View Full Version : What's the use of Wings and Rockets?

09-12-2010, 05:01 AM
I just tried using Wings and I must say that it seems a bit pointless, as it takes them a long time to take out enemies, comparing to putting everyone on separate individual wings . Am I using it wrongly?

I tried using unguided rockets too, they seem to be missing more than 95% of their shots, anyone got any tips to use them more effectively against fighters? They don't have problems against capital ships though, in fact I think they're the best weapon against capital ships.

I'm also having trouble with huge battles. My fps drops to about 1~3 fps when I enter huge battles, like the final fights and such, any solution or fix to this?

On a side note, where do I edit explosion radius for missiles? The higher tier missiles tend to do an insane amount of radius damage, a well placed LRM-Hornet can take out 6~8 wings of fighters, including teammates. I think it's a little overkill.


09-12-2010, 07:08 AM
Some pilots give the wing a bonus if they're on a wing; pilots with Lone Wolf skill benefit from being alone. Since for the majority of the game we don't have a full team (unless you add Goblin Wizard's Mothership mod and hire extra pilots) yes, most of the time it's faster to let everyone fend for themselves.

Yeah, unguided missiles miss a lot. As you've observed they're pretty much useless unless against a target that isn't flying around. Even before I modded them I pretty much ignored unguided missiles except for the 32-pack.

The game engine is pretty inefficient so lag in battles is unfortunately to be expected. There's a no-fog mod which may help some players a bit (e.g. those playing on laptops), but generally large battles will always be somewhat laggy.

Explosion distance is defined in \Data\Game\Rockets.xml, simply edit the explosion_radius values for the various detonators. As others have observed, missiles are more of a pre-engagement weapon - it's too easy to kill yourself when they go off point-blank in the middle of a fight. Check out my missile mod if you still want to use missiles as in-combat weapons.

It's possible to add bonuses while pilots are in a wing. This is done simply by adding extra code to the scripts checking perks to apply passive skills. All you need to do is add a check not for a perk but for presence of more than 1 pilot in a wing (a lone pilot is considered a wing of 1). This is how the Lone Wolf skill works btw.

Assuming being in a wing confers a feeling of safety I'd say a piloting bonus would be realistic - especially since we've seen that pilots often don't attack the target because they break off the attack run to maintain wing cohesiveness.

09-12-2010, 08:11 AM
I played an entire game using just Wing tactics and it kind of sucks. Even with a wing of 4-5 people, splitting them up individually does way more damage. It's a lot more evident when you're fighting a lot of enemies. In a wing you'll see your own fighters going around doing nothing.

I think the developers screwed up with the rockets. They should have made them more similar to projectile weapons and shooting where they think the enemy will be. Though, deadly missile with the 32-pack rockets can take out just as much as a Hornet LRM if it hits.

The weaker missiles have a smaller radius and can be used for dogfights. I usually manually move my team if I need to use a missile in close combat though. I thought the missile spec was perfect for Corsair because of his deadly missile in SW1, now it's just overkill due to the high radius of the missiles now.