View Full Version : Question about reflex sight

08-18-2010, 05:56 AM
Aiming point seems to be just better than the holosight, but holosight is a little more expansive.
Is there any disadvantage of aiming point?
Both seems to have the same view of sight and request the same time to shoot.
so I am wondering if there is any hiden data of all sight?

08-18-2010, 05:29 PM
The one stat of the reflex sights is not hidden, it's the 'range' in the stats window.

And that brings up one of the balance issues in the BSM mod, that you can plug the desert sights with 200m range from the shop for cheap and it is better than all the others, giving the communist weapons a handicap.

Not quite sure, but realistically the communists should have a higher sustained rate of fire to make up for that :)

08-19-2010, 04:11 AM
Is 'range' the only attribute of reflex sight?
Is there any other attribute? such as aiming time modify, it is not shown in game. though both reflex sights seems to have the same aiming time modify.

08-28-2010, 11:14 AM
Well I simplified it a bit, the Range isn't the only attribute. When you look into 7.62\INI\Items\ADDONINFO, there's also Weight and the structural damage "Resource", but thats it then :)

I've changed the desert collimator to a more balanced setting in my game, so that the eastern weapons would still be useful. I really liked the way this was done in HLA, with a modular system where the sights and mountings are separate items.