.

Are there still problems with cars? Do I have to install: "CarPlacesFix", "Armored Cars"? What others if any mods do you suggested to install for comfortable playing? You know, I don't want to starting this game non-stop forever. :grin: I would like to finish it at least one time at last. :rolleyes:The patch does not include the car armor/places mods, only "real" bug fixes. The car places fix should be added tho, I'll try to remember to add it to the next patch update.

As for recommendations for other mods, I would suggest the merc consultant mod made by guineapig, and his outsourcedconfig mod is also very useful if you wanna tweak the game to your liking. Here's a link to those(available in German and English):

I have just one hot problem more. Mission "The Fugitives" which is giving by Felipe Orsolio. After battle I have no car (Willys if it's matter). Do you know the reason of it or what is more important, how to fix it?I'm not sure I know which mission you're talking about and what exactly happened. Did the car get blown up or did it just disappear?

Another problem is game crashes everytime when I click right mouse button on the merc portrait.Never heard of this exact issue before, try to check the log once it has happened and see if it has to do with missing textures. Those portraits are packed in an AZP archive and wont get corrupted so the issue must have to do with something else. Why do you right-click on the merc portraits btw? I only left-click when selecting them.

01-16-2010, 10:10 PM

I have been playing 7.62mm with random crashing problems occurring mid game. Previously, I would simply reload an old saved game and carry on with no issue.

After playing for a few days the game will now crash whenever I exit an area.

I have tried installing the various unofficial updates and setting the hud directory files to read only. I have also tried playing the game on various resolution settings, graphic settings and attempted to run e6.exe as an administrator.

I am playing the Gamersgate digital download version 1.11 286.

Please help!

My log directory has a missingresource.txt file that states the following:

This is incredibly annoying as I just paid $30.00 US for the product.

01-18-2010, 12:48 PM

I have been playing 7.62mm with random crashing problems occurring mid game. Previously, I would simply reload an old saved game and carry on with no issue.

After playing for a few days the game will now crash whenever I exit an area.You are suffering from the most common bug in the game, the corrupted TGA issue. You need to re-install the game and then set all *.TGA files in the BMP sub-folders to read-only before you start the game. Once that's done you should be able to load some old saves and continue your game.

The "exit area" issue comes from the Map_Diff.tga file in the BMP\Hud\E6_stratmap\ folder. Check to see if it's around 16mb in size, if it isn't, it's corrupted. The other file in that directory, the STRATMAP0.TGA, should be around 4mb.


01-18-2010, 06:30 PM
Thanks the re install fixed the map exit problem. But now i have another.

I was playing under the 1680x1050 resolution setting and now the main menu has a black screen. I am unable to see anything when I start the game. If I select a lower resolution I do not have the problem?

Anyway to fix this?

01-20-2010, 10:04 AM
It's the same bug, corrupted TGA's that is causing your CTD's. The solution is the same, you need to re-install the game and then set all *.TGA files in the BMP sub-folders to read-only. This means ALL the TGA files in ALL the folders located in the BMP\HUD folder. There's about 17 folders in the HUD folder, and they all contain TGA files that needs to be set to read-only. And it's the files you need to set, not the folders, those makes no difference.

01-20-2010, 01:58 PM
Hi R@S,
I've been reading the replies to this thread for a while now.
Have you been discussing with the developers?
You fixed a lot of problems - basically spoon-feeding the dev team the necessary solutions.
Why the reluctance to add these in an official patch? (Especially the texture corruption?)
Thanks, keep up the good work.

01-22-2010, 08:11 PM
I talked with the 1C representatives before I started working on the patch, and from what I know there will be no more official patches, Russian or English. I don't know why there wont be any, but I figure they have moved on to other projects that might amuse us in the future. I'm not that displeased about it, I love solving problems and the game runs fine on my system after I've done the necessary adjustments.

The TGA corruption issue can be solved with a little script that archives all the necessary files into an AZP archive OR by setting the files to read-only manually. The script is available and over at SFI, but since I'm not the one responsible for it I can't guarantee any support if it doesn't work for you. I'll see if I can make one myself and include that in the next patch release, but I can't promise anything since I'm not that good at programming.

There are a lot of people that have contributed to the patch, I'm just the guy that put it all together. We are all very lucky that the Russian guys are still working on perfecting the game. Hopefully there'll be an English compatible version of the Half Life Addon available in the future so you all can see the full potential of this awesome game.

01-23-2010, 10:12 PM
I've found the solutions for all of my problems from previous post before your reply but thanks anyway. Maybe not for all... RMB click on merc portrait still exist but it's not a problem. The best solution for it is to not right-click on them ;)

I have another real problem with Willi Krauf mission. I talk to Willi then Jorge Banto then Elizario Martinez... and that's all :( Nothing happens. When I talk to Martinez next time I can click "I'm ready, let's go." but then I have only two choices: 1. Wait a second (...); 2. Wait a minute (...). The same thing when I leave the sector.

01-23-2010, 10:19 PM
Ahh, that's an easy one. Just leave your car with the bartender and then talk to Elizario Martinez again. You should get the option to leave in the dialog.

01-23-2010, 10:21 PM
Ahh, that's an easy one. Just leave your car with the bartender and then talk to Elizario Martinez again. You should get the option to leave in the dialog.

:) I didn't think about it, thanks.

01-24-2010, 09:11 PM
F$%& I can't complete this mission. Every time when I click on back (trunk) of truck my game crashes :(

01-25-2010, 01:12 PM
Those CTD's usually have to do with having a depleted smoke grenade in your trunk or something similar. The solution is to load an older save before you had the item in your trunk. If it still happens after you've started a new game it could be one of the inventory TGA's that's gotten corrupted.

In this particular case I think you might have another option, don't open the trunk until you've talked to Krauff in Cali-Cantinos. The thing is that when you're given the truck as a reward, all items in the trunk will disappear(might be a bug). If you're lucky you might be able to continue the game, but you'll lose everything you had in the car.

01-26-2010, 04:49 PM
Thanks for your reply.
I was trying such solution but it didn't work :(
I meant Krauffs truck trunk. Don't I have to open it to disarm bomb?

01-26-2010, 07:02 PM
To disarm the bomb you have to move the cursor over the truck by Krauff until you get the interact pointer, near the right front wheel IIRC. Left click and you should get the disarm dialog. If it's then you get the CTD I have no idea what the cause for it is. But I'll go through the e6q.txt file to see if there might be a "localization" error that sneaked in. But I have to admit, the error you're experiencing is an unknown one, and if it was a localization issue more people would have reported it.

However, there was in issue with that dialog screen even in the Russian version, the devs had forgotten to add a picture for that screen and a "MissingTexture.bmp and Retranslator.e6b" was created in one of the folders. If you're using vista/win7 that creation could be the cause, seeing as there are some very stupid folder restrictions in those OS's. I fixed that in the Blue Sun Mod(BFX), maybe I should add that fix to the unofficial patch.

Let me know if my ramblings has given you any clue as to what the issue could be.

01-26-2010, 09:35 PM
I'm using xp. Unfortunately you are right, I have CTD when I'm trying to disarm bomb. It's the interact pointer for disarming bomb not for trunk opening :(

01-26-2010, 09:54 PM
This is very weird, you could try putting these two files in your 7.62\BMP\ folder:


If this doesn't work I need some more time going through the e6q.txt. But that will take a few day, I'm very busy making the final preperations for the next release of the Blue Sun Mod on Friday. But if I find some time I'll do my best to find what's causing your problems.

01-26-2010, 10:32 PM
Thanks a lot, it fixed my problem ;)