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10-09-2007, 01:26 PM
choosing California state of USA for Rig'n'Roll was a great idea :?:

:arrow: I put my hand on my heart and say I do. So, I voted YES. This is my opinion and I don't afraid to voice it.

I personally think it really is. There are many reasons and I personally think that patriotism should not be the primary reason to say "No". And for the record, I was born in USSR and my native language is Russian which I speak every day.

So, long story short, my reasons:
- California is not Russia and for some reason, I like to explore "other worlds" more than those which I live in - more interesting if you wish (as a consequence I like to travel);
- There is sun in California 350 days a year and I like sunny countries, I like sun in general. The countries and cities look far more appealing with a blue sky and bright sun;
- California has far better roads than Russia. The roads are also versatile. Highways and viaducts and simply more developed road infrastructure.
- California (and USA in general) have far better, more nice looking and longer rigs than Russia makes (and cars in general), even despite the fact Kamaz may win Paris-Dakar rally.
- California is a beautiful state, palms, sun, mountains, deserts, etc.. . Russia has mountains and beautiful nature too, but it's different and this will never change because of the moderate climate. All you will be able to see are plain trees, and trees again driving on russian roads. California's nature is verstatile, not just trees..... ;
- Californian local police is not trying to receive bribes when they stop you, so you respect them more;
- California has very advanced trucking infrastructure;

Well, these are main ones.

What do you think?


10-09-2007, 01:30 PM
Thank you, JOleg for starting this poll, it seems interesting.

Guys, please, explain your votes, it's interesting to know the opinions of the other fans, isn't it? :wink:

Freak Of Nature
10-09-2007, 03:09 PM
I vote YES cause california has a lot of beautiful cities, mountais, valeys, deserts, Coast of pasific ocean... i think I will be excited when I see this all in the game and I feel Almost that I am in california :D

10-09-2007, 05:40 PM
I think it was a wonderful idea. Half the reason I want this game so much is that I never been to California, and always wanted to go there, and since the developers made the California in the game so realistic, it will be almost like going there.

California is one of the most interesting states in America without doubt. Where else can you find mountains, desert, ocean, world's biggest trees, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hollywood, and many other things?

Of course I would love to see my home state of Pennsylvania, which is also a beautiful state, but California is the best.

10-09-2007, 06:16 PM
I voted no, I live in California and you guys have no idea how much it sucks down here. You guys have seen to many movies.

10-09-2007, 06:43 PM
I am going to vote yes, as a Canadian I would have rather seen British Columbia, lots of hills and amazing scenery. But never having been to California (outside of LA and San Diego) I think it will be neat to see. Traffic wise, I would go with California, just because there is so much more, in BC you don't hit much traffic at all, especially up North. In a driving simulator traffic makes it difficult and interesting.

10-10-2007, 01:09 PM
California is perfect. I would sure not wanna drive in Russia, or other Europe. Though Italy or Greece would be cool. Oh, and think about Honshu! Tokyo, Kioto, and such.. But California is cool to me.
I wonder if there's ever going to be a trucking game positioned in Finland :)
Or in Russia and Finland, cause there's A LOT of trucks from Russia driving in here. Hauling cars from here to Russia, and such.

10-10-2007, 03:33 PM
I would have to say no. California should not have been chosen, it's not very interesting. I'm from calgary alberta canada and I've been through all over the states, and to tell you the truth, california was the most boring state to drive through (besides north of say.....weed.....) and it was the most disguisting place I've ever been. I thought I've seen bad before, but not till I went to california. Sitting in 35+ heat with the seat sticking to your ass, traffic backed up for miles without a car moving in site, people yelling at eachother having road rage....etc etc etc. It was especially nerveracking trying to find a spot to sleep with hoodlums, bums, ghettos surrounding you. I drove around for 2 hours trying to find a spot that looked somewhat safe. Even the guys in the truckstops were weirdos, not to mention the lot lizards. You haven't experienced a real truck drive till you drove the narrow, sometimes scary, but beautiful roads of british columbia. Or even ontario is a interesting drive, longest province to drive through EVER, but there's lots of animals and lots of scenery. Hell, even alaska would be beautiful to drive through. Haven't been there yet but it's next on my list and bound to be 10X more interesting and pretty. Certainly more than california has to offer anyways. I don't know how people can stand living in that hole, or why they'd even want to go there. When that major fault line gives out on the west coast, I'll say good riddance, sink that entire part of the continent. Take vancouver while you're at it.

