View Full Version : Ranked Games In Multiplayer - MoW

06-21-2010, 12:14 PM
Hi guys,

How is it possible to get ranked games going in multiplayer? I see no button for it anywhere on the game creation screen, and yet from time to time I get invites to ranked games (even though when I try to join them I get a 'resource desynch' error, presumably because whoever it is is playing a mod).

Also, what is the 'Recruitment' button? Whenever I press that I just get an error saying 'Connection to server failed'.


06-21-2010, 03:39 PM
i think "ranked games" needs dedicated servers (gamespy?). these server are hosting the ranked games (because of cheating). but gamespy dont have servers all time (reason for 'Connection to server failed' error).

imho: ranked games isnt playable at moment because dedicated server (max. 4 games) are too laggy (ping between 300-1500 ms). more than 300ms is absolutely not playable with direct controll.