View Full Version : Army Base

10-15-2010, 06:47 AM
I am trying to find info on how to get NPCs to my army base i got the trader but but cant figure out how to get doctor and mechanic and cant find any info on this topic

10-15-2010, 01:59 PM
The following will be pretty spoily so read at your own risk:


In the Campecino hospital is a Doc which wont heal you, but you can talk to him.
He has a sick brother, needs medicine and you can offer to get it in the Cali Cantinos hospital.

If i remember correctly there are 3 ways to get the meds.
You can either pay the bad doctor 5 or 10k eldo, im not sure right now.
Or you can talk to the receptionist, learn that hes a sick rapist, kill him and get the med´s as reward(you can also rape her on top of that and wont loose the reward...god damn developers!)
For this to work, you need a silent weapon, close the door of his office and the hall doors and do it at night like 3am.
Also none of your mercs can be seen anywhere on the map, hide them somewhere.
Very buggy but will work eventually if u quicksave before shooting, similar to the "replace leader" mission you do for Tanya in Ciudad de Oro.

Lastly you can rat out the receptionist to the Doc and he will "punish" her....
You either get the meds or you can buy em cheaper, not sure right now.

2. Mechanic
Go into the bar in Ciudad de Oro.
Theres a guy in a blue overall talk to him, listen to his story and offer him to help.(if he has no special dialouge youre not advanced far enough CGL wise)

Now you have to find and kill the bandits who screwed his life.
First one is in Santa Maria, there should be a lone bandit guy somewhere in the slums labeled "the elder" or something.
He has dialouge about the mechanic and all, just snuff him.

Take a stroll to Sagrada(the middle town) and waste the bandits that are hanging out in the parking lot, not hard to find.

The next guys are in Olvega, a bunch of Bandits next to the hospital i think.
Just waste em, though you might wanna set up your guys in nice positions before you open fire.

After that stroll over to the drug barons map, and waste the bandits around the small hut on the side.

Lastly venture to the Plantation of the Baron and snuff the bigger group of bandits outside the actual plantation camp.
Again set your guys up right, and notice that you can place guys on top of the hill in the flowers to flank-snipe the bandits.
Easy as pie..

Afterwards back to Ciudad de Oro, tell him the good news and youre done.
Supposedly you should figure this out by listening to the dialouge of the first guy and by some bits and pieces from the others.
I found that to be bullshit^^

10-15-2010, 02:32 PM

10-15-2010, 05:22 PM
The bandit in Santa Maria has an alternative twist where he'll give you money and dig up a corpse from the floodings, I just don't know how to trigger it reliably :)

10-15-2010, 06:02 PM
There is also another way to get the cure from the doctor in Cali-Cantinos for free. If your main merc is female you'll get a dialog option to have sex with him and he'll gladly hand it over;)

11-25-2010, 08:43 PM
I've just gotten the base myself and I'm in the midst of getting the mechanic.

Where is the plantation so I can kill the fifth group of bandits?

I found the doctor in Campecino but he doesn't have any conversation options, is he CGL locked?

And where can I find the trader?



11-26-2010, 04:49 AM
The plantation is near the barons house - drive around for a bit.

The doctor is probably still CGL locked. The trader's Convoy mission is a random encounter in the restricted zone.

With the Blue Sun mod, there's another NPC weapons modder Stefan Uribe who will join your base - then it starts to produce free militia.

I've also found out how to get the alternative story from the bandit in Santa Maria. You have to talk to a civilian first about some men on the run, that will open up his more profitable demise.

11-26-2010, 07:30 AM
Cheers, Dr.Q.

11-29-2010, 07:04 AM
Still haven't gotten the Trader's encounter yet and I've driven the Restricted Zone end to end multiple times. Currently CGL8.

And can anyone tell me when I might expect to find extra SR-25 magazines for sale or even better, another SR-25? What CGL is it unlocked at or is a unique weapon only found once?

11-29-2010, 01:11 PM
The plantation is near the barons house - drive around for a bit.

The doctor is probably still CGL locked. The trader's Convoy mission is a random encounter in the restricted zone.

With the Blue Sun mod, there's another NPC weapons modder Stefan Uribe who will join your base - then it starts to produce free militia.

I've also found out how to get the alternative story from the bandit in Santa Maria. You have to talk to a civilian first about some men on the run, that will open up his more profitable demise.

How do you keep the trader alive? I mean half of their strenght usually gets massacred before I even manage to sprint to the firefight and usually yo man dies rather foolishly charging towards the bandits.
Anyway theres no point turning back now as I finished the encounter a long time ago and one of the survivors paid me well...

11-29-2010, 03:39 PM
Well in any flavor of unbalanced JA2 mod you'd just hunker down and dish out a lot of instant headshots, one by one by one :)

As usual, massive opposition means massive suppression fire. I puto the machinegunner down to cover both passages and start with a few long bursts (20+ rounds) in spread mode through the northern passage.

The gangsters panic and start crawling or even run away, thats enough time for another merc to run up to the side of the passage and start bombing them with nades. Then they are easy pickings.

At the righthand passage I start bombing them right away with a few heavy nades, when the passage is blocked that way they can't hurt the traders and can be picked off after the northern detachment is gone.

Last time I've only had one guard make the stupid suicide run towards the enemies, maybe the machinegun impressed them too :grin:

11-29-2010, 06:38 PM
Still haven't gotten the Trader's encounter yet and I've driven the Restricted Zone end to end multiple times. Currently CGL8.The Convoy/Trader encounter has a 25% chance of appearing after you capture the Army base. If you get enough random encounters one of them should eventually be the Trader one.

And can anyone tell me when I might expect to find extra SR-25 magazines for sale or even better, another SR-25? What CGL is it unlocked at or is a unique weapon only found once?I think those clips appear around CGL 11, maybe even later. Rico will be the first trader that sells them, that I'm sure of:)