View Full Version : 414.1 Why no il2fb.exe? NO HyperLobby with out it!

05-03-2019, 07:10 AM
Why is there no il2fb.exe to start a server in HyperLobby? HyperLobby will ONLY start a server with il2fb.exe! If I re-name "il2server.exe to il2fb.exe the server will not start because of CRT, it says "bad files in game folder" and shuts off.

Where can I write the Daidalos team to get this fixed? I posted in a few places here and I guess they didn't see it or they are cutting HyperLobby off from 414.1?

I have tried to contact HyperLobby and can find no way to ask them to let il2server.exe start the server.

This problem is ONLY for the DogFight server patch, I really hoped 414.1 would fix this problem.

I have always kept the FUN~4~ALL server updated with the newest patches and listed on HyperLobby until 414 came out..
A bunch of regular players got 414 and can't join the server because it is not listed on HyperLobby. I told them when 414.1 comes out, it should be fixed then so, I guess they now have to wait until 414.2 comes out???

If you know anyone that can contact the Daidalos team or HyperLobby so we can get this fixed before people delete the game and leave forever.. Please let me know,,, please.

07-20-2019, 07:39 PM
Hi Dusty,
My name is John from Stumbleinn and we have the same issue. I tried contacting someone who at one time was working with TD but no luck.
If I figure this out, I will let you know.
I see you've moved. Hope you're settled in okay. ~S~

08-19-2019, 08:46 PM
When shall we able to use The Dedicated Server with HyperLobby?

09-04-2019, 10:17 PM
Hi guys
I am server admin and have the same problem like you but it is interesting because AleXserver v.4.14.1m is again running under hypelobby with new CRT=2+ so I do not know...
I would like to know how it is working.

09-04-2019, 10:44 PM
that issue is still not solwed... but i hope soon will be some update with fixing most annoying things...

and you are right ... Alex server work with HL normaly ... and also IRSS servers ... but it's because of some tweaks in commanders of that servers ... IRSS using same commander as Alex ... Admin of Alex server said that he did some changes in commander . but it was long before 4.14.1 and now it works some how .. to me he didn't say how he did it...

09-09-2019, 11:10 AM
OK, thank you for your effort.