View Full Version : New Britain, New Guinea Map - Kadoka??

10-11-2019, 12:59 AM
I have been working on a new mission on one of the New Britain, New Guinea maps but it is starting to hurt my head! Everytime I see the name “Kadoka” on the map where Kokoda is supposed to be it grates on me.

Now I’d like to say I really appreciate having this excellent set of New Britain, New Guinea maps, so thank you very much to the map makers. But ... as an Australian this brain-stutter spelling of Kokoda on each of them really grates.

The name “Kokoda” is like a sacred place name to Australians because the battle for the Kokoda Track is symbolic of the turning back of the Japanese on their march toward the Australian mainland in 1942, just like Stalingrad is symbolic of the turning back of the German march on the Soviet Union.

So imagine if Stalingrad was spelled as “Stigranlad” on the Stalingrad map. Now how wrong does that feel??

I don’t know how hard it is to change place names on maps, but that’s certainly one fix that would really be appreciated by Australians.

01-16-2020, 11:33 PM
DIY;): extract by PAL's SFS extractor a file named "texts" or such, inside a folder named "maps\NGNB_DT", then find the grating "Kadoka" and change it into "Kokoda", save. If the extractor can't find the above mentioned file at the above mentioned path, you must add the file with the complete path to extractor's filelist (maps\NGNB_DT\texts.txt - pls see intruction below). Now you must set your game for mods (if not yet set) and put the file with its proper path into a folder "mapmods" - that's to say:

C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\mapmods\maps\NGNB_DT\texts.txt

et voilà: you'll read "Kokoda"!:grin:

Instruction to add filenames to extractor's filelist:
In the SFS Extractor v3.1 you can also add lines.
We use a file "filelist.txt" in the extractor folder and in the program we click:
Tools ... Filelist Import (filelist.txt type) ...
Accept to save the additions by quitting the program!

In the filelist.txt the lines are like:

01-17-2020, 07:00 AM
Thanks for the detailed pointers greybeard1.

I don't usually mod anything other than adding skins, but I'll give it some thought when I finish moving house!

It would still be nice if the Team could fix this for everyone in the official supported version though.

01-17-2020, 07:21 AM
I thought to help you by making the mod. Actually, there were four texts files, and I was lucky enough to find their names already decrypted.

You can download it at the following address (obviously it requires a moddable version of 4.13.4, or the predisposition to modifications already offered by the stock version of 4.14.1):


02-03-2020, 09:41 AM
I thought to help you by making the mod. Actually, there were four texts files, and I was lucky enough to find their names already decrypted.

You can download it at the following address (obviously it requires a moddable version of 4.13.4, or the predisposition to modifications already offered by the stock version of 4.14.1):


Sorry for slow reply on this due to my house move. Thanks again greybeard1 for going to this trouble! Hopefully TD will follow suit for the official supported version.

02-03-2020, 10:27 AM
will need to not forget about it a little closer to making of fix or patch... remind to me whet time will come...

01-15-2021, 12:34 PM
will need to not forget about it a little closer to making of fix or patch... remind to me whet time will come...

Hi Sita and the team, is it time to remind you yet? I don't know when is the right time.

Also, is the team aiming to fix some of the many functional problems in existing maps such as the NGNB and Solomon maps in the next patch?

For example, problems shown here:


And here:


I know you have a lot to do, but it would be nice to hear if you guys are working on these things. :)

01-22-2021, 04:32 PM
How about Seiskari/Seskar islands in the Gulf of Finland and Ouren/Merhausen airfield AI in Ardennes? In the later, a lot of planes are unable to clear the hills surrounding the airfield.

01-22-2021, 07:37 PM
Hello everyone,

I started checking and fixing airfields on NBNG maps. Please report here any other bug, for example:

- Salamaua airfield, March 1943 map, bug at northern takeoff point;

Missions already created may be affected and could need a revisions


01-23-2021, 09:13 AM
Thanks for the reply _1SMV_Gitano.

It's great to hear that you are working on this!

Do I need to list the issues already mentioned in the links above, or are the links sufficient? I think it is probably better that you view the links directly, as some of the issues are already well described there, including screenshots.

And I am happy to trade messed up missions for improvements to the game any day!

01-23-2021, 01:21 PM
Thanks for the reply _1SMV_Gitano.

It's great to hear that you are working on this!

Do I need to list the issues already mentioned in the links above, or are the links sufficient? I think it is probably better that you view the links directly, as some of the issues are already well described there, including screenshots.

And I am happy to trade messed up missions for improvements to the game any day!

The bugs reported above are already noted. By the way, if the same bug appears in all maps, like the Salamaua example, please report this once in the bug report.

Thanks :)

01-24-2021, 01:41 PM
Speaking of map bugs, could it be possible to fix the old take-off and land points on Helsinki airport? I have had countless airplanes crash in the forest next to this airfield when playing the continuation war dynamic campaign with ju-88s because some of the spawn points are only halfway down the runway.

01-27-2021, 09:27 AM
How about Seiskari/Seskar islands in the Gulf of Finland ...

To clarify, the issue here is that aircraft set to spawn on the runway actually spawn in the sea. This is best illustrated by viewing the official RU>P-47>P-47 N1 mission, where the DB-3 bombers spawn in the sea at the 8 minute mark.

01-31-2021, 03:17 PM
Speaking of map bugs, could it be possible to fix the old take-off and land points on Helsinki airport? I have had countless airplanes crash in the forest next to this airfield when playing the continuation war dynamic campaign with ju-88s because some of the spawn points are only halfway down the runway.

Hi baball,

a new takeoff point can be added at the NW end of the NW-SE runway, but not on the nearby N-S runway (due to current game logics).

01-31-2021, 03:20 PM
To clarify, the issue here is that aircraft set to spawn on the runway actually spawn in the sea. This is best illustrated by viewing the official RU>P-47>P-47 N1 mission, where the DB-3 bombers spawn in the sea at the 8 minute mark.

Thanks JacksonGhost,

here the issue is caused by the nearby takeoff point at the SPB base. This has to be moved at greater distance from the land runway.

02-01-2021, 04:54 PM
The bugs reported above are already noted. By the way, if the same bug appears in all maps, like the Salamaua example, please report this once in the bug report.

Thanks :)
I already post the full list of map bugs. Check your pm for details

02-01-2021, 05:21 PM
Thanks shelby! :)

02-01-2021, 06:16 PM
Thanks shelby! :)
I hope for fixes in near future :)

04-18-2021, 03:56 AM
I want to add some more
In both Ardennes maps we have the following

1. Merzhausen airfield is too short. If AI takes off from south to north, it doesn't manage to clear the forest at NW. If AI takes off from north to south, some planes touch a hill while taking off.

2. Western runway of Eindhoven has runway icons but if I set a take-off/landing waypoint in the icons, the waypoint gets attached to the Eastern runway. If I move the waypoints to Western runway icons, planes still spawn/land in Eastern runway

02-27-2022, 01:11 PM
Another one, from the Stone age
At Berlin map, at coordinates 140.1,26.1 the railway disappears over the lake. There's no bridge.

I've heard there was a similar situation at Balaton, but I can't find it

03-16-2022, 04:51 AM
Thanks for the reports Fhechene,

I'll pass these on. Reports like this do help to get the fixing process started.

The work to fix some of the bug reports in this thread has already been done in theory. But be aware it seems the team is reluctant to make a new SFS file just for map fixes, so the fixes might not be included in the next patch unless a new map is completed.

By the way, I looked for the Balaton bug, and I can't find it either.

09-02-2022, 11:15 AM
Latest map bug report:

Airfield nearest Fort Pilastrino, SW of Tobruk, on Tobruk map:

AI aircraft taxi into walls when taxiing to park at this airfield. Tested in 4.15.

Edit: This only seems to be a problem for certain aircraft. For example, if you set up a mission that has a medium sized aircraft, such as the A-20C, landing from the South-West end of the runway, the first aircraft in will usually exit the runway to the right and double back until it strikes the wall near Grid 127.0, 161.5 (near the control tower). If you run the same mission using A B-24D they seem to use a different taxi path and avoid such collision. Thanks to emmett_grogan at M4T for pointing out to me that this bug can be hard to find.

09-03-2022, 12:50 PM
To add to the previous post, Emmett has requested that I report an additional bug at the same airfield.

He says "P-40s simply vanish - de-spawn without attempting to park, when landing SW>NE. The single runway point they land on terminates beyond the two runway points at the NE end, guessing the Kittyhawks see those end-points first but they have no taxiway attached" (so they disappear).

He also says "add Sidi Rezegh (also Tobruk, AO14/9) to your 'broken' list. Beaufighters roll out beyond the only taxiway, at the mid-point of the runway, carry on down the strip" (and disappear).

09-04-2022, 09:26 AM
Hi Mike,

I checked both airfields:

- Sidi Rezegh: it seems the runway is too short to allow anything larger than a single-endined fighter to slow down and turn in the middle of the runway. I guess adding taxi points at both ends of the runway could solve the problem.

- Fort Pilastrino: again guessing here, the taxi points for SW->NW runway are connected further from the runway point with respect to the opposite runways and out of its "influence" radius. Moving the taxi points closer could solve the problem.

in both cases the solution could cause problems with existing missions if objects have been placed along the taxi path...

09-04-2022, 11:00 AM
Thanks for the quick response Nicola!

Hopefully you saw my edit on the wall collisions in my previous post.

Regarding broken old missions, I would trade that to fix map bugs in the current game any day. Mission builders can fix broken missions, but not broken maps. Almost every patch affects old missions in some way anyway. It is kind of expected. I think it is a small price to pay for a better end product.

09-04-2022, 05:42 PM
Thanks for the quick response Nicola!

Hopefully you saw my edit on the wall collisions in my previous post.

Regarding broken old missions, I would trade that to fix map bugs in the current game any day. Mission builders can fix broken missions, but not broken maps. Almost every patch affects old missions in some way anyway. It is kind of expected. I think it is a small price to pay for a better end product.

Thanks Mike,

I will make the changes and share them for everyone to test

09-06-2022, 12:34 AM
I will make the changes and share them for everyone to test

Thank you. :cool:

09-09-2022, 06:10 PM
Hi , know the main topic is new guinea maps but on the ardennes summer and winter maps if you use the eindhoven concrete runways they both have spawn points at each end. However if you place your take off points on wider runway you still spawn on the lesser width runway.