View Full Version : Trader information

03-06-2010, 01:47 PM
How can I find the 'special' items that traders sell you information about?

For example, a trader sold me information about a prototype ship in Vaudille, but i've been unable to find it in spite of sending my ships to every part of the system.

03-06-2010, 07:01 PM
Hehe, that one is tricky - There are two palces in the 'northern' (upper) asteroids of the map you habe to check:

One is an MSF Cruiser wreckage that you have to manually attack to destroy it (explosion will reveal the hidden items). If I remember correctly, if was in upper right general area.

Then there is the smuggler stash. This one is harder to find. It's in one of the asteroids (not asteroid groups!). Again, you need to force attack and destroy it to reveal the items. It's one of the astroids that look like they have a blinking red light attached to their top. I think it was in the lower center to lower left part of the asteroid belt in the upper map area.

03-07-2010, 11:24 AM
I never managed to find the crates in X220 :O
But the Vaudille treasure sounds interesting $.$

03-07-2010, 01:06 PM
Thanks for the info!

Got a top of the line particle accelerator turret from the cruiser wreck :).

03-07-2010, 02:34 PM
can somebody help with Solncevka cache?

03-07-2010, 04:00 PM
One is an MSF Cruiser wreckage that you have to manually attack to destroy it (explosion will reveal the hidden items). If I remember correctly, if was in upper right general area.

Then there is the smuggler stash. This one is harder to find. It's in one of the asteroids (not asteroid groups!). Again, you need to force attack and destroy it to reveal the items.

How do you figure this stuff out?

03-07-2010, 07:26 PM
In Fronn (near SE corner of map) there's a hidden cache in an asteroid containing a Wyvern and several prototype systems about three squares south of the Fronn Triad station, and one square east.

How I found it? There were beacons laying about, but there were too many other asteroids about to properly make sense of them, so I started blowing asteroids up. I had cleared about 60% of the map of asteroids when I found the cache. :)

03-08-2010, 08:32 AM
can somebody help with Solncevka cache?

Go to the spot between upper-left corner and middle-left part of the map.There have many Asteroids and Asteroid groups.The cache is in the Asteroid with red blinking light on the top on it.Shoot asteroid (ctrl+lmb) and get the loot :)