View Full Version : Serious Skermish Problems.

02-03-2011, 04:04 AM
First i would like to say that a really love this game so far and am excited to buy it when it is released.

Now, In playing Many skirmishes i really have to ask, What kind of balance system is there? I really can't seem to find out what it is that makes the AI suddenly spawn insane amounts of troops/tanks. Just got done playing a 2 hour long skirmish on normal with a friend and we took the last flag and missed the next to last. About 10 seconds after taking the flag we are rushed by 6 tanks 2 half tracks full of infantry and 2 more groups of 8 units on foot. Now, I have never been in a game that i have EVER had the amount of forces to take out something like that at the very end of the game. That doesn't even make sense.

Now a suggestion.... Why does the AI not use the same system as us, the less flags you have the less points you have to spend on things. Instead its the complete opposite. So you spend most of the game just trying to hold the same spots for an hour while the AI endlessly spawn the same units. Skirmish has the potential. But its most defiantly not there and really not all that of an enjoyable experience.

And just a side note, The Difficulty settings are just purely Lazy. Easy - Slower Spawns, Normal - More tanks, Hard - More everything. There is something to be said about coding your AI to react differently to different situations.

*Edit* Sorry for the typo didn't realize it was there and now i can't fix it.