View Full Version : How does Konung 3 compare to Konung 2 ?

07-19-2010, 08:00 PM
Greetings everyone!

Being a veteran player of KO2, I wonder if KO3 bears many similarities. I will start by pointing out the pros and cons of KO2:


high replayability; playing a different character out of the six available ones can make the gaming experience substantially different, e.g playing as Ratibore or Anastasia.

Many interesting quests and very heated battles. In fact at the lower levels, even for experienced gamers, battles can be quite tough. Until you learn the value of tactics and strategy, you aren't likely to go far.


The inability to directly influence the outcome of the battles between your settlement and the Ruler's soldiers. You are simply told about the result of the fight. That's quite inadequate.

More variety of weapons and armour would have been nice.

The pathetically easy fight of the endgame.

I am now waiting for you to let me know of the pros and cons of KO3

Thank you very much

07-19-2010, 09:14 PM
this is my first Konung game so i dont know i can't compare but what is this

The inability to directly influence the outcome of the battles between your settlement and the Ruler's soldiers

what is this?

do you mean if am in my villige then i can invade another villige? can you please explain what do you mean by that?

and what is Ratbore and anastasia?

you can get those charactor to join your party but u can't be the main charactor?

do you mean if i replay the game then i can make my main charactor ratibore or anastasia?

07-20-2010, 02:37 PM
Greetings everyone!

Being a veteran player of KO2, I wonder if KO3 bears many similarities. I will start by pointing out the pros and cons of KO2:


high replayability; playing a different character out of the six available ones can make the gaming experience substantially different, e.g playing as Ratibore or Anastasia.

Many interesting quests and very heated battles. In fact at the lower levels, even for experienced gamers, battles can be quite tough. Until you learn the value of tactics and strategy, you aren't likely to go far.


The inability to directly influence the outcome of the battles between your settlement and the Ruler's soldiers. You are simply told about the result of the fight. That's quite inadequate.

More variety of weapons and armour would have been nice.

The pathetically easy fight of the endgame.

I am now waiting for you to let me know of the pros and cons of KO3

Thank you very much

High replayability: seems not, all characters start in the same city.

Intresting quests: yee I find them more intresting than konung 2.

Heated battles: not so much, pretty easy, and you can even switch on "Easy fights" in game options.

The inability to directly influence the outcome of the battles between your settlement and enemies: even worse now, you will get no message if your camp have been slaugthered by spiders or bandits :p lol (so you have to pick up loads of guards to your city to be on the safe side)

Weapons and armor: well all the old once from konung 2 seems to be here, and a few new.

What I dont like about konung 3:

No elixir of wisdom.
you cant conqueror villages by force. (you culd in Konung 1)
You cant pick up anyone you whold like to your force, only spesific NPCs.
Poision dissapairs by its self, so you dont have to prepare yourself with antidote before fighting poisiones beasts.

and crappier music in my opinion. and no voices from NPCs in the english version.

But I reccomend it if you liked Konung 1 and 2 :)

07-21-2010, 03:56 PM
Lulubu, I strongly suggest you get Konung 2 for it is in my humble opinion the best RPG I've played.

Sigmar, thank you for your reply!:)

I am rather disappointed by some of the points you referred to, for example not being able to take part in the battles launched by your enemies against your settlements. More disappointing is the easiness of the fights. And if all the characters start in the same city, then what difference does it make to choose one rather than another? *sighing* I was so looking forward to playing Konung 3.

07-21-2010, 05:38 PM
Lulubu, I strongly suggest you get Konung 2 for it is in my humble opinion the best RPG I've played.

Sigmar, thank you for your reply!:)

I am rather disappointed by some of the points you referred to, for example not being able to take part in the battles launched by your enemies against your settlements. More disappointing is the easiness of the fights. And if all the characters start in the same city, then what difference does it make to choose one rather than another? *sighing* I was so looking forward to playing Konung 3.

Well you can take part of the battles, Usually when I enter my cities it becomes under attack.. (but they are usually dead before I get to them, due to my pimped out guards)
and the easyness with fights well might be just me, since I didnt know about the "Easy fights" option, so it was on the first few levels, before I noticed it and switched it off, then it was abit of a challange for a few levels, but now its pretty easy, as im a few levels higher than most monsters. (still havent completed the game).

And well.. about the diffrent characters you can play , diffrence is in atibrutes it seems, (seems you can be a spellcaster in Konung 3, but havent tried it out yet)
and I havent tried to play any other character than Eric yet, so im not 100% sure if the game is exacly the same from what character you pick, just saw they all start in the same city.

