View Full Version : No HyperLobby! Post server IP's here!..?..

07-16-2020, 06:11 AM
HyperLobby has been down a few days, or I got banned from there. Does anyone know if it is coming back? Until it comes back on can someone make this a sticky post and we can post the IP's of servers that are up?
I will go first...

FUN~4~ALL~413.4 server:

Open your 413.4 game folder up, click/open il2fb.exe , Click Multiplay , click Join Server , put the IP in the server address box , Click Join.
*It should save that IP so you don't have to put it in every time...

07-16-2020, 08:44 AM

May I suggest AleXserver if you are flying between 11:00AM and 5:00PM North American Time. It usually has the most players and that is when this particular page has 50+ players. Spread out over a bunch of servers unfortunately, with different Versions adding to the diluting of the pool of players.
It's Pit always on with all externals, short hop dogfights with limited Grnd targets.

Cheers! hope to see you there, (before you see me) :o

07-16-2020, 10:17 AM
Yes, all different versions does not help. I see my server is one of the few 413.4 servers left. I don't really have the time to change it all over and spend weeks working out bugs crashing the server.

07-16-2020, 07:32 PM
I would not bother Dusty, I have been looking at that page for a long time, and this game is Dying.
two examples 10 people over 8 servers one night. and the other day it was actually zero players few a few hours. But most of the time it's 50 for all the servers.

time to get a 64Bit machine and move up to BoS or a new version of Il-2 if you want to play against people.

I hope one day someone develops a engine that will run at modern graphics settings with photo realistic maps, but be able to import and use the content from il-2 1946. Those skins would look odd in a Picture Quality Screen, but you would get used too it. There is a lot of Content in the Game, and a lot that has been added by Players and Fans.

07-17-2020, 03:44 AM
I would not bother Dusty, I have been looking at that page for a long time, and this game is Dying.
two examples 10 people over 8 servers one night. and the other day it was actually zero players few a few hours. But most of the time it's 50 for all the servers...

I've never made the leap to online, but while 1946 will inevitably fade over time, I don't think it's done yet. The community is still quite active on the Mission4Today website, much more so than here. Here's a recent M4T discussion that offers some useful links:


And a slightly older discussion from late last year which offers a few people's insights also:


07-18-2020, 10:02 AM
I would not bother Dusty, I have been looking at that page for a long time, and this game is Dying.
two examples 10 people over 8 servers one night. and the other day it was actually zero players few a few hours. But most of the time it's 50 for all the servers.

time to get a 64Bit machine and move up to BoS or a new version of Il-2 if you want to play against people.

I hope one day someone develops a engine that will run at modern graphics settings with photo realistic maps, but be able to import and use the content from il-2 1946. Those skins would look odd in a Picture Quality Screen, but you would get used too it. There is a lot of Content in the Game, and a lot that has been added by Players and Fans.

Hyperlobby seems to be back up.

Some of us can't move on! There's nothing more recent covering the Pacific or Mediterranean stuff. (Which is what I like) And even if there was, it'd just be ruined cause they'd immediatly put fw-190s in them, just cause. IMHO, the problem with the lack of online players is not just the players themselves, but lack of mission builders also plays a part. No one wants to play the same mission over and over again. Or... do they?
1946's fatal flaw is that its a flight simulator in which almost none of the players enjoy flying the planes! Everyone just wants to spawn in, 30 seconds later start shooting, and 45 seconds after that hit re-fly, and repeat. This forces me as a mission builder to always build the same type of mission if I want people to fly. Its got to be geard for what I call maximum points/minute flying.
I'd love to build recon missions, antisubmarine missions, supply runs (with the C47 family of planes if they ever come out), spy insertions, medivacs, (seriously the U2 can do many types of missions), SAR, etc. But I won't, it'd just be a waste of time.

07-20-2020, 08:37 PM
Some of us can't move on! There's nothing more recent covering the Pacific or Mediterranean stuff.
Indeed, I just DLed win10 so I can utilize the 64bit function on my machine (I've been using xp home all along, tried the newer o/s's but did not need any of the new features or the problems with MiDi they all had/have).

So I went to see what a new game costs and what system req is needed, and I see that the new game is broken into theaters, and to get BoS in full means you need to buy 6-8 modules @ 49 -70$ each.

And there are planes you don't get unless you buy the premium version. I.E. the Spit and Hs 129 are in the premium version of one game, but not the regular version which is 30$ less.

AND YOU NEED Steam, no if's and's or buts. I don't know, I am a little short on the Sys Req side still. And you have to be online to play the games from what I understand.

Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 is the perfect platform in my eyes. We'll just have to institute a Draft to fill the servers back up.;)

** I just clicked on a link from FB for a promo code I am not eligible for, but reread the page and you don't need steam to play the Individual modules off or on line, but if yo do use steam you need BoS as the base game and I guess any modules will be necessary per server settings.

I'd go for Battle of Bondenplate I think, There is a Med Module Marabekm , it has a F4F on the cover.

Off Topic, has anyone burned a ISO that is bigger than 4.7G and have it work, my win10 Purchase is a file that I can make a ISO from, but unless I chose Over Burn, it's too big for a DVD. I have succeeded three times in getting it to write with the Over Burn, but all have a error message at the end. I have tried to install with that disk, but the flashing cursor hangs for a long time, over five min for sure, and the DVD player is reading this whole time.

