View Full Version : Cheap way to get craploads of loot early game

04-03-2010, 07:13 AM
I found a good place to repeatably get loot early game in the XB-13 system. It can be looted most profitibly with a missile specialist in the team, but is might still be profitable even without.

Ingredients: a missile specialist with deadly missile ability, several torpedoes, and a fighter capable of firing them(Excalibur you get from Ternie will do).

In the middle of the map, there is a USS warehouse with 1 of its cargo bays destroyed. Firing a torpedo at it with Deadly Missile ability will cause splash damage to destroy the transport parked next to it, without provoking any retailiation. After picking up loot from the destroyed transport, firing a torpedo at the wreckage will destroy the next transport, yielding more loot and so one. After looting all the transports, leave the wreckage behind and depart from the system.

Come back to the system again, and the transports will be regenerated, in the middle of them should be the wreckage from the last time you were here. Firing a torpedo at the wreckage will destroy the regenerated transports, yielding yet more loot.

Rinse and repeat.

This works with the most basic cheap torpedo if a missile guy is in your team, otherwise the expensive T-9 Supernova will be needed, but even that will be profitible due to the fighters you can loot.

Edit: The way through Corrino is easier as it has fewer pirates.

04-03-2010, 10:58 AM
An even cheaper and easier way is by visiting XT-26, its full of pirates, but you do NOT want to kill them, instead, hide somewhere and put the game to X4, every once in awile strong trader fleets spawn and skirmish with the pirates. The Pirates almost always win, and never clean up after themselves, and after a little while the entire sector is filled with trader wreckages and dropped trader loot. You can even get free Daga Lasers and Usiel Particle Accellerators from the killed Mercenaries, and of course lots of money.

The only problem is that you need enough firepower to deal with the pirates that ambush you at the gate.