View Full Version : Dragon Dogma might come to pc show your support!

04-16-2011, 06:23 AM
After Capcom announced SSFAE for pc Dead RISING2 off the recored and SF XTEKEN for pc now another of their games might come to pc too! The producer of Dragon dogma has said that it will also come to pc if enough people demand it http://www.1up.com/news/dragon-dogma-could-come-to-pc so we created this thread http://www.capcom-unity.com/ask_capcom/go/thread/view/7371/27442377/Dragons_Dogma_for_PC_-show_your_support! on capcom forums to show our suppor for a pc version of it! Show people go and post there to show them our support for pc version! and post to all major Russian gaming sites about it to get even more support!!