View Full Version : Random quality of squad

09-18-2010, 06:27 PM
I just want to know if is only me or it happens to all players.

Here is the situation:
My squad fight very well in a portion of combat (like max dmg, max dmg, crit, crit, max dmg, kill), then I make a stupid mistake. I reload a save, and I see them missing most of the time (like 7-8 shots in a row, with 150+ weapon skill). Same combat, same enemies, same weapons, same positions. And not only 1 member of the team, but all of them. I reload again (F8)... same thing. I restart the game, they fight well again.

Is there some kind of weird algoritm calculating %hit chance and making it worse with each reload?

... and another thing. In first part of the game, near Hoover office there is a guy called Wolf in a locked room. This guy disappears after I get the quest with Pimple and Ammo Factory. I can't pick the lock from that office, and there is also a chest in that room. I assume there is only crap inside, but I want to know how to trigger the quest.

Thank you.

12-05-2010, 11:23 PM
I just made a post about the % chance to hit problem, too. I noticed your post has 115 views and 0 replies. I guess this isnt the place to come for help, which is funny, because it seems to be the only damn forum for this game on the net.

06-29-2011, 06:17 PM
when u don't take the job of the inner guard & become electrician then u after one mission u become wolf's guard