View Full Version : God mode does it really work?

09-09-2010, 07:06 PM
hi folks, i really try to keep from using cheats but when a game literally beat the crap out of u no matter what tactics u use i find my self resorting to cheat just to move on I've never found the need to use cheat except for final mission in sw 1 and in sw 2. but the god mode cheat only seam to work in sw 1 i tried it in sw 2 and 3 and i cant bring up the con sole with SHIFT + ~. here's a copy of what i have on the main.ini file can some one let me know if i did any thin wrong?

EditEnv = 0
EditClouds = 0
StartGame = 1
TestSasha = 0
TestMiha = 0
TestVova = 0
TestSergey = 0
TestAnton = 0
TestCodeDaemon = 0
TestKolobrod = 0

ForceTexture16 = 0
LogPixelFormats = 0
ZBufferBPP = 32
ZFarPlane = 700.0f
ZNearPlane = 0.1f
FOV = 90
NeedRefDev = 0
TextureDetail = 3
MeshMipLevels = 1
CollectTextureCache = 1
NeedWindowsMouse = 0
NormalizeMaterials = 0

MapCameraDownAngle = 75
MapCameraUpAngle = 50
ShowMovieInMenu = 1
EnableCharacterSelect = 1
CameraRecord = 0

TraceLoadTexture = 0
TraceLoadMesh = 0
MinCameraFocus = 2
MaxCameraFocus = 250

AllocNumBreak = -1
UseBackToDeleteFocus = 0
AutoPauseWhileFPSLess = -1
UIDNumBreak = -1
OverScaleTime = 1.0

useLinearShipSize = FALSE
linearSizeLimit = 20

useShipDistance = FALSE
distanceLength = 100

09-25-2010, 01:41 PM
The main.ini is fine , tho you might what to put a space between the = and the 1

eg. DebugMode= 1

But apart from that its fine. I did have this problem , i had to run the game in admin mode (im running win7) to get the console to work. But there was a side effect (and i dont know if this effects anyone else but it did to me) . Running in admin mode seem to delete my save game for some reson so it was like i had just install the game.

So once you in the game press Shift+` (tide key) and type "g_cheats 1" then close the console. Press shift and I in game and that will give you god mode.
Also you can up your starting money by going into 1C Company\Star Wolves 3 - Civil War\Data\Scripts

Open "InitTeamScript" with notepad and look for "SetPlayerCredits" and just change the number. Make sure when you save , it saves as a Script file not a text file. Always make a backup of the file just in case.