04-19-2010, 09:10 AM
Hi all,

Anyone figured out how to make an object damageable only by a certain type of ammo? (Need this for armoured vehicles).

Post me a script sample if you managed it, thx.

Whats the script call for a video animation?

I aint got time for optimalisation of the game AI to improve the RAM eating so if anyone gets this done, inform me.

Secondly, this aint so much mod related but just my inquiry. What vehicles would you like to see in the game? Useable in battle! not decoration. Exclude tank, jeeep with machinegun, motorbike, normal car. No flyiables or artilery, nor stationary heavy guns.

Anyone skilled with bloodanimations? Water effects were allways my weakness :-P. I need only inspiration on how should the skull explosion work in relation to bullet hit. The bullet is a heavy calliber from heavy machinegun instalation :-P (requires two jerks to mount and operate).

Another Inquiry, how much in percentage of graphic quality loss can you withstand in relation to improved playability (new content, animations, new functions) ??

I dont promise to have the things working up in any day soon, nor month so dont have big eyes for this. If the pc breakes again i might as well give up on everything so understand this my post just as a question :-)

Thx for the help

04-19-2010, 10:09 AM
To check which weapon made the damage I think you need to play around with the function:

if Player.HasWeaponInHands()

You need to add all the Armor piercing weapons to a list of weapons that does damage to certain objects.

The OnAttacked() phrase for the objects should also be involved in the process, to make sure it's the player that does the shooting.

For playing your own video the syntax is:

call ShowMovie("YourMovie")

The video should be in *.bik format, the RADTools is a free prog that converts any other format to this, good tool.

If you're talking about character animations I can't help you. That's far above my paygrade:grin:

04-19-2010, 10:25 AM
Thanks a lot R@S, thats the things i wanted to know. I will play with it and see what comes out.

And yep I meant video sequence, not animations.

I have a fella who is working on track animations for the tank.

Regarding the new animations for character,s that will be also my curse :-P. Creating the animations is not much of a trouble. Its just about adding bones and creating sequences for the mesh of the 3D objects but the implementation is harder>>source code main base must be atacked! :-D

I only worry that once I find out how to do things in the way I want the Developers come with new version of the game :-((although it looks like they dont want to continue this title.

On the other hand I will be faster with the experience learned.

modding is quite fun and for me personaly it was a very nice feeling to hear the characters speak in my language :-D (Dabbing by me and my girlfriend, dont ask, it took me quite some time to persuade her for the few sentences-this was jsut for testing :-P).