View Full Version : What happens to old weapons?

06-04-2010, 08:07 PM
I've had my weapons for ages. Recently, I've found they require maintenance fart oo often. They go offline after about a minute of combat. I was wondering if newer weapons would require less maintenance.

06-08-2010, 05:08 PM
Well, I don't know if older weapons begin to deteriorate faster, but equipment made by different races does deteriorate at different rates.

If they're Maloq weapons (or equipment), they'll deteriorate the fastest of all. Peleng are the next worst. Human items are about average overall, and not too bad. Faeyan equipment is even better than Human's, and Gaalian equipment is the best quality and deteriorates the slowest. I don't know where Dominator made equipment falls into that scale.

Of course, that quality affects price. I believe, but am not 100% positive at the moment, that two equivalent items, one made by say, Humans, and the other by Gaalians, should have different costs. The Gaalian one should be more expensive to purchase because of the better quality design and all that.