View Full Version : 414.1 on HyperLobby, it still don't work, what is the trick?

10-30-2020, 12:24 AM
Running a 414.1 dedicated server on HyperLobby still don't work for me.. The game will NOT start with the file il2fb.exe. It keeps telling me I have a invalid version of il2fb.exe when I try to start it with that file, that is the ONLY file name HL will take in the game search. When I start the server with il2server.exe it works great but, HL will not take that filename. Renaming the file il2server.eve to il2fb.exe gets me an error message.

I reported this last year when 414 came out and it looks like 414.1 didn't fix the bug or ??? I see other servers in HyperLobby that say they are 414.1, how did they get them to start up from the game search if il2fb.exe does not work?

What is the trick, even turning CRT to zero did nothing. Is there another version of IL2fb.exe I need to download to get a 414.1 server to run on HL??

Thanks for any help!!!

Fun4All-414.1 ??? Never?

10-31-2020, 09:30 AM
i'm afraid that issue with HL can be fixed only by new patch ... and i hope our programmer will do it ...
those servers which you can see on HL on 4.14.1 have some tweaks in server commander .. and i don't know how they do it ... and most interesting that it was made a long time before any changes in il2 ... i spoke with some one of admins and even they can't say why that servers is working with HL ...

11-01-2020, 02:40 AM
Hi, it's been a while since I posted on the forum, but do you have a disc version or digital one?

I will try tomorrow to see if it works for me, but there aren't a lot of people playing Il2 1946 anymore unfortunately. I'm sure I was able to play online with the latest version, but now I have a doubt.

Will come back at you with the answer.


I was able to join a server using 4.14.1m
However, I'm getting kicked out or loosing connection... Also there is 0 other players right now which is a bit sad for the multiplayers part of Il2 1946.

I'm also using an Il2fb I downloaded online (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=1117.0) which is allowing me to play without the disc. I really don't know if it's what allow me to join a server or I just don't understand your problem.

11-03-2020, 08:35 AM
I could never get server commander to run, I have used FBDj since it started. I will have to wait until a new patch comes out and hope there are still players on HL when it happens. A bunch of people upgraded to 414 and found no servers they liked and could not go back to 413.4... Always save a copy of the game before you upgrade... too many didn't...

11-03-2020, 08:48 AM
I have the server up and running, the IP is
Three people have joined it by IP and it works fine...
The problem is I can list it on HL because HL will only list it if the server starts with il2fb.exe... Since the 409 patch I have always run another server when a new patch came out. That way people could fly both until everyone got the new patch, no one got left behind. 414 changed the server start file name, HL will NOT use it, some upgraded and I had no 414 server up,,, they left after waiting months for the fix that didn't fix the problem..