View Full Version : Like to see changed in 4:14

Oh Chute!
07-07-2018, 10:12 PM
Daidalos Team put into campaign the individual AI pilot technique of standing on wing tip to monitor 6 O’clock. This manoeuvre cost many in air collisions/deaths and for that reason I would like to see it replaced with a lazy S pattern originating with flt. Leader so the entire flight isn’t jinking independently.
Helpful comments to resolve this issue would be appreciated. Cheers. Oh Chute!

Oh Chute!
07-13-2018, 10:44 PM
The “Rejoin” command doesn’t bring in your second flight during campaign. The second flt leader acknowledges in the affirmative but never rejoins.

07-21-2018, 12:20 AM
The “Rejoin” command doesn’t bring in your second flight during campaign. The second flt leader acknowledges in the affirmative but never rejoins.

Are the flights attached to each other?
IE in the mission builder does the second flight have a target set to the first one?

Oh Chute!
07-21-2018, 02:09 AM
Are the flights attached to each other?
IE in the mission builder does the second flight have a target set to the first one?

My comment was referring to the games campaign(s) not mission builder. In the campaigns squadrons exceeding four aircraft are automatically broken into flights. So for example a six fighter Squadron would have the first four fighters assigned red flight, and the next two assigned blue flight. It is this second flight which doesn’t return to the squadron when the rejoin command is given.

07-21-2018, 05:58 AM
Would attaching a "escort" command from the second flight to the lead, (players), flight make them come when called?

Oh Chute!
07-21-2018, 06:57 PM
Would attaching a "escort" command from the second flight to the lead, (players), flight make them come when called?

There is no way to attach or detach flights in the campaign(s) as the sorties are scripted. Targets, flight paths, aircraft, altitudes, ground objects all fixed. The sorties are so rigidly scripted you can not even alter a waypoint and if enemy aircraft attack a squadron while midway in flight to a target, your planes generally fly on while the enemy aircraft shoot several down before breaking off. Repeated calls to attack fighters goes unanswered and soon you are left naked, with out cover and outnumbered four or six to one.