**And.. I just remembered about Cliffs of Dover, works on xp, nothing about 32Bit not running it, I used up all my "unlimited" Data DLing the Win10, now steam has been updating for the last hour or more at dial up speeds, and then I have to DL the actual game.... you Pilots at the AleXserver won't be seeing me for a week or more..... Cheers all, I'll let you know how it runs on my machine which meets their recommended system req:
4Gb (that's all xp will run, actually 3.25 is what shows in System properties), ram
500mb video card (I have a gig)
and the processor was not much either. 2 core.
minimum was half of the above.

Steam does not support XP any more, (nor Vista it looks like). There is a old version from when it would and it has the automatic updates off. it's 500Mb, but some are saying it does not work now.... like installing your first mod, but with Gigs of data.

Cheers Stay Well

07-23-2020, 12:27 AM
holy guacamole, I won't go into the details, but I'm just buying a new Computer, ordered it today, i7 12GB ram refurbished for 401 dollars. So, I went looking at proper head tracking software, and I hit a page where the top one is 400$ and the standard is 180$CND.

then I started looking at joysticks, yikes!! Thrustmaster 1599$, set of rudder pedals 278$ ect ect...

I am using a ten+ year old 30$ attack3 and a 10$ logiteck as my rudder/throttle, which is just as old, talk about losing a arms race......

and then there is the Computer you are playing on, if some one has a 1500$ control setup I can imagine the rest of the stuff is top of the line as well or working it's way there part by part.

Anyways, we learned that Win10 won't fit on a DVD as a ISO, Steam does not support XP (and maybe vista), and there is a middle between Il-2 and BoS called Cliffs of Dover.

07-23-2020, 06:34 AM
... there is a middle between Il-2 and BoS called Cliffs of Dover.

Congrats on the new PC! :)

Note Cliffs of Dover has its own 1C forum below. :)


And for what it's worth Metacritic users currently rate the CoD Blitz edition at 8.1, so it would seem it is improved over the original CoD (comparing to 1946 rated at 8.7 and BoS at 6.1). Hopefully BoS/Great Battles will improve on that over time too if 1C make the right choices.

For some reason BoS/Great Battles doesn't have a separate forum here. :confused: It does have its own separate site of course.

M4T has community download sections for all three main IL-2 versions. You can find them on the "Downloads Center" tab on the page below:


Note the community downloads for Great Battles skins are quite active, but missions and campaigns are not so. Cliffs of Dover downloads are not active at all. The 1946 downloads for skins, missions, and campaigns are all still quite active for both stock and modded versions. :)

07-23-2020, 11:02 AM
I noticed that it seems to have been abandoned, there is a Dedicated Site that no one has been to in over 5 years. Mission 4 Today Page shows that as well as you mention, there is like two campaigns and a few skins.

I see Team Fusion has taken up modding the game, and seems that they are making parallel modules as what I am seeing for BoS, The Med one featured prominently on the 1C page here.

That Game will run on XP if you can get it on your system, just turn the grass off, another thing we learned today.

I was just checking the specs and the Built in Video card on the mother board only has 1g of RAM, (but it can apparently run three monitors), my current video card, AMD HD5450 only has 1G. I was looking at new cards tonight, might as well go all in, another 300 with taxes for a 8g gddr5 or 150+/- for 2G. It's also a low profile Case so that narrows things down a bit.

I have two weeks (July 5) till the PC arrives, received a notice it was shipped today, so I may not even have to wait that long.

Cheers Jackson, maybe you'll come on line for this one, or are we gonna wait till il-2 2446, where it's a implant and the games plays out in your mind.

07-23-2020, 12:41 PM
... That Game will run on XP if you can get it on your system ...

My system is Windows 10, and was built specifically to BoS spec in the hope that BoS or another sim will grow to be a worthy (yet affordable) successor to 1946 in my eyes. But as someone who enjoys the ability to freely build my own missions and download others in a variety of theatres, I'm personally still committed to 1946 for now, and I appreciate the Daidalos Team's continuing efforts to expand it.

I'm interested to see how your new IL-2 journey goes though!

As for going online, I had planned to, but haven't. Maybe in 2446 when I'm resurrected by the Elf Queen. :)

07-27-2020, 02:46 PM
- Alex Server is a mixed bag, quality wise. On one hand, the maps are well designed: there are no stupid flak zones or excessive amount of ground targets but the planesets are not balanced at all and some bases have airstarts, which sucks. Realism settings are non-arcade for the most part, but enemy icons are on and enemy views are allowed, which sucks big time. Sometimes, red and blue bases are too close to each other. The most interesting map is Kursk_Elba, as it pits US and Soviet Airforce planes against each other. Alas, proper historical maps are absent.
- Orel War has done away with ALL icons, including friendly ones, so watch out for friendly fire! The settings are comfortably realistic. Unfortunately, some of the maps have AI planes flying around and the maps have unnecessary ground targets. Worse, the map changes if one side destroys all the designated targets. Parts of the maps are locked away by flak zones - only a fool flies into them. Map voting doesn't work. If only some of the better maps went back into the rotation...
- Orel's Il-2 Server (only on during late euro evenings) is another decent server, with some bland maps.

The biggest drag all these three servers is not any setting in realism, but a poorly thought planeset (on some or many of the maps). Either it's boring (yet another 109/190 vs la5fn/p-39), not balanced (one side has superior models of superior fighters) or a huge missed opportunity: early war fighters are mixed with late war fighters with no rhyme or reason, as opposed to early vs early mid. What is A6M vs P-51 but a brain fart, I ask.

The rest of the (vanilla) servers are just junk.

As for BoS, it suffers from some horrible design and pricing policies (DCS, cough cough) while offering nothing new besides higher system requirements. Still, it's miles better than other fantasy games such as Aces High, the echo chamber of flight simulators and egos.