View Full Version : Any cheat or Trainer?

10-18-2007, 01:37 AM
Any cheat or Trainer?

plz help me...

too hard to win. lol

10-18-2007, 05:51 AM

10-18-2007, 05:50 PM
This is definitely a challenging game. I've been playing it on hard and almost felt like giving up several times (and I've played a lot of 5 star series etc). However my encouragement/suggestions are:
-- don't always go for the "bludgeon the enemy to death" -- i.e. don't try to kill everything in site necessarily. A number of their scenarios involve figuring out a strategic target or goal and acheiving it, not killing everything. So don't dispair when enemy seems overwhelming large
-- Play defensive-- at least for me this is vital. I try to buy defensive perks (especially ones where you can pump up in advance of expected counterattack), use halbediers in the front line, back up with support (including air) .. and most importantly... don't get tempted into dispersing forces. I keep finding myself going for a 'kill' that leaves one or two units out on their own. They inevitiable die in the AI counterattack.. only risk it if you really have enough reconassiance to know you can get away with it. And I sitll don't recommend it because it will weaken you main force when it deals with your next turn's challenge.
The AI is pretty good overall I think. You have to respect it and the scenario's design.
My 2 cents hard won on the battlefield :-)