View Full Version : Workaround for exe files and 4.14

04-16-2019, 09:49 PM
I was set to make DCG work with 4.14. The issue with 4.14 is that if it detects an .exe file that is foreign, it doesn't open, so, what do we do? We rename said exe files to ._exe, and then name them back. As manually doing this can get tiresome, I did a little batch file. Just open notepad, copy and paste and save with a .bat extension, in the same folder as your Il-2 installation

Then, shortcut to desktop and you're set to go

So, for example, with DCG, I did this:

Ren "dgen.exe" "dgen._exe"
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start il2fb.exe
timeout /t 8 /nobreak
Ren "dgen._exe" "dgen.exe"

because the issue is that 4.14 detects that DGen is not the stock DGen

If I had MAT manager, and I needed to have a il2.exe file besides il2fb.exe, I would do

Ren "il2.exe" "il2._exe"
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start il2fb.exe
timeout /t 8 /nobreak
Ren "il2._exe" "il2.exe"

If I had both, DCG DGen and MAT Manager, just rename both files

Ren "dgen.exe" "dgen._exe"
Ren "il2.exe" "il2._exe"
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start il2fb.exe
timeout /t 8 /nobreak
Ren "dgen._exe" "dgen.exe"
Ren "il2._exe" "il2.exe"

The syntax for renaming is

Ren "originalfile.exe" "originalfile._exe"

and then, to rename back

Ren "originalfile._exe" "originalfile.exe"

that way, you can inclued as many .exe files as you want.

Note: the
timeout /t 8 /nobreak

line means that your system will wait 8 seconds before renaming the files back. This is just so il2 has enough time to start up (not load fully, just start up). If you need more time or you have a computer so fast that il2 starts up before 8 seconds, just change the 8 to another number.

More info on DCG here (http://forum.jg1.org/topic/6763-i-did-a-workaround-for-il2-not-starting-with-dcg-dgenexe/)

Of course, you can also add .dll files.

If you have issues with this or any doubts, I don't care...nah, just write them down here. I would prefer that you write your doubts here instead of messaging me, so everyone benefits if they have similar issues.

04-16-2019, 10:20 PM
Hi Fhechene, please check your PM on http://forum.jg1.org

04-16-2019, 10:23 PM
Thanks for your investigation and i'm sorry for all that ...

but we already work to fix it.

Sorry for that one more time ... soon it wil be fixed for DCG and other 3rd party Apps.

04-17-2019, 06:02 PM
Thanks for your investigation and i'm sorry for all that ...

but we already work to fix it.

Sorry for that one more time ... soon it wil be fixed for DCG and other 3rd party Apps.

Good to hear. But no need to be sorry. We are all human beings, and all of us make mistakes sometimes. You did great job with 4.14 patch!

04-18-2019, 05:29 AM
I was set to make DCG work with 4.14. The issue with 4.14 is that if it detects an .exe file that is foreign, it doesn't open, so, what do we do? We rename said exe files to ._exe, and then name them back.

Is there any way you make can make one of these that will work on the dedicated server?

Hyperlobby will not load any file except il2fb.exe. The only file that will start the server is il2server.exe. If I rename the file, CRT stops the server from starting.

A few friends got 414 and didn't save a copy of 413.4 and can't join my server on HL. I have a 414 server up and everyone can join it "" but, it don't show in HL and they don't know if anyone is in the server...

So, I would be very grateful if you could make something like this I can us in a dedicated server.. Thank you.