View Full Version : 4.14 Release

03-29-2019, 09:18 PM

Download links below


Il-2 Sturmovik: 1946


The current version 4.14 is not compatible with the previous versions of the flight simulator when playing over the network (Online). Both the server and client must have the appropriate versions in order to connect.
Attention: Version 4.14 is only for a merged 1946 version of the simulator of the proper version (FB+AEP+PF).
Add-On Installation Instructions (Please read carefully)
The Il-2 1946 add-on v.4.14 installs only over v.4.13.4
In order to install this add-on, run the exe file and follow the on-screen instructions.
Please note that this add-on is impossible to install over stand alone Pacific Fighters.

Content of 4.14:
New Flyable Planes ( including new added cockpits)

- He.177-A3, 1942
- MBR-2, 1937
(Two versions, Flying boat and Landing Gear version, (two types, wheels and skis)

New AI Planes

- Pe-2 244-series, 1943;

Improved Cockpits:
- All of the TB-3 series bomb sights replaced with the OPB-1.

New Maps:/B]
- The Battle for Moscow-Autumn
- The Battle for Moscow-Winter
- The Battle for Moscow-Spring
- The Battle for Moscow-Summer
- The Battle for Donbass-Summer
- The Battle for Donbass-Autumn
- The Battle for Donbass-Winter
- The Battle for Donbass-Spring
- Arctic Circuit summer (1942-44)
- Arctic-winter (1942-44)
- Arctic (summer 1941)
- Arctic (winter 1941)
- Khalkhin-Gol 39
- Franz Josef Land (North Pole)
- Pacific Islands Online

[B]New ground Objects:

- More than fifty railway infrastructure facilities in summer and winter camouflage. Such as: platforms, depot buildings, water towers, semaphores, switch stands, turntables, pedestrian crossings.

Other Changes & Improvements:
- Update 4.14 is made multilingual and universal. It is equally suitable for updating previous versions of the game with different publishers, 1C and Ubisoft. Previously updates were subdivided into the Russian version of RU (contained Russian and English localization) and the international version of INT (contained English, German, French, Czech, Hungarian, and Polish localizations). Now update 4.14 contains all available localizations at once.
- Update 4.14 also brings the game files released by various publishers 1C and UbiSoft to a single version. For example, for this version the update includes files from very old updates: fb_3do08p.SFS, fb_3do09p.SFS, fb_3do10p.SFS, fb_3do20.SFS. During the installation of update 4.14, executable files and dynamic libraries located in the root folder of the game that are not related to the standardized and allowed list are removed and a complete replacement of the game executable files and dynamic library files located in the root folder of the game is done.
- For the il2fb.exe file, support for the command key "-locale" has been added. With it, you can set the game at startup displayed language localization. Valid key values are "ru", "us", "de", "fr", "cs", "pl", "hu".
Example usage: "il2fb.exe -locale de".
Without using this key when starting the game, the language localization is set from the configuration file "conf.ini", in the section "[rts]", the key is "locale".
- Support for the "-codepage" command line key has been added for the il2fb.exe file. With it, you can set the game when you start a forced code page. Valid key values are "Cp1250", "Cp1251", "Cp1257", "CJIS".

Example usage: "il2fb.exe -locale ru -codepage Cp1251".
Without using this key when starting the game, the code page necessary for language localization is detected automatically.
- Also the il2fb.exe file supports the command key "-conf". With it, you can set the game to start using a custom configuration file (conf.ini) instead of the standard one located in the root folder of the game.
- The update includes additional standardized files il2fb.exe. They are located in the "EXE" subfolder of the games root directory. The files differ in the parameters of the use of RAM by the Java gaming machine, support for console mode, and support for mods. For versions of the il2fb.exe files that support mods, the file includes a wrapper.dll file. If any non-standard executable files are detected in the root folder of the game, the game will not start. Mods are supported by the generally accepted way of reading the content of the "MODS" subfolder. The mods themselves must be compatible and adapted to version 4.14 of the patch. The only limitation when using versions of il2fb.exe files with mods support is that when connecting in a network game to a dedicated server (Dedicated Server) the host and client versions must be identical.

- The update "4.14" includes the file "classchecker.exe" to search for conflicts in the folder with the mods. This utility is a third-party development and the procedure for working with it is familiar to the creators of mods.
- The conf.ini file in the [DGen] section has added the key "UseAsuraDGen". With the value of key is 1, it becomes possible to use a third-party generator from Asura instead of the standard dynamic campaign generator. Alternative generator files must be installed in the #DGEN subfolder located in the root directory of the game. The third-party version of the generator must support the current version of the game.
- Changed the order of interaction between the client and the dedicated server (Dedicated Server) in the network game mode in order to counteract the interception of packets by cheat programs such as, for example, the well-known cheat "Radar".

- When a well-known cheat program is detected on the user's computer, the connection to the dedicated server is rejected.
- When a player is initially connected to a dedicated server, a message has been added about the current version of the dedicated server and its mode of operation for Client Run Time.
- Changed the ping indicator and connection quality in the network game mode.
- Changes in the flight model of the MBR-2 series aircraft.
- Changes in the flight model of the R-5 and SSS family aircraft.
- Changes in the flight model of the He.177A-3.
- Changes in bombloads of the MBR-2 series aircraft.
- Changes in the bomb loads of the He.177A-3. Additionally external bomb loads and the guided bombs Hs.293 were removed. (These loadouts were applied with the A-5 modification, and in addition, the cockpits for the guided weapons would be significantly altered). Changed small caliber ammunition according to historical data. This change may alter previously created missions and campaigns involving this aircraft and will need to be adjusted.

