View Full Version : Anti-personel mines and claymores not working

09-10-2010, 04:17 AM
Hi all. Loving the game and ran into a new problem. I've read and researched and found out about setting up remote claymores, and got those to work, but regular mines and regular non-remote claymore don't seem to work at all. I've armed and set them and had enemies come with inches of them and they don't go off. I've also walked all over them myself with my own troops and they don't go off. Once set, they just don't go off, period, even throwing grenades right next to them don't explode them. Any ideas?

09-10-2010, 11:42 AM
This is an wellnone bug with the regular mines, regular non-remote claymore and bodytraps. But i don't no if there is solution to solve the problem.

09-10-2010, 12:45 PM
I have seen the tripwire + handgrenade traps explode, it's just that as soon as one enemy spots a mine, they all know about it and will never ever step on it. And they are a little bit too good at spotting the things, doesn't seem to be something that could be fixed without an official patch :)

09-10-2010, 04:42 PM
Interestingly, try saving the game while an enemy is right on top of a mine that refuses to explode. Then, reload. More often than not, the mine explodes.

The whole boobytrap system is weird.