View Full Version : REQ Seperate unlimited Ordinance Button

05-15-2011, 12:52 PM
As it says... as i am using lowengrins DCG with 150+ planes in each mission. (sometimes the full real gets a bit dull :P) I need unlimited ammo, but in a bombing mission, defending myself as a fighterbomber with a 1000lbs bomb allways hanging on my belly it makes life tough, cant jettison it either with the ammo ticked off..

so im just wondering if any1 else share my point of view on this one

05-16-2011, 12:53 PM
I agree, that would be a nice addition.

05-16-2011, 03:35 PM
Would have my support as well

05-18-2011, 07:20 PM
Hm... maybe this could be connected to the unarmed drop of ordnance, not the armed drop. So armed drop would give you unlimited tries, unarmed (emergency drop) just drops and you are empty. Dunno, if its possible though.

Maybe this could be moved/merged to 'Request thread' please?