View Full Version : How to rest all party members?

05-31-2010, 02:10 AM
I cant seem to figure out the rest/sleep mode so that all my members get fully rested not just the first one to hit full stamina.

I keep going into battles with one guy almost fully rested and the other with a quarter of stamina. Is there some way to rest them all at once?

(edit) NM found that just stopping movement and waiting will do it, but do have to cancel my move orders on strat map tho...

06-01-2010, 10:33 PM
I think mercs can travel a long time with low stamina, so you can walk til the first guy becomes fully exhausted. The second should by now be very, very tired too. (You could even overload him.) Try to avoid ambush, and get a vehicle as soon as you can!

02-09-2015, 05:42 PM
Or use "Arbitrary" difficulty and have eagerness on