View Full Version : Endings (Spoilers)

03-24-2010, 12:12 AM
Looking at the ending videos, there are a total of 20 different endings to this game, im amazed at how many different outcomes there are. My first one was siding with viper, killing the empoeror and just about eveyone else, therfore dooming mankind, probably not the best ending, but hey. Good for replay value i guess. Which outcomes did you guys get to?

03-24-2010, 12:54 AM
I sided with Admiral Trump, than decided to kill SAM, ended up getting the 'good' ending where SAM dissapears for many years until suddenly showing back up with a Symbiant armaded...

I got the exact same ending siding with Alexander and the NESF, and killing SAM. I guess intuition and experiance tells me that Star Wolves AIs are ALWAYS a crapshoot. I dont think I ever met a good one.

Another one where I also sided with Admiral Trump, than decided to kill Alex, ended up getting the 'Not so good' ending where the Symbiants attack afterwards and pretty much own everybody.

03-24-2010, 09:09 AM
im guessing if there is a sequel, its gonna revolve around symbiote berserkers floating around, which is why they always come back.

03-24-2010, 05:16 PM
If you side with InoCo and then with SAM he plants a chip in your head (all perks active). The ending is the same as the "Not so Good", but this time you command the Berserk armada.