- Small changes to the exterior model of the He.177A-3. Previously created custom skins will need to be adjusted due to changes in the glazing of the nose of the fuselage.
- Fixed a bug in the way the ship torpedo type 53-38 works.
- The bombsight of the TB-3 series aircraft with an unknown and, most likely, a fictional modification has been replaced with the most common sight, the OPB-1.
- For the Ju.88A-4 aircraft, bomb loads were added with two WB81A or WB81B outboard containers (3 MG81Z Sparky machineguns in each outboard container, 200 rounds of ammunition per barrel). When selecting these loadouts, the Stuvi5B bomb sight is replaced with a Revi12 sight in the cockpit.

- Fixed the display of suspended torpedoes from the cockpit of the lower forward facing gunner in the He.111H-11 aircraft.
- Minor fixes in the cockpits of the Ju.88A4, Ju.88A4torp, Ju.88A-5 (late), Ju.88A-17 and Ju.88P-1 aircraft.
- Changed the color of tracers for ShKAS machine guns (white tracer with a light green tint).
- The distance between the beginning and the end of the luminosity of ShKAS machine gun tracers and MG81Z machine guns in containers WB81A, WB81B is adjusted.
- In the properties of outboard fuel tanks added the mass parameter of the empty tank. This will allow you to more accurately adjust the weight characteristics of overhead tanks based on historical data. The parameters of the tanks will be updated in one of the following updates.

- In the properties of external models of aircraft increased the maximum possible number of fuel tanks. This affects the correctness of the implementation of the damage model, the visualization of fuel leak points, etc. In the current version, only the He.177A-3 aircraft uses this feature.
- Changes have been made to the operation of aircraft under the control of the AI:
- bombers striking from horizontal flight are more accurately guided along the course of the “Attack” point.
- bombers striking from horizontal flight more accurately determine the time of dropping bombs.
- For aircraft under the control of the player, the available list of ballistic tables is expanded.
- bombers correctly open bomb bay doors.

- Changed the model of the atmosphere. Instead of the International Standard Atmosphere based on GOST 4401-81, an atmosphere based on GOST R 53460-2009 is used:
-Instead of the average annual parameters, parameters characteristic of the four seasons are used: spring, summer, autumn, winter.
- Instead of the averaged temperature and pressure parameters calculated for a latitude of 45 degrees, the parameters characteristic for each latitude from 80 ° Y.SH are used. up to 80 ° C.Sh in 10 ° increments.
-The height of the calculation of accurate atmospheric parameters increased from 18km to 120km. This makes it possible to more accurately convey the atmospheric features on the current day of the year on the selected map: the characteristic temperature distribution and air density over altitudes, temperature distribution curves, and the characteristics of the tropospheric pause.

- Added support for dynamic parameters of atmospheric pressure and air temperature on the map, depending on historical data at the time of the date in the mission. Baseline data are taken from the records of weather stations closest to the area maps. The following maps are now changed to reflect the atmospheric pressure by the month and the temperature by the day:

Bessarabia from 1936 to 1946.
Odessa from 1936 to 1946
Lasi from 1936 to 1946.
Black Sea from 1936 to 1946.
Crimea from 1936 to 1946.
Donbass from December 1941 to December 1943.
Gulf of Finland from 1936 to 1960.
Khalkhin-Gol from September 1938 to 1946.
Kiev from 1936 to 1946.
Kuban from 1936 to 1946.
Baltic from 1936 to 1946.
Kursk from 1936 to 1946.
Lviv from 1936 to 1946.
Manchuria from 1936 to 1946.
Battle for Moscow from June 1941 to December 1942.
Moscow from September 1941 to December 1942.
Murmansk from 1936 to 1946.
Prokhorovka from 1936 to 1946.
Smolenskfrom 1936 to 1946.
Stalingrad map from 1940 to 1945.

Let us give an example:
If you create a mission on the Stalingrad map and set the date to 07/01/1942, then the average atmospheric pressure for January 1942 will be set in the mission. according to weather stations = 741mm.rt.st. and the average daily temperature observed on January 7 was -4C. If you set another date in the mission date, then the temperature will be set to a different one, for example, on January 8 -11?, but on January 22 and 23 there were frosts down to -34?. At different dates, the atmospheric parameters will be different.

