View Full Version : How to fly with no cockpit and FOV 90º by default?

05-17-2011, 08:54 PM
That's it, I'm mounting a real Polikarpov I-15 panel with working controls (but not gauges), and I'm intending that by default: when appearing on flight, there should be no cockpit and the FOV has to be set to 90 degrees.

I'm sure it's possible, but I don't know how.

Has anyone did it before?

05-18-2011, 07:16 PM
Uhm... thats all doable in stock game without much trouble.
I dunno, where you need help.

Mission options: Cockpit always on = OFF

In game then zoom out most, thats 90° (its a hotkey in setup, its ALT+F1 at mine)

05-20-2011, 08:39 AM
Uhm... thats all doable in stock game without much trouble.
I dunno, where you need help.

Mission options: Cockpit always on = OFF

In game then zoom out most, thats 90° (its a hotkey in setup, its ALT+F1 at mine)

Thanks, but I know both options... that are possibilities, not defaults. My question is how to set them by default.

Flying Colander
05-20-2011, 05:21 PM
Hey, Tuckie.

Any chance of you sharing pictures of your simpit? Where did you find a genuine I-15 instrument panel? I bet there's a story in that!



05-20-2011, 06:21 PM
Yeah, post some pictures plz!

I think your question can be done using the conf.ini. You just have to fiddle with it. :)

05-20-2011, 07:44 PM
No, I doubt, that can be set as default.

05-21-2011, 12:39 AM
Why do you want it as default? It isn't so hard to press two buttons (one for the cockpit-off and second for the wide view) once at the beginning of the mission, is it?

For example, I'm only using the widest and the narrowest views, got them mapped to my joystick hat. Using widest view all the time and zoom only when aiming and shooting (or investigating a dot in the sky).

05-22-2011, 08:35 PM
Why do you want it as default? It isn't so hard to press two buttons (one for the cockpit-off and second for the wide view) once at the beginning of the mission, is it?

For example, I'm only using the widest and the narrowest views, got them mapped to my joystick hat. Using widest view all the time and zoom only when aiming and shooting (or investigating a dot in the sky).

It's for a museum. The cockpit is there and it's about to be inaugurated. If it's default, no keyboard needed. If it's not default somebody has to touch that options on every flight. And I mean someone not used with Il2.

Pictures? Yeah:
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/217531_1948396238384_1496923997_32194119_2230112_n .jpg

http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/215279_1948396878400_1496923997_32194120_1932874_n .jpg

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/217647_1948397158407_1496923997_32194121_2037564_n .jpg

Gauges are not functional... but all levers are and the triggers too. There will be a big screen in front of the cockpit. Obviously, if you sin into a real cockpit you do not need a virtual cockpit, and the FOV must be set on widest by default, because a real I-15 cockpit has no keyboard!

I'm not the builder, so I don't know from where has he taken the charts to build it. It has no real parts, it's all builded from scratch. I'm only the guy who must connect this to the Pc and make it functional. That's why I'm asking this very simple questions, that in my home I have maped in a normal CH Joystick and I don't mind setting them every time, but this is a very different thing as you see...

I've still not been able to find where in the conf.ini can I set that by default... :(

05-26-2011, 02:10 PM
No clues for a solution on this?

Well, I'll have to write a quick fly manual for evereyone using this cockpit...

07-22-2011, 08:15 AM
Everybody got silenced?

Well I've finally done some printable instructions, I still haven't found the way to make the no cockpit 90º FOV view as default, and I've been looking into conf.ini and default flight mod files...

On every flight someone has to type on the keyboard Control F1 four times and Av.Pag once.

I'm surprised to get stuck at so simple question, when I could configurate and modify much other options...

07-23-2011, 02:53 AM
you could write yourself a glovepie macro to run in the background when the game is running. you need a trigger action. something like pressing on the wheel brake will kick it off.

here's simple example:

ppjoy1.analog0 = joystick1.x (these would be your peddles as Glovepie might see them, an axis range -1 to 1, but I'm not sure how it would actually see them.)

//90 degree fov macro

if ppjoy1.analog0 = -1 then

so, in this simple example. I press wheelbrake and signal is -1. this causes glovepie to toggle the pagedown key. this action will occur every time i press the peddles. if you want to do "no cockpit" you can put those keys in there too.

so, no more pressing a bunch of keys, but you would still have to run glovepie in the background while the game is running. but you could put it in a dos batch file to start the two programs (il-2 and glovepie) simultaneously. that wouldn't be so bad.

07-25-2011, 11:48 AM
MadBlaster's idea is good... here are two more:

1. The guy who built the cockpit must have used a USB-connected controller-board to connect the levers to the computer... Most probably, this board *also* supports a number joystick buttons (uusually 32). I guess that the fire-button is connected there, too. Connect one big red button to that board and use glovepie or autohotkey as MadBlaster described. Label that button "Press me!"

2. Write a small program that
a) uses DeviceLink to determine if the player has entered the cockpit and
b) then sends the needed key-combinations to IL-2