I really recomend trying it out tough, I think its a good game, as I am a big fan of the konung series.

but konung 2 the best game you have played? :o
it cant compare to Konung 1 to be honest! that was the most epic game ever in my opinion. (Might be nostalgia talking, hihi)

07-21-2010, 07:03 PM
Thank you very much. Sigmar. I like the nick by the way.(Sigmar is probably your best companion in Konung 2 since he excels at most things; he's a brilliant archer, an excellent melee fighter and a pretty good blacksmith)

I keep hearing so much about Konung: Legend of the North. Do you know where I can download it? By the way, I am planning to get Konung 3.:)

07-21-2010, 08:16 PM
No idea where you can download, pretty old game so I guess your best bet is to order it from Ebay or similar sites, seen it out there atleast.

07-22-2010, 10:33 AM
Konung 3 is disappointed me , free run world-wide is disabled , u can go from this village to others village easily . Only a straight at every forests , animals with low level , no easter places , secrets , too .

Beside that , different character at each version made me wonder about the story , i can't understand why we always have new heroes . Where all the guys in previous versions ?

So , Konung 2 is better than konung 3 .

07-22-2010, 02:51 PM
Agreed that the previous games where better.

And the story I think its becouse the previous heroes are all dead of age..
Konung 2 was in the Titan era if im not completly wrong, and in konung 3 they often talk about The era of the titans as in ancient history.
And beetween konung 1 and 2 it seems it was about 30-40 years diffrence, as some characters you meet the older versions of in konung 2, as in konung 1 you meet Sigmar as a young warrior, and in konung 2 as an old man.

07-22-2010, 04:25 PM
And how about Old camp , Huntington village , Byzantine Camp ... ? I thought it must be appeared in this game , but not , new villages , new camps , byzantine seems to be extincted cause just only a byzantine camp i have seen .

07-22-2010, 04:39 PM
well not sure if the developers gave much tought to it, but contrys / civilisations do dissapair in the world.. like persia and the sovjet union etc..
and theese are just little villages, so it culd easily happen that Old camp / huntington got attacked and burned to the ground, then the survivors moved to another village / started to build a new one.

I personally dont mind that they have came up with new villages, the easy way out whold be to just randomly name the camps the same as they were in the previous games...but we still have Lower camp,forest camp and Blackwood tough hehe :)

07-23-2010, 06:28 PM

I am having a good time with Konung 3 so far but I so miss the old graphics and the random encounters. I also miss the Elixir of wisdom which used to help my weak characters become stronger. I miss the free roaming in the world and the raids of the ruler's soldiers, which used to give my characters a lot of nice equipments and experience.

By the way, how do you use the 'healing' skill ? I invested two points in healing but I don't know how to heal myself and party. Thank you!

07-24-2010, 12:41 PM
hmm think it was a waste of points, seems only the healers can heal, so thats just a useless skill to give your character..
but I culd be wrong tough. but you culd try Ctrl clicking the character with the healing skill to see if theres an option to heal when you talk to him / her.

07-24-2010, 06:11 PM
Well, I tried the CTRL thingy on myself and followers but to no avail. The question is: why include this skill in the game if it's useless? :(

07-25-2010, 12:15 PM
hehe thats just how the konung games roll! :p
But maby they just didnt bother to remove it from playable characters, as the skill exsists in the game, you can level up your healers in city to heal better.

07-29-2010, 05:51 PM
hehe thats just how the konung games roll! :p
But maby they just didnt bother to remove it from playable characters, as the skill exsists in the game, you can level up your healers in city to heal better.

Well, I am having much more fun with Star wolves 3. I think you should give it a go.

08-05-2010, 02:26 PM
I was wrong about the healing, the more healing one of your chars have the more do he heal your entire party with "healing plants"

03-24-2011, 01:51 AM
I always had problems with Konung 2, no matter what computer I ran it on, it ran very slowly! New ones, olde ones, didn't matter what computer it was. I still have the box to this day, nearly 6 years olde! I'd love to play it again, but I can't stand how slow it is.

I thought they could have made Konung 3 better. I was hoping Konung 3 would be just like Konung 2, but with some more stuff to it. They took a lot of stuff out for Konung 3 it seems.

I think I'm easy to please, so I don't have a big list of cons :P. But I do agree with points made. It feels like they rushed Konung 3, or they couldn't finish it in time.

I do have one Pro for both games, the art is great in both! Konung 2 I think I like better, but not by a whole lot. I also love how they used the same sound effects from older Konungs in Konung 3.

Also let me say that the endgame for Konung 3 was very hard for me. I was not ready for those magi skeletons.