View Full Version : Did something go wrong? *Spoilers*

Kanzaki Levex Iejir
03-05-2010, 11:24 PM
After you go have a look at the system where you lost your transports, where you meet greyhair, after doing this mission, you get some options what to do next, needing some money, I chose to help Alex out after I acquired the Astarte.

The mission is called "escort the convoy", and at the second system (i think) you get told about a distress signal "help the transport under attack", I did this mission and the trader followed me nicely (well, it followed Alex) to mission end.

Now, at the second last system (XT-93), there is this ambush point (the previously mentioned trader mentions it as well), the mission there is called "check the ambush location out", which i did.

Three new transports joined me here, we fly towards the gate, get stopped by MSF, who lets us pass, but then it gets odd.
The three new transports decides to follow the MSF ships (their stone arrows I believe), both groups flies way off grid, like way, way off grid. I had to follow the three transports to make sure they didn't get blown up (which they did if I left them alone).

When i met them, they asked to be escorted to nearest the imperial system for a handsome reward (I don't really care if they want to fly off grid, as long as i get this).

Thinking they are doing what they are supposed to, I continue the mission. Alex's transports and the one i rescued from the second system, these all fly to the station they are supposed to, Alex says many thanks (he damn better well, silly amount of pirates) and transfers the agreed upon amount.

Now, did we ever agree on anything?
I also received no notice from the rescued transport, nor the three from the ambush point, I might very well have gotten the money I was owed or I might not have.
All in all, I received about 700k.

My questions mainly are, doesn't that rescued transport say anything?
And do those three from the ambush point always fly off?

03-06-2010, 09:56 AM
Yeh, there are a couple of missions where I'd wondered if things went down the way they should have.

03-07-2010, 09:40 AM
About the mission "help the transport under attack" where is the transport?? I sweep the whole sector and i cant find it

03-07-2010, 11:16 AM
About the mission "help the transport under attack" where is the transport?? I sweep the whole sector and i cant find it

If i remember rightly, just fly straight to the right from the starting portal (the left one) but first help alex's convoy getting to the other portal, it's a scripted event and the pirates start attacking as soon as you have them on your scanner (at least in my game :rolleyes:).