View Full Version : An idea, a thread probably started before

12-25-2010, 12:38 AM
Ok as a clarification this is basically an idea of what i think could be a good product, so your thoughts on the issue would be appreciated,

Hello, first of all i know this is my first post on the forums but i simply had to make an account and spill out some of the ideas i've had about a expansion or a stand alone game that could be set in the Star Wolves universe.
Before i start i'd like to point out that most of the idea is coming from having played games for about 20 years now and seen most of the games come out and tried them out. Having said that i'd like to continue with my elaboration of the game options.

Having a game can go one way or the other seeing it game play wise. What that means is no matter where you place your game if there's a free roaming or AKA a sandbox play style if you manage to make it truly free then you probably deviate from the story, and same goes vice versa most companies make their game "free roaming" only to the extend where roaming free actually means you going from one play to the other so you can continue with the story and offer no additional content to actually do while you roam free.
Having said that i truly do belive that Star Wolves franchise has the ability to make it as a game that can have both sides of the coin so to speak and come out with a product that will be a success.
Ok to cut it shorter as it is the game now few of the things that i think should change, respect to the guys that gave some of their ideas in the forums, i'll try and sort some of the things in a easy to see list.

Ideas for a more "free roaming" touch

Well before i start with the whole explanation i'd like to say that one of the best free roaming games i've tried over the time, well rather old now is Cutthroats from Eidos. Now what that game had was basically 1 little ship when you start out (in the middle of the carribian) and starting from there you can choose to be a pirate hunting down merchants and treasury ships, or be a merchant and make your wealth from trading or take up a country for which to wage war againts it's enemies.
Now seeing for that why not take that awesome game idea and then use what made it so unique and put it in a space surrounding. Few of the things that are a must for this are:

- Having crew for your ship(s)
- Having to take care for your crew's needs (optional)
- Having more Space Ports at which when you land you can choose to take up missions and recruit crew members
- Having more items in the markets
- Having the ability to take on more then 5 pilots with you at a given time
- Having the option to buy new mother ships (preferably different classes of motherships)
- Having the option to train for different weapons
- Having a chance to choose a path for you being that of a trader a solder/pirate or a mercenary
- Having something like a teritorial wars for sectors
- Introduction of fractions or corporations that you can fight for ( something like Eve Online has)
- Introduction of some kind of a research that after being done can let your pilot perform skill "X" (something similar to the existing perk system)

One thing though, that really needs to change is the time you spend traveling between gates to get from one gate to another should be made to be more interesting by introducing some kind of a random encounters that depending how you deal with it gives you different outcomes. As it is now traveling is simply boring and non eventful.

As far as going for the more single player experiance the only thing you need over there in that compartment is a strong story and a bond with your character. If you can manage to create a character that the player can bond with and actually care about then you'll have the players interest and their favor for buying the game.

In a not so short post that would be my idea given in rough short lines. So hope anyone still reading this didn't feel like i had stolen 5 minues from his time and that he might have some similar ideas that would care to share.