- Increase the accuracy of the movement of the Sun and Moon depending on time, day, and year. A more accurate calculation of the time of sunrise and sunset, the phases of the moon. Accounting time zone on the map. Considering the geographical latitude and longitude of the map.
- Changed the apparent size of the moon to look more realistic.
- Improved the clarity of the textures of the moon.
- Download the default date (month / year) when you open a map in the Full Mission builder.
- On the Sulechin airfield on the Berlin map, fixed a bug when taxiing aircraft to the parking lot.
- The DirectX joystick driver was rewritten: -
- Up to 8 devices are supported at the same time instead of just 4 previously.
- Axis resolution is increased to 1023 instead of the previous 250.
- The number of supported buttons on one joystick has been increased from 32 to 128. (Theoretically, the driver supports up to 8 buttons, but manufacturers do not release mice with more than 5 buttons. The remaining 3 are usually assigned to mose software).
- Introduced support for setting user polling interval for joysticks. In the conf.ini in the section [rts] the entry joyTick is responsible for this function. Valid range is from 1ms to 1000ms. The default value is 100ms.
- Increased the number of saved joystick profiles from 4 to 8.
- Changed and updated the joystick settings window. Additional tab "Information" displays information about the connected input devices and their sequence numbers.
- In the input settings tab, the button "Update devices" is entered. It allows you to connect and disconnect input devices and re-initialize them without having to restart the game.
- Improved smooth animation of aileron, elevators and rudders.
- Engine: Norm engine temperature popup message returned.
- Accelerated pre-checking and filling in the list of custom skins using 24-bit support.
- The Print Screen functionality in DirectX mode has been fixed. Screenshots are created in TGA format only regardless of the settings in the configuration file. Previously files were created, but were unreadable.
- Fixed Print Screen functionality in OpenGl mode. When creating screenshots widescreen mode is taken into account. Format of TGA and/or JPG screenshots is determined by the settings in the configuration file.
- Fixed rate of fire on two Japanese 25mm anti-aircraft guns. It was mistakenly overpriced.
- Fixed the rate of fire of the main caliber 'M30_122mmx2' and anti-aircraft gun '21Kx2 'on the monitor "Smolensk". It was mistakenly overpriced.
- Fixed the location of FAB-250 bombs in one of the loadouts on the SB 2M-103 (201 series) and SB 2M-103A (221 series) aircraft.
- Objects from the "Artillery" and "Stationary Armor" sections have added the ability to set the height of the object above ground level in the Full Mission Builder. The properties of such objects also have the ability to specify their location in the event of their destruction: "Do not change the height of an object", "Drop an object to the surface", "Hide an object under the surface".
- The mis recording format for mission tracks has been updated with new properties, so new tracks will not open correctly in previous versions of the game.
- In the Full Mission Builder the tab "Load map" display is changed. Now it contains subdivisions of the regions "Western Europe", "Eastern Europe", "Mediterranean Sea", "Pacific Ocean", "Asia", "Networks" in which the corresponding maps are located.
- On the "Black Sea" map, the railway tracks to Krasnodar have been corrected, the mini-map has been updated.
- On the map "Kiev" the mini-map has been updated.
- On the maps "Ardennes", "Balaton", "Berlin", "Black Sea", "Gulf of Finland", "Kiev", "Crimea", "Kuban", "Kursk", "Lviv", "Moscow", " Normandy "," Prokhorovka "," Smolensk "," Stalingrad "- static objects of railway equipment have been removed.

- Corrections in the animation of the rudder, elevator, aileron and flap on the IL10 plane.
- Corrections of tricolor skins for I-16 aircraft types 24, 28, 29.
- For airplanes that do not have working fuel gauges in the cockpits, information on the fuel level is available using the "TAB" key. For example, on the TB-3 fuel gauges were located in the flight engineers cabin (which was not implemented in the game). In the event of the death of the flight engineer, information about the fuel supply will not be available.
- Fixed the sounds of the engines of the Fw.189 and Fi.156 aircraft.
- The sound of the U-2 type aircraft engine is muted.
- On the F4F-3 plane, the speed indicator was fixed, now it shows speed in mph instead of the previous knots.
- On the CR-42 aircraft, the accuracy of the readings of the ammunition indicators has been improved.
- Various fixes in the list of regiments and their locations.

4.14 will content two campaigns & several misions for MBR-2


Gdrive (drive.google.com/open?id=1DcmSmLBannA-cz0bvFfY9gUFsKYNB3V6)
yadi.sk (https://gtac-sim.fr/patch/IL2_414_MULTI.exe)
gtac-sim (https://gtac-sim.fr/patch/IL2_414_MULTI.exe)

Gdrive (drive.google.com/open?id=19nvWKi5jHA5C_RF5fj8JJVW8_kOkQe9m)
yadi.sk (yadi.sk/d/idPkaDYzFSO-rA)
gtac-sim (https://gtac-sim.fr/patch/IL2_414_MULTI-1.bin)
M4T (www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=5513) (EXE+BIN)

Gdrive (drive.google.com/open?id=1mF4cxcmto0fT2QRB4SjYWckvDjHnigIP)
yadi.sk (yadi.sk/d/6Dhm4K2JfXkQ0w)
gtac-sim (https://gtac-sim.fr/patch/IL2_414_DS.exe)
M4T (www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=5514)

Campaign "Dream of an idiot" download:

Campaign "The guards banner" download:

Daidalos Team would like to thank the beta testers and users.
Thank you to anyone we may have forgotten!

© 2018 1С. All Rights Reserved.
© 2018 1C:Maddox Games. All Rights Reserved.
© 2018 Daidalos Team. All Rights Reserved.

03-29-2019, 09:39 PM
it's a same readme which was posted few days ago ... just not to lost it in topic

03-30-2019, 11:07 PM
I am excited for the interesting Arctic maps. What battles took place during them in WWII?

03-30-2019, 11:10 PM
I am excited for the interesting Arctic maps! What battles during WWII took place at these maps?

03-31-2019, 05:43 AM
I don't see the England/Channel/France Map.

And by default date, do you mean the period when it was a battle field, we'll use Pearl, it will load up at Dec 7th 1941, and 7:30AM.

Weather thing sounds interesting, are there more "cloud type" variations to add a visual to that feature.

I don't see 50cal's look exactly like gun cam footage, a hose of fire, so I guess that's not happening. :???:

Right on, I'll come back in two weeks, and you speak well for DT Sita.

03-31-2019, 08:56 AM
I don't see the England/Channel/France Map.

neither do i ..

as far as i know ... a lot of work with it... need huge numbers of ground objects... from time to time i make something to help Gitano in that dirrection ... but it not enough ..
i hope btw Gitano can show something to us... i by myself waiting that map urgently..

03-31-2019, 10:25 PM
"need huge numbers of ground objects"

I guess, just the rail way system is a life times work.

Rgr, we'll have to wait for hinkels being shot down over the cliffs of Dover.

03-31-2019, 10:52 PM
airfield staff... historical buildings ...

04-01-2019, 01:59 AM
"airfield staff... historical buildings"

Speaking of, I was thinking it would be great if the static men we have would come to life and run like the guys from the trucks when you are straffing.

You could have a group of guys working on a plane, and all of them scatter when your flight comes in guns blazzing, with hose like tracers as seen in the gun camera footage,:lol: from your 50cal's.

Any crates going to be added as objects, two things about the ports is wrong, they are empty, nothing on the docks, the largeCover object can only be used so many times, and there are no small ships.

