View Full Version : 4.13.3 Net Code Issues (But maybe not a bug?)

02-07-2017, 12:19 AM
I'm posting this outside of the debugging thread because I can't be certain that calling it a bug is accurate; but I am selfishly wanting it to stand out a bit. (Sorry)

But I guess I want to point out some things with the new patch and the U2(LNB) specifically. This may be an issue with other planes, but only the U2(LNB) was tested.

NOT a Bug. Please see reasoning in this post (and with the quote):

The R5 and the U2 work the same.

First let me say that I believe there is some issues with the NET code.
I'm also concerned about the patrol waypoint option in the FMB and in NET missions (COOP).

For all examples, 1 human per plane (no sharing of other positions).

I want to talk about the commands

PILOT OR GUNNER POSITION and let's assume C is set to this command. AND
GUNNER MULTI FUNCTION and let's assume V is set to this command. AND
Cockpit 1, Cockpit 2, Cockpit 3 commands.

In SINGLE PLAYER mode, C (Pilot or Gunner Posisiton) toggles between the PILOT, the BOMBADIER, and the GUNNER as expected. To activate the rear gunner you must first disable the AI autopilot and acvitate V (Gunner Mutli Function). The turret is now available. This works just like any turret in the game (well, some do not require the V key to become active ).

In COOP mode, C only toggles between the Pilot and the Bombadier. That's it. You can't get to the Turret.
THE ONLY WAY to get to the Turret is to first ensure that you are in the PILOT (Cockpit 1) position and THEN hit [b]Cockpit 3 command. Then, you can turn off turret autopilot and activate V as normal.

YOU CAN NOT access the rear gunner from the bombadier spot; neither by hitting C or even Cockpit 3. You have to go from 1 to 3.

So... the Pilot or Gunner command seems to be not working correctly as it behaves differently in COOP than it does in SINGLE Player.

On to the Patrol waypoints.


This feature was introduced for the 4.11m release. According to the readme, there is NO INDICATION that these features are AI only or SP only; so one MUST assume that they should work correctly for all modes of play (except DF unless you want to include MDS features in subsequent releases).

For normal waypoints, you can choose some sort of Combat Air Patrol. This will establish circling movement in particular pattern (triangle, square,...). You can adjust orientation of the pattern (direction of first waypoint in the pattern), base size (size of the pattern in km) and altitude difference from waypoint to waypoint (climbing or descending pattern). There are some triggers telling AI when to exit the pattern and continue with subsequent waypoints: time, number of 'circles'.

In coop tests the HOST was #2 and a client was #1. When a flight from the OTHER ARMY flight hit their Patrol Waypoint, these waypoints appeared on the CLIENT machine (and the wrong Army!!). Or, perhaps only the LEAD position of the flight. This should be entirely undesireable.

I believe this is a bug.

So, just pointing out some things that I can't say for certain are bugs or not.


02-08-2017, 05:39 PM

02-08-2017, 06:13 PM
oh ... sorry... just saw topic...

Thanks for the clip ... very visible ...

as far i know Recon target don't work as it must be not only on coop ... in simple online it work with some issues...

about rear gunner... first - 1 i think it's a bug... second - whole coop mode is ... hmmm ... raw... there more issue than that one(((

for now we don't what to do ... fix it.... or try to make some new version ... and in the light of our limited men power both target is hard to do ...

in the result - yes... you have perfectly demonstrate to us two bugs ... thanks for video again ... will think how to fix it ...

02-08-2017, 07:40 PM
It's COOP, and U R in the "pilot" slot... So:

1) In the COOP mode, one player can take place only of the one crew member at the time. Beleive, you understand that Nav/Bbdr and Gunner are the same person?
2) The "switcher button" [C] moves you between your's and main second player stands, and it works only because youre alone in the multicrew
3) Main second player position is Nav/Bbdr, NOT the Gunner
4) If you take Nav/Bbdr slot on the mission start and use "switcher button" [C] you will jump between navigator cockpit and gunner turret without any problem.
5) In the multicrew (coop) mode, you play alone and thats why you have this "near-bug" option to move between other players slots;

** Yes, "switcher button" works different offline(single mission)/online(dogfight) and online(coop), but only because new multistand-multicrew COOP functions are: one-real-human-stand = one-real-player-slot

** the only current "bug", it's a possibility to moves between other players places in some kind of "single-multicrew" mode, like you do... Find the crew members, and you'll be OK


02-10-2017, 02:42 PM
Ok. I think I understand what you are saying. The R5 also behaves the same way in that you CAN move between the different positions using the Cockpit commands (1, 2, 3, 4); however, the CYCLE Pilot/Gunner position works differently. (in the R5, you can only get to the gunner by going from 1 to 4; in the U2, you can only get to the gunner by going from 1 to 3).

I would just suggest that the documentation be ammended so as not to confuse people between Single player and Cooperative modes as one would think (as I did) that the C key (Pilot/Gunner key) would CYCLE between all spots regardless if you're in SP mode or Multiplayer mode.

Ok. So, Sita, not a bug then. It's at least working consistently.
I would update the documentation to comment on this "feature."

The recon waypoint though... that's messed up. ;)

It's COOP, and U R in the "pilot" slot... So:

1) In the COOP mode, one player can take place only of the one crew member at the time. Beleive, you understand that Nav/Bbdr and Gunner are the same person?
2) The "switcher button" [C] moves you between your's and main second player stands, and it works only because youre alone in the multicrew
3) Main second player position is Nav/Bbdr, NOT the Gunner
4) If you take Nav/Bbdr slot on the mission start and use "switcher button" [C] you will jump between navigator cockpit and gunner turret without any problem.
5) In the multicrew (coop) mode, you play alone and thats why you have this "near-bug" option to move between other players slots;

** Yes, "switcher button" works different offline(single mission)/online(dogfight) and online(coop), but only because new multistand-multicrew COOP functions are: one-real-human-stand = one-real-player-slot

** the only current "bug", it's a possibility to moves between other players places in some kind of "single-multicrew" mode, like you do... Find the crew members, and you'll be OK


02-10-2017, 02:57 PM
When play online the game often hangs when selecting the plane. See the "screenshot" of freezed .http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g1575f36a8af752ba99993121095ffc69be919d 5d8