View Full Version : How do you tell which char is which class

05-08-2010, 06:29 AM
Hi as the title states how do you tell what class the chars you get are :confused:,
I've gone through the manual several times nothing there,
i've compared the stat points of the char when you first get them to the auto classes and none of them match,
so how do you tell what class the chars you get should be :confused:,

05-11-2010, 06:42 AM
Each character has a unique skill tree to pick abilities from - Totem clans: Wolf, Cat, Bear... Telle is her own, steampunk techie, etc. The whole thing about the class system is that you make the characters to your liking. Play them how you want and mix and match skills accordingly.

That being said, if you want to max your skills out, you'll have to pick only a couple of them so most of the time you'll have, say 5-10 points in some good abilities for most characters and thus, a lot of versatility. This is especially true for your main character whom you can build just about any way you like. Beware, though, that his points are limited as well and you'd be best served picking only a small handful of useful abilities that can all be executed with the same weapon and focusing on those.

...hope that helps.

06-16-2010, 11:20 AM
Torry - tech
Outskirter - Melee\Crushing
Rada - Melee \ sword n shield
Telle - Mage
Loy- Melee\Daggers
BigDwarf? - 2H\Crushing
Ian - BattleMage

This is how I used them because they had some points pre-set into these abilities. Doesnt pay to customize them, imo, I strengthened what they already were.