View Full Version : Radio Nav ZB/YE features

01-10-2011, 04:03 PM
There are a couple of things that would help the online users considerably when utilising the ZB/YE carrier radio facilities.

1) The coding for 30deg. segments changes for each carrier when you change maps. This seems unnecessarily complicated as it requires new "pie" diagrams to be drawn by each player every time a map is changed during online DF missions. Could we not revert to each specific carrier having a standardised set of 30deg. coding letters?

2) If you restrict the "Air Force" countries at a carrier Home Base, you are not able to select the Air Force "None" feature to enable the use of a specific skin as when "None" is selected, radio navigation is switched "off". Could this not be linked to "Army" colour "Red/Blue" instead of the "Air Force" selection?

Just some thoughts after trying these new features.


Ian Boys
01-10-2011, 06:29 PM
Re (2) - no, because YE is not available to all Red countries.

01-10-2011, 08:59 PM
Re (2) - no, because YE is not available to all Red countries.

Yup....a very good point. I guess we are then unable to use personal skins unless they have "no markings". Cannot think of another way around it at the moment!

Many thanks for replying.


01-10-2011, 10:52 PM
I guess that's why we need to learn Morse very quickly.

Our squad had a "kneeboard" like proforma which you worte down the flight plan who you wingman, flight buddies etc on.

Before you launch why not write the code letters down in a circle?

01-11-2011, 10:36 AM
I guess that's why we need to learn Morse very quickly.

Our squad had a "kneeboard" like proforma which you worte down the flight plan who you wingman, flight buddies etc on.

Before you launch why not write the code letters down in a circle?

This is fine if you know Morse and to encourage the use of the new realistic navigation feature, I have included in a pie chart (downloadable for squad members) the Morse letters and code for a specific mission (see pic below). Problem is, every time you load a new mission the same carrier generates a new code. Fine IRL, but tedious for online use and I have a feeling it will discourage the use of this feature in all but the keenest online users.

For this reason I would urge a change to dedicated codes for each carrier that would enable a chart like the one below to cover every mission using a specific carrier. I hardly think that is going to detract from realism, rather encourage the use of this new feature.



01-11-2011, 02:58 PM
I have made a similar chart for my squad except it is blank. The idea being to DL the chart and either make a bunch of copies of it, or, in my case, have it laminated for use with dry erase markers. My only complaint is that the Morse code is faint and hard to hear, and is too fast to read. I'm sure though, after time it will become easier.

Ian Boys
01-11-2011, 05:48 PM
razor apparently the morse and static are controlled by different sound sliders in the game (object? music? engine?). Anyway, play with the different sliders and it gets clearer.

01-12-2011, 02:22 PM
I have been playing with it Ian, but I can't say for sure that I have determined anything for sure. It's going to take some more time. I'm not discouraged yet. ;)