And a exploding object, some thing you can put in a building or stationary ship, and it goes off like a 5000lb or so bomb if hit with gun fire. A surprise in the mission. I have been using the Ammunition rail car, but so far have not seen a explosion.

Cheers!! Four Continents on the AleXserver last Thursday, only one's missing were Australia, and Africa.

04-01-2019, 07:32 AM
Rgr, we'll have to wait for hinkels being shot down over the cliffs of Dover.

We'll need a proper Hurricane I or Spitfire I for that first... Spitfire would need a new model, but for Hurricane, only a new FM to represent the stronger engine with 12lb boost.

04-02-2019, 07:36 PM
added two posters on 4.14 campaigns in first post

04-02-2019, 08:59 PM
Thanks for this heads up. Very interesting.

04-03-2019, 10:08 PM
4.14 released! See first post!

04-03-2019, 11:24 PM
Exciting! This Canadian has been looking forward to the Arctic!

04-03-2019, 11:24 PM
on behalf of the team I express my Deep Gratitude to Beebop for Translation of mission briefings for SkyFan campaign and Motorhead missions)

04-03-2019, 11:24 PM
Is there a location where I can just down load the package, I keep getting "do you want to put BIn in same folder as exe" and even if I select yes, it won't, and if I make a empty folder, it tells me the folder is empty, and won'y download into it.
both are selecting the exe link.

Thanks Sita and TD. Cheers!!

04-04-2019, 12:32 AM
Here is the link to the v4.13.4m to v4.14.1m patch.
IL-2 1946 v4.13.4m to v4.14.1m Upgrade: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=5536


This download was deactivated due to problems with the v4.14m patch.

IL-2 1946 4.14 Upgrade: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=5513

I packed both files in a zip file and I am uploading it to M4T's server. The download will be active around 0300 GMT 04/04/2019. Roughly 2 and 1/2 hours from now.


04-04-2019, 12:55 AM
Thank Wheels. ;)

04-04-2019, 05:14 AM
Congratulations and thanks!

Also, thank you for posting on Google drive, as that enables some of us to download large files pretty much instantly.

04-04-2019, 07:21 AM
Sorry for the dumb question: instructions say "In order to install this add-on, run the exe file and follow the on-screen instructions." But there are TWO exe files: which of them must I run?:confused:

04-04-2019, 07:25 AM
Ok i had to ditch the m4t download as it got corrupted and had some missing so now im up and running, whats the way to pick your exe for 512 ram, i saw the exe filemin the root directory, do i just send the 512 to desktop as shortcut? also my openijg screen is same as stock 413.4 just says 414 at bottom. is that correct or is thre another to select from.

04-04-2019, 07:26 AM
Sorry for the dumb question: instructions say "In order to install this add-on, run the exe file and follow the on-screen instructions." But there are TWO exe files: which of them must I run?:confused:

I ran the "IL2_414_MULTI.exe" and it seemed to install correctly.

04-04-2019, 07:29 AM
How do you increase the throttle sensitivity?

I fly looking around with the mouse and use the mouse wheel as the throttle axis. In previous versions of the game the throttle sensitivity was good, but now in v4.14 it takes multiple turns of the wheel to make just very small throttle changes.

Thanks! =)

04-04-2019, 07:57 AM
Thank you DT for the 4.14!

But I am not sure what I must download for client?!

EXE, BIN or DS or all and in what order?

Please explain me. Thank you in advance.





Campaign "Dream of an idiot" download:

Campaign "The guards banner" download:

Daidalos Team would like to thank the beta testers and users.
Thank you to anyone we may have forgotten!

© 2018 1С. All Rights Reserved.
© 2018 1C:Maddox Games. All Rights Reserved.
© 2018 Daidalos Team. All Rights Reserved.[/QUOTE]

04-04-2019, 08:04 AM
once you get installed make sure you open the fmb tab and open the cinfigure control keys tab, check your stuff i had to slect insert to allow insertion of objects etc. Also i saw the exe folder and the 512 exe, i tried sending it to desktop and it wont work, regular exe from root directory does, how to i set myself up to run ram at 512?

04-04-2019, 08:04 AM
if you just a player you need only exe and bin) DS it's a server for that version ...

04-04-2019, 08:06 AM
Hi Titus, you must donw load exe and bin, the campaigns are separate. once both exe and bin are downloaded click on the exe it will ask you what directory etc and install it self.

04-04-2019, 08:12 AM
once you get installed make sure you open the fmb tab and open the cinfigure control keys tab, check your stuff i had to slect insert to allow insertion of objects etc. Also i saw the exe folder and the 512 exe, i tried sending it to desktop and it wont work, regular exe from root directory does, how to i set myself up to run ram at 512?
about FMB will ansver little later ...

about 512 and 1024 exe - to use that exe with more memory for Java you need back up exe from root dirrectory ( for any cases) copy exe 512 or 1024 to root, replace default exe to new from 512 or 1024 ... ( but i must a notice 1024 working not on every system ... for example in time of betatest 90 percent of testers have no issue with 512 and 1024 exe ... but on my work station i cant run il2 with 1024 exe ... some issue with windows i suppose .. or java)

04-04-2019, 08:21 AM
Thank you DT for your awesome work :)

04-04-2019, 09:15 AM
I was waiting for the new version for years!
Good job!
I hope we will get the transport soon and my dream will become true!
All the best!

04-04-2019, 10:42 AM
I ran the "IL2_414_MULTI.exe" and it seemed to install correctly.

Thank you! Sita's next message #24 (http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showpost.php?p=718845&postcount=24) made it clear what the second executable is for.


04-04-2019, 03:02 PM
Im up and running now with 512 exe, but what is 512 mods console exe? is there a selector such as or similar to the sas method? Would like to continue using excellent hud and map mods.

