View Full Version : Undeserved negative reviews

03-10-2010, 05:10 AM
A few days ago, I stumbled across a negative review of SW 3 CW, rating it below average for, as I think, all the wrong reasons. Unfortunately I don't have the link at the ready for you to read, I would have to search for it, but to summarise the major points of critique:

-The reviewer complained about the combat music not fitting to the ambient music playing.

-The reviewer complained about it being rare for you to encounter other ships.

-The reviewer complained about all the systems feeling empty.

-The reviewer, and I am not kidding, complained about having to hold down the SHIFT key to move your ship up and down in 3D space being to complicated.

Well, that summarises it.

There are plenty of points that I am willing to accept as points for critique. The lack of voice acting, having to read through these boxes which seems outdated and other crap that I'm sure serious reviewers will think of. But...

Come on, a negative review about the music? Isn't music something of personal taste to begin with? I for one considered the combat music suitable and fitting. It matched, in my opinion, the ambient music and I have, from my point of view, no idea what he's complaining about. So, with music being really a personal taste, I am not sure if I would allow this complaint to count.

Now about the "rarity" of encountering other ships. Uhm... okay... I just flew through a bunch of systems crowded with fighter squadrons from the respective faction, but whatever.

Okay, seriously... I could understand if he critices the lack of encountering capital ships like cruisers and battleships. But just saying its rare to encounter other ships? I don't know in how much systems that guy went, but reflecting from the many ships I encounter in the occassional system, I doubt that he visited many systems.

Now, the systems being empty... Well, first of all, it's space the final frontier. What do you expect? You have a couple of stations, nebulas, dust clouds, asteroid belts and maybe some debris. That's it. That's space, after all. It's not like World of Warcraft where there are lush forests and cities crawling with people. You can't do that in space. Likewise, you can't squeeze in to many stations into one area or else it feels unrealistic. After all, looking at it from a realistic point of view, you are just visiting a small part of the system. Otherwise the planets wouldn't just be beautifully painted background pictures, right? So, it makes sense that there are just a few stations because... well, all the other stations are scattered around the system and not cramped in that tiny are of the system.

And finally... Seriously? It's to complicated to hold down the SHIFT key to make your ships move up or down? Well, in all honesty, anyone who thinks that's to complicated is a retard. I mean, you just have to hold down one single key. How much more simple do you want it to be? Most of the time you don't even have to because you can order your ship to fly to a station that is above or below, so the ships moves automatically up and down. Comments like that makes you wonder if the reviewer ever plaid good RTS space themed games like Homeworld or Homeworld 2. There are a bunch of other games who have that feature to, but I think Homeworld and Homeworld 2 made a name for themselves. It adds a lot to the game that you have to watch out for your enemies to attack from above or below. And once again, moving in the third Dimension is held as simple as possible in that game. All in all, I can't understand what's so difficult about holding down the SHIFT key for that action. Maybe the guy just played simple games like Sins of a Solar Empire that works only in 2 dimensions or something, I don't know... Well, at least my friend said that Sins of a Solar Empire doesn't allow you to move up or down. I haven't really played it myself so I am basing my last sentence on what he said to me.

Anyways... What do you guys think about the matter?

03-10-2010, 08:35 AM
Just Kill "The reviewer" :o

I think myself that after a great experience with Star Wolves first of the serie, and that after what i would call the "Joke" (Star Wolves 2), that Star Wolves 3 is renewing with quality.

by the way Music was always a strength of every 1C games i used to play, reviewer must be deaf.