View Full Version : Question for Luthier or other Devs re Force Feedback

03-28-2011, 05:13 PM
I have the Russian version of Cliffs of Dover and cannot enable force feedback. I have heard that the Russian forum members have also not been able to get force feedback working.

Is force feedback support actually in the game? If it is and it will be patched in later, then great, I can wait until it is working. If it is not planned to have force feedback effect in CoD please let us know soon, i would like to cancel my pre-order before it is posted and I can no longer get my money back.


03-28-2011, 06:30 PM

03-28-2011, 06:33 PM
Must be a bug. Surely?

I can't imagine it is planned to keep force feedback out of the game???

03-28-2011, 06:46 PM
I hope so, I have pre-orderd the UK collectors edition and it costs £50. If it isn't a bug (which I expect it is) and FF is not supported then I cannot see me wanting to play CoD no matter how great it is.