View Full Version : Head shot Vid

Brigadier Graham
10-13-2010, 01:53 PM
This is just a hastily made video I made for some of the chaps on TWC, its not epic or anything.. just an example for my society I belong to on TWC.

Real Warfare 1242.... head-shot.

watch in 1080 HD


This is what I wrote.. in my society thread...

No, they have campaign maps, but not like TW.. but check out what they are doing for the next version ..an interactive campaign map.. like mount and blade .. but absolutely gorgeous...I am really look forward to it.. and it has piqued my attention for the Medieval period again.
The previous game XIII Century Blood of Europe is just as good as Real Warfare, that add around 16 battle campaigns that you must win...that doesn't sound too many... but I have to say you really need to micro-manage your units and use a "stratagem" to have any hope of winning.. I recommend these games for anyone who likes a real time strategy game.. historical detail.. a full editor.. infinitely moddable... and absolute fun to play.
9/10 from me.. this is the way to go... conversely I bought Lion heart Crusaders (Paradox Interactive) at the weekend.. all I have to say.. its every thing we fear TW games will become..massive floating flags.. stylized units.. unhistorical.. I mean Joan of Arch on the middle east Crusades? all I have to say is I bought it in error!
But these Real Warfare games are sticking to the "traditional" formula in my opinion... and making very "innovative" progress in their games.. would never say they are better than TW games.. but certainly an alternative.. they refrain from the Arcadish type rubbish that we see coming out of late.. so yes I am looking forward to the next release.. and in the meantime play Real Warfare 1242


10-13-2010, 02:19 PM
Thanks, it would be great if more TW people would learn about these series!

Brigadier Graham
10-13-2010, 02:36 PM
Thanks, it would be great if more TW people would learn about these series!

Quite agree old chap.. Mitra has been instrumental on TWC to "educate" the masses as it were.:-P
Will do what I can myself.. I dont believe these games should go un-noticed, they have impressed me.They might give CA some splendid ideas as well?
Tell me Sneaksie old chap? will there be a demo of Real Warfare 2 or any Beta testing.. I would be more than willing to beta test for you?
I am well versed in NDA's and all that.
Any which way... thanks sir.:grin:

10-13-2010, 03:43 PM
Nice video Mr. Graham,
And big thank you to post it in TWC, mitra was a good prohpet in TWC to preach about XIII century & Real Warfare, but alot rejected the true faith, and so many wanted to crucify him :-x , but you Mr. Graham have alot of renowned there and they will listen to you :grin:
I agree with you regarding demo, there should be one, alot of people wont risk to buy the game even if its look extremly cool.
About Lionheart's king crusade, at the begining I hated it, cause I compared it with TW & RW, but it is a compeletly different game I believe, it is more for RPG fans and I consider it fantasy not historic as it was labeled, it is really good RPG game for me with RTS control/ elements.

Regards old chaps

10-13-2010, 06:00 PM
There people who exchange me for the programmer of game because I made too much publicity to game :).

SPeaking of videos (very nice your, Graham), see that one: is a very nice functionality which in TW is missing if I remember well:


Brigadier Graham
10-14-2010, 04:40 AM
There people who exchange me for the programmer of game because I made too much publicity to game :).

SPeaking of videos (very nice your, Graham), see that one: is a very nice functionality which in TW is missing if I remember well:


He he... yes I understand... well you just show your enthusiasm thats all.. some of the chaps over at TWC wear their games like a comfortable pair of slippers.. its unfortunate that people dont like to see change until it is too late.
Anyway here is what I wrote about Real Warfare and some of the innovative ideas it has..
Dont wish to be seen a advertising.. but I see no harm in letting people know of games like this? and we all want better games in the future eh chaps?


10-14-2010, 06:19 PM
I think most people in TWC are currently statisfied with total war games they are playing, since CA keeps on releasing new titles, they got thier fans hyped and keep waiting and playing thier games untill the release of new title, thats why I believe people they are not encouraged to play games which are very similar to TW (at least from the visual point of view).
I recommend that 1C company advertise more about the feature of RW2 that is new and unique and not (and wont be) in total war games.
Just like how Mr. Graham & mitra advertise, but with more official teaser, also demo is really vital here, people wont risk buy new game that there is no hype about it.
I hope more gaming sites give positive review when RW2 released.

Brigadier Graham
10-14-2010, 11:26 PM
I think most people in TWC are currently statisfied with total war games they are playing, since CA keeps on releasing new titles, they got thier fans hyped and keep waiting and playing thier games untill the release of new title, thats why I believe people they are not encouraged to play games which are very similar to TW (at least from the visual point of view).
I recommend that 1C company advertise more about the feature of RW2 that is new and unique and not (and wont be) in total war games.
Just like how Mr. Graham & mitra advertise, but with more official teaser, also demo is really vital here, people wont risk buy new game that there is no hype about it.
I hope more gaming sites give positive review when RW2 released.

Yes my recommendation would be a demo before release.. its seems to be the best way really.

10-15-2010, 01:55 PM
1C has never been a distributer that uses lots of advertisement though :(

10-15-2010, 04:35 PM
For example alot of people said the same about Men of War (COH copy), but 1c released a demo for it, and we can see that alot of people loved men of war and got well known.

salah el deen
10-28-2010, 05:41 PM
yeah when will these guys learn and know that its a good game and they have no option but to accept that!!! isnt that right Rody?

gaming sites should give more positive reviews because these developers need better support since they are poor