10-12-2007, 02:04 PM
I would have to say no. California should not have been chosen, it's not very interesting. I'm from calgary alberta canada and I've been through all over the states, and to tell you the truth, california was the most boring state to drive through (besides north of say.....weed.....) and it was the most disguisting place I've ever been. I thought I've seen bad before, but not till I went to california. Sitting in 35+ heat with the seat sticking to your ass, traffic backed up for miles without a car moving in site, people yelling at eachother having road rage....etc etc etc. It was especially nerveracking trying to find a spot to sleep with hoodlums, bums, ghettos surrounding you. I drove around for 2 hours trying to find a spot that looked somewhat safe. Even the guys in the truckstops were weirdos, not to mention the lot lizards. You haven't experienced a real truck drive till you drove the narrow, sometimes scary, but beautiful roads of british columbia. Or even ontario is a interesting drive, longest province to drive through EVER, but there's lots of animals and lots of scenery. Hell, even alaska would be beautiful to drive through. Haven't been there yet but it's next on my list and bound to be 10X more interesting and pretty. Certainly more than california has to offer anyways. I don't know how people can stand living in that hole, or why they'd even want to go there. When that major fault line gives out on the west coast, I'll say good riddance, sink that entire part of the continent. Take vancouver while you're at it.LMFAO After living here in California, I have to agree with you. I like I said people have seen to many movies and think its great downhere

10-12-2007, 09:08 PM
Yes, I was think it was a great idea. If there is a second Rig N Roll game made, make it in New England :lol: !

Alex Pianist
10-13-2007, 05:14 AM
I voted YES.
I have been in CA for 10 days and I can say - it's really a wonderful place of the world. The idea of making the game using CA seems to be fine, but as for me, it is too early to say something untill we'll see how it looks in the game.
I think that tractor-trailer work in the U.S. much more structured and civilized than in Russia, so probably it is much more interesting to be a virtual truck driver in California. Also, as developers told us - there will be the real streets e.t.c. Would be the game take place in Russia - I don't think it would be really interesting for international gamers.

.California has far better roads than Russia
It is Los Angeles, that considered to be the city with the worst roads in the U.S. The second one is NYC I suppose.

10-14-2007, 09:46 AM
LMFAO After living here in California, I have to agree with you. I like I said people have seen to many movies and think its great downhere Yeah. When I was a kid, I thought california was the coolest place to go, EVER. Then when I got to finally go there, I was not very impressed. However, I like some of the cities. San francisco is one of the collest cities ever built, they got the golden gate bridge, alcatraz, the nieghbourhoods in itself would be a really cool place to live and enough to put up with the surrounding bullshit. Treasure island was neat too. When you head east towards nevada I like that area too, like nevada city is a neat little town up in northeast cali for example. granzella was a palce I stopped to eat, just north of san francisco, neat little township just off the highway, and I happened to buy some extremely hot hotsauce there. There's lots to california, as long as you stay away from the major interstates and cities. I would have been more pleased to see the state of nevada or soemthing, or new mexico or even arizona. They got some nice mountain ranges through there and interesting stuff like the extraterrestrial highway and the entrance to groom lake road and area 51. I just really like those deserted desert roads down there, they're really eerie and mysterious driving through them at night. I'm not looking forward to being caught in a los angeles traffic jam EVER again.

10-22-2007, 08:42 AM
Of course I would love to see my home state of Pennsylvania, which is also a beautiful state, but California is the best.
I live in PA too, Ubaku. Cool.

I like California as a choice since I used to live near San Francisco in a city named Antioch.

10-23-2007, 03:20 AM
guys I live in California.. it both sucks and rocks at the same time (and different times). It evolves very quickly.. you can't judge it like Europe.

but in general.. places like Fresno, Bakersfield, and especially Barstow are just dumps :lol:

Los Angeles area is one big dumpster.. (people/culture wise) but because of the location at least there you don't feel like you're in the middle of the desert... and since there's so many people its more interesting in general.

It would be awesome if later on in the game Hawaii could somehow be unlocked. That would look beautiful!!

10-23-2007, 11:05 AM
Iraq present day would be fun :wink:

USA Driver
10-23-2007, 06:02 PM
I'd say no that California was a good idea. What about Florida.. or better, New York?

10-23-2007, 07:40 PM
It would be awesome if later on in the game Hawaii could somehow be unlocked. That would look beautiful!!

That would be a quick trip. Are there even semis on Hawaii? I bet they get their supplies from airplanes and boats from the contiguous USA.

10-23-2007, 10:48 PM
It wouldn't be a quick trip with all the traffic!! :D

and that's not the point. It would be like a reward for completing a big part of the game.. wouldn't it be awesome? someone told me there will be romance in the game.. so perhaps you could go there for honey moon or just vacation. and have to deliver a load :-) taking ferries from island to island. Even just staying on the one main one would be good enough. I think everyone would want to download that if it came out as expansion. Though Las Vegas or something in Mexico wouldn't be bad either.

10-24-2007, 08:43 PM
I have never been to Hawaii yet, but it seems so small on the map. Yes, it would be nice to virtually "travel" to other places. That is another reason why I like flight simulators too.

Romance? In the story right? I hope, it is not like I have to go find myself a trucker girl to win. :P

Las Vegas...that sounds nice to see in Rig'n'Roll. I have been there once. I liked the colorful atmosphere.