View Full Version : "Side" quest

02-07-2011, 07:30 AM
i'm new and my eng language is not too good so i'm sorry if u not understand :(
1.after the tutorial meet Telle ,kill 2 bandit and u show up near the lake in u need to kill all the animal to gain a highest Exp ( u must be lv 2 or 3 in this place) and when u go to the yellow arrow, u fight with 4 robber, defeat them and release the leader( name Ourskier, he will be your slave :))
2. after u go to hillandia, see the map , in the middle of the bottom u see a small village, in there have a guy name Michael, his mission is kill the robber in the Lake ( after u wake up near the lake, search arounds u will se they camp, 6 robber lv6, i kill them when i lv3, it take a few minute to split them) kill them all and search in they vamp u see a "Head of the undead" this is a misson item and u will bring it back to the guy near the inn ( he dress like a mage ,sorry i forgot his name, near him, u see a elven name Terzir)
3. in that town u see a girl ( alseem's neighboor) talk to her, and then go to the station u see Alseem ( save game before talk to him) choose carefully your word
if u succeed, there will have something new :D ( reach Horsk by the airship, u see one guy near the airship ,he's the servant of Alseem , talk to him and he 'll gave u some violet item (Fire bazille, ring of fire, ring of Alseem...) if u not understand something or want more information contact me with my Y! ID The_crazy_man29 or my email minh.dien@ymail.com
( sorry if i wrong about location ):rolleyes: