View Full Version : Missing folders and files!

12-03-2010, 11:15 AM
Hey there.
I have been following this forum for some time, getting tips and tricks for the game. But I was not satisfied with some stats of some weapons, so I changed some cfgs, with no luck anyway...
As a result I had to reinstall the game and lost my saves, so now I am starting over again but I want my merc to have the stats and gear I already had so I can reach where I was quickly. I modified the stats with the azp tool, but I cant modify any items, not even modifying my experience so they appear in shops. I tried the CGL 14 command inside the game but it is giving an error: WARNING1 ItemList:: CalculatePriceOrBalance No Trade Info!
I noticed I am missing folders like InventoryINI and some others I remember I had before. I have 12 folders, and the INI/Items only has the WEAPONINFO_ALT file. Shouldnt it have at least 4 ou 5 more?


12-04-2010, 07:04 AM
When you type CGL q4 you have to wait until the next day before the traders carry the updated inventories.

The missing folders are packed inside azp archives, you should look there for them. Start by checking the Bluesun.azp, it's the one with the most recent files. If they're not there they should be in Pack1_12.azp.

12-05-2010, 02:25 PM
Thanks R@s :) I started playing around with azp.exe and found those folders and files.

About the CGL, I will try in a while, because now the game crashes when I am supposed to go to the bunker to retrieved the gold... :(

12-05-2010, 03:01 PM
Did you copy all the files from the map packs to the Media.pack folder? It's the Bunker_SLevel files in this case, the crash log should say. There was some issues with the 1.3 version, but I think I fixed that in the 1.4. Let me know if that's the case.

01-14-2011, 04:10 AM
Ahem... When I try to enter this sector (a mission given by Tang, BSM 1.4) the minimap fails to load and the game crashes.
Here's the end of the log :
1:05:10.429 ERROR [0] .\OldPackFile.cpp (99) Package not found: Media.pack\DT_CAMP
1:05:10.431 ERROR [0] .\World\Sector.cpp (1161) failed to load minimap
1:05:10.431 ERROR [0] .\World\Sector.cpp (1089) failed to load minimap params from pak: Media.pack\DT_CAMP
1:05:19.794 ERROR [1] .\OldPackFile.cpp (99) Package not found: Media.pack\DT_CAMP
1:05:19.794 WARNING1 [0] .\World\LoadLevelFromPack.cpp (108) PackageVersion >= 3
1:05:19.795 INFO [0] .\World\LoadLevelFromPack.cpp (116) Converting Media.pack\DT_CAMP to the new format...
1:05:19.795 INFO [0] .\World\LoadLevelFromPack.cpp (141) Media.pack\DT_CAMP has been converted to the new format.
1:05:19.795 ERROR [0] .\Parser\RawFileParser.cpp (13) Raw file not found: Media.pack\DT__geom.mesh
1:05:19.796 ERROR [1] .\Parser\TextParser.cpp (683) Error parsing : '' found, int expected
> Exception C0000005 at 0x006BDA6D

I just downloaded the mediapack again, but can't find this DT_CAMP...
thank you for your help

01-14-2011, 10:09 AM
the files are in Media.pack_pt_1

01-14-2011, 12:16 PM
thanks, Todeswolf, you're right. for some reason this file didn't extract in the same folder, that's why I missed those files.

01-20-2011, 05:42 AM
Maybe a little off topic but is it possible to get past CGL 10 doing the Blue Suns missions without editing the CGL? I just finished my first runthough of R@s' missions, killed a little over 900 bad guys and turned in Bashirov and was amazed at how low the level was.