04-04-2019, 09:22 PM
What about steam users? I ran the .exe and selected the proper folder but then the installation ask me to insert the disk so I exit from the setup and I found that the installation process deleted the il2fb.exe file.
So can steam users upgrade to 4.14?
Thanks for the support to this amazing game.

dr strangelove
04-05-2019, 09:06 AM
4.14 up & running 🤗
Thank you all !!!

04-05-2019, 05:13 PM
4.14 is great, thanks TD!

Now with the He-177, finally the german side got a heavy bomber, and what a great plane! Flies very well, has good bombload, and has good defensive weapons! Second best bomber in the game, after the Pe-8!
MBR-2 is a very fun plane to fly, and also has a very well made cockpit!
New maps are awesome too!

Thanks for everything TD!

04-05-2019, 08:04 PM
I want to thank all of you, for this magnificent effort and dedication.

04-05-2019, 10:11 PM
in the light of that not pleasent situation with instalation ...for those who didn't download or install patch post important lines from readme...

The Il-2 1946 add-on v.4.14 installs only over v.4.13.4

- Update 4.14 also brings the game files released by various publishers 1C and UbiSoft to a single version. For example, for this version the update includes files from very old updates: fb_3do08p.SFS, fb_3do09p.SFS, fb_3do10p.SFS, fb_3do20.SFS. During the installation of update 4.14, executable files and dynamic libraries located in the root folder of the game that are not related to the standardized and allowed list are removed and a complete replacement of the game executable files and dynamic library files located in the root folder of the game is done.

plus better ofcouse install 4.14 on copy of working version.

and once again ... apologize for that situation

back up working il2 version or don't use 4.14 ...

04-06-2019, 04:02 AM
I used Wheel's upload at M4T, and had no problems, except that the server I play on is still 4.13.4....

I did notice that the Training NTRKs still work, did you guys redo them and reinstall them in our games? Or are they a different type of NTRK. I tried renaming a NTRK to TRK, but that did not work, none of the old NTRKs will load.

Should have changed the start up screen as well, does not seem like a new game when it's still those two guys daydreaming when they should be having a knife fight.

I see the Ice Wall has been enhanced, from the ground, up at alt it disappears, and the atmosphere seems a little thicker. Have not done much flying but all's good thus far.


04-06-2019, 04:15 AM
does not work for me.
I have the version purchased at STEAM
and now?

04-06-2019, 01:48 PM
I see the Ice Wall has been enhanced, from the ground, up at alt it disappears


So it's not exactly 150 ft tall anymore? :wink:

04-06-2019, 03:10 PM
From the ground it looks like it's about a mile high, and not too far off in the distance. I did not climb for alt, was just f5 and f8ing between planes external views, so I don't know when it disappears, but the bombers I was f8ing were at 3500M. This was on the N/WEurope map

Will have to check with clear weather to see if it's still there, or just a artifact to fill in the clouds.
The atmosphere is thicker for sure, ran a 11:30AM mission on the Normandy Map and the rivers and valleys were still filled with haze.

04-06-2019, 08:51 PM
So im thinking that has something to do with the fmb configurations lower menu? Anyone figured this out yet and what keys to use??

04-06-2019, 09:07 PM
in fmb in settings window choose standard ... and you will get regular key binding.

04-06-2019, 11:58 PM
Did you mean reset as default?

04-07-2019, 02:22 AM
~ Anyone figured this out yet and what keys to use??

'Configure / Control Keys' under 'Mouse Move Object 3D'

Assign a key for 'Z-Move'

To change the height of an object (artillery or stationary armour), select the object, go into 3D mode (Enter) and hold the Z-Move key while moving the mouse.

04-08-2019, 07:48 AM
Hi TD,

thanks for your work. The new maps look beautiful. Keep going.

04-08-2019, 08:50 AM
Thanks DT for another great effort to make this sim even better than it already was!

I love the new tracers, much more realistic!

Keep up the good work!

04-10-2019, 05:12 AM
- On the F4F-3 plane, the speed indicator was fixed, now it shows speed in mph instead of the previous knots.

Why did it need to be fixed? :-(
It was already correct when it was indicating KNOTS.
This was a USN Naval Plane and the speed indicators were in Knots. USN navigates using nautical miles. Because the Marines were part of the Department of the Navy their equipment was the same. The USN and USMC aircraft differed from the USAAF which used MPH because they were not navigating to find USN Carriers which plot courses using nautical miles and speed of advance in KNOTS.

Additonally with the 4.14m patch the speed indicators also changed to MPH in:

Corsair I (F4U-1)
Corsair II
Corsair IV
F6F-3 Late

You can verify that all of them got changed by comparing it to the speed bar. For simplicity sake you can check it with the speed indicator needle at 200. The speed bar matches it with 200 MPH. Before "this patch" the speed bar would match the gage with 200 Knots IAS. The speed indicator gages are off by 30 KIAS.

Only the F2A-2, SBD-3 and SBD-5 have speed indicators operating correctly in KNOTS.

I have the Pilot operating instruction manuals for all of the above planes and the speed indicator is supposed to be in KNOTS (KIAS).

04-10-2019, 07:24 AM
- On the F4F-3 plane, the speed indicator was fixed, now it shows speed in mph instead of the previous knots.

Why did it need to be fixed? :-(
It was already correct when it was indicating KNOTS.
This was a USN Naval Plane and the speed indicators were in Knots. USN navigates using nautical miles. Because the Marines were part of the Department of the Navy their equipment was the same. The USN and USMC aircraft differed from the USAAF which used MPH because they were not navigating to find USN Carriers which plot courses using nautical miles and speed of advance in KNOTS.

