View Full Version : some things to think about in taking out field guns and tanks with infantry..

11-04-2010, 07:33 PM
most of you probably have already worked all this out, but if it helps anyone then cool :mrgreen:

some things to think about in taking out field guns and tanks with infantry..

you gotta know who's got what in their kit..
you will obviously need a guy with AT nades to take out a tank, but normal nades are fine for FGs (field guns) and in some ways are better because they have longer range..
go prone, be patient and use cover, also swivel the POV around because sometimes you can be safe/hidden on sloping ground, that you couldn't see from near vertical perspective..
pay attention to the direction of the gun, either FGs or tanks..if they are pointing at you, chances are they are watching you..in the past i have got a guy round the other side just to ping off some shots and get them to point their guns at him (then he legs it!) and your nade guy can creep a bit closer..
if you hold control down, as you know, it's force fire, but with a nade the targeting dot will stop at its limit, so you can creep up and keep checking this distance until you see its gonna land right on their asses..
i've never really used smoke all that much, but i've tried it a bit lately and it definitely works and lasts a reasonable time as well..most assault guys have these as well as AT nades..
don't waste a guy with AT nades (or much else) on a FG if you can help it..just send a guy up with a thompson/mp44 and 100 or 200 smg bullets 2 nades and 1 health, that way you wont lose too much if and when u lose him..set his gun to do not fire, but you can still obviously aim and shoot..sometimes if you get spotted you just have to leg it and try later or with another guy on a different route, but as you get close, holster your gun and get out a nade, prone all the way..
the very millisecond that that nade leaves your hand you can double click and gtfo of there..so you might still keep your guy..

..and of course, any more suggestions! ;)

11-04-2010, 08:05 PM
A AP grenade can bring down the rocks in Canyon on a tank and destroy it. Smoke, is good to make the enemy think where you are coming from too. Don't forget to cook the grenades. If your good enough you can set two off at the same time..

Crni vuk
11-07-2010, 10:39 PM
yeah ... those rocks, god knows how many times I loost a tank to those because when you move the tank and hit them it will also cause it to fall down ... ah well

11-07-2010, 11:25 PM
All the more reason millitaries don't let you drive a tank without a license.