View Full Version : I can extract/edit textures, but how do i save/test it ingame?

12-10-2014, 02:03 AM
hey guys, this is my first post here, so please tell me if im posting in the wrong sub.

ive got the .VFS extractor working fine, im well oriented with the DDS format, which seems to be the main form of texture files in .VFS however my question is how would i get the finished texture edits ingame; test them out etc.

i feel there's something simple im missing..:confused:

if anyone could help me out, that would be great!

Liz Shaw
12-16-2014, 12:04 AM
If you give the edited files a different name than the original one, you need to edit the appropriate SMF model associated with the texture.

Ask hykao about the shadvs2txt programs, they'll help. And with SMF models, find the words "SDVS" in the file using a hex editor, delete the first four spaces after those letters, select everything from SDVS onwards, copy it, select the entire content of the file, and click paste. Then once everything is overwritten, save it as something like "test.shadvs".

Since you say you can edit textures, perhaps you can help me out?