Additonally with the 4.14m patch the speed indicators also changed to MPH in:

Corsair I (F4U-1)
Corsair II
Corsair IV
F6F-3 Late

You can verify that all of them got changed by comparing it to the speed bar. For simplicity sake you can check it with the speed indicator needle at 200. The speed bar matches it with 200 MPH. Before "this patch" the speed bar would match the gage with 200 Knots IAS. The speed indicator gages are off by 30 KIAS.

Only the F2A-2, SBD-3 and SBD-5 have speed indicators operating correctly in KNOTS.

I have the Pilot operating instruction manuals for all of the above planes and the speed indicator is supposed to be in KNOTS (KIAS).

Don't worry, that's actually a typo from the Readme, the units have been reversed. I've noticed this bug during beta testing, and the F4F's airspeed indicator does display knots instead of mph after corrections.

04-10-2019, 09:03 AM
Don't worry, that's actually a typo from the Readme, the units have been reversed. I've noticed this bug during beta testing, and the F4F's airspeed indicator does display knots instead of mph after corrections.

It's not just the ReadMe though, it's an in-game observation. All of the F4s are displaying mph in the released version. The F6s do appear to be in knots.

Note the dial indicates '160' while the speed bar shows 160 in Mph and 140 in Knots.


04-10-2019, 09:29 AM
It's not just the ReadMe though, it's an in-game observation. All of the F4s are displaying mph in the released version. The F6s do appear to be in knots.

That's really strange, because I compared the IAS to the one indicated (in km/h) on the DebugFM console during the bug testing phase of the beta and that's when I found out it was in mph instead of knots. Later betas and RCs had corrected indicated speed after that. That said, I'll check this later with one of the RC I still have installed on my PC.

04-10-2019, 10:42 AM
That's really strange, because I compared the IAS to the one indicated (in km/h) on the DebugFM console during the bug testing phase of the beta and that's when I found out it was in mph instead of knots. Later betas and RCs had corrected indicated speed after that. That said, I'll check this later with one of the RC I still have installed on my PC.it was a calibration bug in the DebugFM not in the airspeed indicator.

04-10-2019, 11:02 AM
it was a calibration bug in DebugFM not in the airspeed indicator.

So, after firing up my RC4 install and doing a quick fly over Kuban at sea level, the IAS still reads in mph instead of knots even after it was supposed to be fixed in beta4.


04-10-2019, 11:10 AM
So, after firing up my RC4 install and doing a quick fly over Kuban at sea level, the IAS still reads in mph instead of knots even after it was supposed to be fixed in beta4.

https://imgur.com/HzQjNep320 km/h=199 mph/h That is the speed the airspeed indicator shows
320 Km/h=173 knots That is speed the airspeed indicator sould show

04-10-2019, 12:01 PM
320 km/h=199 mph/h That is the speed the airspeed indicator shows
320 Km/h=173 knots That is speed the airspeed indicator sould show

Yep, and it should be able to fly at around 370 km/h at 200 kt IAS and sea level.

04-10-2019, 06:12 PM
Have had to rethink my strategy of using raised artillery, i set z as the key with mouse movement but is there a way to make small raises using the mouse wheel or in incremental steps? Was able to put a dshka mg aa gun onto a ferry that was stationary and onto the coastal freighters bow hatch.

Having lots of fun with MBR just gotta figure out whats its threat threshold is, kinda like a beefed up U-2/R-5.

04-10-2019, 08:23 PM
Have had to rethink my strategy of using raised artillery, i set z as the key with mouse movement but is there a way to make small raises using the mouse wheel or in incremental steps?

You can make fine adjustments with your z-move and mouse combo by changing the mouse speed.

In Controls under Mouse Move Object 3D, you can assign keys for Speed: Slow, Normal and Fast (F1, F2 and F3 by default).

I used it to put this gunner on top of a tower:


04-12-2019, 03:48 PM
Hyperlobby will only take il2fb.exe to start the game in its game search. The dedicated server only has il2server.exe. If you try to rename it from il2server.exe to il2fb.exe it crashes after a message says there are bad .exe files in the folder.

It is nice the new CRT stops other files/hacks from starting but, how do I get Hyperlobby to load??? Thanks!

04-12-2019, 04:34 PM
it will be fixed... working on it.

04-13-2019, 02:23 AM
it will be fixed... working on it.

Good deal! I just heard about 414 last night so, I 'm glad you are already on it!

I have a 414.1 server up at:
You can't join in Hyperlobby yet....
No il2fb.exe file in the server folder yet so, no HL..
Thank you!

04-18-2019, 12:26 AM
Any update from Daidalos on a version of this patch that does not remove my custom content (JSGME executable and custom missions installed via JSGME? and any files without me knowing?)

04-18-2019, 05:57 AM
Any update from Daidalos on a version of this patch that does not remove my custom content (JSGME executable and custom missions installed via JSGME? and any files without me knowing?)
If an update comes out I think it will be on this page:

If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will post the right answer..

04-18-2019, 08:46 AM
no hurry with install 4.14 ... we areworking on 4.14.1 to fix main issue of 4.14 plus support any 3rd party apps ... and after it will rework instalation of 4.14 as well

so no hurry..

04-18-2019, 10:34 AM
we areworking on 4.14.1 to fix main issue of 4.14 plus support any 3rd party apps

Will that be all 3rd party apps or just a select few ?

04-18-2019, 07:51 PM
I think you guys should just continue with the WinRar SFX thing.
Nothing positive can come from this kind of changes.

04-20-2019, 08:22 PM
no hurry with install 4.14 ... we areworking on 4.14.1 to fix main issue of 4.14 plus support any 3rd party apps ... and after it will rework instalation of 4.14 as well

so no hurry..

Thank you for your reply. My 3rd Party App UQMG (UberQuick Mission Generator, which has been around since the original IL-2 release) adds files in the Mission directory under under None (NN) folder, as well as a background. I hope it continues to work as it is still usable in IL-2 1946.


Thank you.

04-21-2019, 02:46 PM
If you are interested I have made a static.ini with all objects organized in groups of airfield, military, industry, harbour, railroad, vehicles, human, buildings, trees, ruins and so on.
It makes it very much easier for mission builders to find objects of use to their project.

04-23-2019, 07:39 PM
If you are interested I have made a static.ini with all objects organized in groups of airfield, military, industry, harbour, railroad, vehicles, human, buildings, trees, ruins and so on.
It makes it very much easier for mission builders to find objects of use to their project.

Please post it somewhere Bowie57, Spend a lot of time endlessly scrolling to guess where all the new FMB objects and things are! And some that I had committed to memory have new assigned numbers! ..where are those danged sandbags now...

04-24-2019, 11:19 AM
New static.ini is available at Mission4Today under the name Static_Ini_Tool_414.

04-30-2019, 07:49 PM
The AleXserver has switched to 4.14.1, I can't find it anywhere, M4T only has 4.13.3 up, and nothing with a goggle search. I don't see it here either.
The Russians have it, there are 20 guys that got back in after the server was "shut down".

Incidentally, I got the Last Kill on 4.14m on the AleXserver :grin:,
Low over our base, Just took off and doing next to nothing in Airspeed, doing my circle to get a bit of alt and my bearings, suddenly a 109 causing all kinds of havoc fly's right over me. He arced in a right turn, heading in the same direction as me, and heading for the airfield.

I pulled to the left and tried and get between him and the spawn parking lot. That crisscross after passing over me puts me 50m off his tail, I pulled my Spit in behind from 4oc low. and fired a burst. I clipped his wing as he broke right. Putting the spawned planes out of his gun-sight, then he made a left to try again.

As he comes into my guns sights from 11oc level, I have to be careful here, the parking lot is now on the other side of him from my shooting angle, and we're racing at it at 300Km/ph, Since I can't hit any thing normally, but I will definitely hit my friendlies if I shoot in their general direction, I fire a burst above him to scare him a bit.

He breaks again to the right, then a quick left almost slipping, flutter..wobble, wobble, he has a hole in his wing, he steadies his very low stalling plane, and breaks right into a flack Shell.

His one winged plane cartwheels through the air for about 100m'slanding behind the back of the parking/spawning lot. Boom And a ball of flames of the engine rolling for another little bit, as you would expect to see.

The second last message ____ was Killed by Music
The last mere nanoseconds later was "the server will now shut down".
Yeah Red

Pretty dramatic ending to 4.14m.

*nice eFx of the crashed planes TD, I've seen some nice subtle damage models as well, the ribs of my spit between the cockpit and tail section when hit by a ki-45, just burn marks highlighting the aluminum plates joints. and a lifted plate on the top inner wing of a Il-2. Ships burn nice now as well.

04-30-2019, 08:35 PM
The AleXserver has switched to 4.14.1

week ago we ask admins of Alex server to check4.14.1 hot fix ...becuse those brave mens almost a month with difficulties and issues was fly on 4.14 in online ... so we decide make some kine open beta test on server ... because there flying big numbers of pilots and it will be good test for fixes all that issues which was find in 4.14 in online...

and today main Alex server was updated to 4.14.1

here you can take 4.14.1

http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?p=194899#post194899 but it will be posted here too with some small delay...

will be 4.14.1 as hot fix for 4.14

and version Rebuild of 4.14 from 4.13.4 to 4.14.1 at once with all fixes for 4.14 and reworked fixed instalation without any desapearing files and supports 3rd party apps ... i suppose it will be post here soon ... in right way from right accaunt

04-30-2019, 10:00 PM
cepBep is the International English version.

Thanks sita

**It's the top one of the second group, 40mb

The first is for 4.13.4 to 4.14.1 1.9G

05-05-2019, 07:56 PM
A tip!

It would be good if you add some info/claryfication on what files of the ones above a user needs to download to be able to successfully update the game.

Just a thought.

06-05-2019, 04:52 AM
Same thing regarding how to use the mod enabled exe files... the readme was the only really weak part of this release (aside from some of the anti-cheat measures messing up people who didn't do a fresh install and/or disabling some mission generators such as UberDemon's).

06-06-2019, 11:10 AM
Same thing regarding how to use the mod enabled exe files... the readme was the only really weak part of this release (aside from some of the anti-cheat measures messing up people who didn't do a fresh install and/or disabling some mission generators such as UberDemon's).

Apparently, even the fresh install does not help in all cases.
For example, on my desktop those new "anti-cheat" measures are still in conflict with something which I can not identify. Multiplay is impossible due "timeout" error.
Fresh install, re-install, etc. ...

06-20-2019, 06:43 PM
You can make fine adjustments with your z-move and mouse combo by changing the mouse speed.

In Controls under Mouse Move Object 3D, you can assign keys for Speed: Slow, Normal and Fast (F1, F2 and F3 by default).

I used it to put this gunner on top of a tower:

Does the gunner still stay at the raised altitude if just the tower is destroyed?
I seem to recall that was a limitation with the lights so I suspect it is going to be the same with the gunner.


06-20-2019, 07:26 PM
Does the gunner still stay at the raised altitude if just the tower is destroyed?

Unfortunately, yes. There is an option to have the gunner fall to ground level if you kill him, but if you only shoot out e.g. the gas container he is standing on then he will be left floating where he was placed. Not an ideal situation.

06-20-2019, 07:39 PM
if i remember correctly there was few variants what can be with damaged model when it will destroyed .. stay .. placced on ground ... and disapear .. there is no physic unfortunately

08-04-2019, 07:40 PM
Does the 4.13.4 to 4.14.1 patch include the two campaigns or not?

08-04-2019, 07:58 PM
no, those two campaigns is separate thing.

08-18-2019, 05:40 AM
I am hitting a "Winpcap programm detected" error when trying the installer with the notion to "uninstall it", but libpcac under linux is highly integrated into my system and overriding winpcap.dll to disabled in wine still detects it. :(

Is there a alternative way to extract the BIN :confused:

08-21-2019, 10:19 PM
I am hitting a "Winpcap programm detected" error when trying the installer with the notion to "uninstall it", but libpcac under linux is highly integrated into my system and overriding winpcap.dll to disabled in wine still detects it. :(

Is there a alternative way to extract the BIN :confused:

I have no idea about Linux specifics, but I recall that it is not enough to just deinstall Winpcap. You might need to search and to delete manually associated files and libraries.

08-22-2019, 07:45 AM
I have no idea about Linux specifics, but I recall that it is not enough to just deinstall Winpcap. You might need to search and to delete manually associated files and libraries.

Thats a Problem because winpcap is NOT installed but detected because of wine api translation layer to linux, and there it is impossible to uninstall without rendering the system useless :-?

08-28-2019, 04:18 PM
Gotta just shake your head at TD's insistence to move away from the completely workable RAR SFX file.

It's DUMB.

09-06-2019, 08:15 PM
Gotta just shake your head at TD's insistence to move away from the completely workable RAR SFX file.

It's DUMB.

It allowed them to combine the Russian and International versions into one patch.

Having said that, I am not a fan of the switch either. http://www.mission4today.com/images/smiles/009.gif


09-06-2019, 08:45 PM
during tests period i lost count of how many times i download working builds and from time to time encrase size of archive ... and some about 10-15 percent of cases when build of patch was already more than 2gb ... after downloading archive with patch was broken ... or the checksums did not match so only because of that it was made in BIN format after all ..

02-19-2020, 08:20 PM
Is it true that with this new version you can use more than 4 peripherals?

02-19-2020, 08:26 PM
yes .. some about 8 now ... if i remember corectly

02-20-2020, 02:45 PM
yes .. some about 8 now ... if i remember corectly

Thanks a lot!!!
I really need it. :)

02-20-2020, 04:51 PM
plus in 4.14.1 added feature which can refresh devices which use in game... for example you start il2 conected to server and prepare to take off.. but you forgot about trackir ... you can without leaving game conect and start trackir soft and press refresh button in menu .. and il2 will activate trackir or any other device.

02-21-2020, 03:33 PM
plus in 4.14.1 added feature which can refresh devices which use in game... for example you start il2 conected to server and prepare to take off.. but you forgot about trackir ... you can without leaving game conect and start trackir soft and press refresh button in menu .. and il2 will activate trackir or any other device.


11-27-2020, 12:10 PM
Hi all,

With the 4.14.1m DS patch come:
IL-2 FB 4.14 Release Notes.pdf
It's based on the Cyrillic alphabet (RU version).

How can I get an english or french version?


12-03-2020, 06:06 AM
Hi all,

With the 4.14.1m DS patch come:
IL-2 FB 4.14 Release Notes.pdf
It's based on the Cyrillic alphabet (RU version).

How can I get an english or french version?


Try this if no one has what you are looking for. Go to this page:
Hit the Browse your computer on that page. Open that .PDF file, you can pick English or French to translate to..
It might help....

12-03-2020, 12:46 PM
Thanks Dusty88.

12-06-2020, 08:44 AM
Impossible to get an answer from TD?

12-06-2020, 04:20 PM
we didn't translate that pdf.

12-06-2020, 09:29 PM
That's a short answer!
OK, Why?
This manuel is designed for Russian people.
The only 4.14.1m DS able to run on HyperLobby are from Russian Federation.
Some other documents are they lacking?

12-06-2020, 09:31 PM
just was no free hands to translate it ...

12-06-2020, 09:34 PM
The only 4.14.1m DS able to run on HyperLobby are from Russian Federation.

no, that it somehow depends from server comander ... but here question for those people who make that server commanders which you can see in HL on 4.14.1 version.

12-11-2020, 10:27 PM
no, that it somehow depends from server comander ... but here question for those people who make that server commanders which you can see in HL on 4.14.1 version.
Does that mean you are never going to fix it so 414.1 starts with the right file "il2fb.exe" like is has for 18 years on Hyperlobby?? It would sure be nice to have that extra security running that kills the Radar hack in 414.1 for Hyperlobby users.. Why do they never test dog fight servers and only co-op servers that start from inside the game?

12-11-2020, 10:29 PM
Thanks Dusty88.
You're welcome! I hope it helped...

12-12-2020, 11:46 AM
if you ask directly me i can answer only that is not my field of activity, not in the sphere of my skills and abilities, i'm just 3d and 2d artist ...
but i tottaly agree with you that lost support of HL by new patch it's issue and not pleasant impact on Il2 1946 online ...

for now i only hope that i could convince in that our programmers...

12-12-2020, 01:29 PM
To Sita,

Thanks Sir.

04-16-2021, 02:34 PM
I am excited for the interesting Arctic maps. What battles took place during them in WWII?

Convoy PQ17 will add for a campaign alone.
All Murmansk convoys were consistently harassed by the Luftwaffe, using He 115, He 111 with torpedoes, and I don't know if to any extent, FW190 with torpedoes.

Lots of "almost" engagements in between Tirpitz, Sharnhorst, and Prinz Eugen against the royal fleet with escort carriers.

The only crappy thing, it's the water. At some points, cold water over that area is tremendously clear, giving submarines huge problems for avoiding detection in the air. Also summer time have no nights. It is always clear

06-14-2022, 09:48 PM
I came back here after many years away and can't express how happy I am to see the TD patches still rolling with some great new stuff, mega Kudos to everyone involved. Did I read about a Channel Map?