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02-28-2010, 04:40 PM
Whilst searching for an elevator trim wheel, I came accross these two sites which I thought might interest folks......


03-01-2010, 06:10 AM
That's delicious stuff. I really want to build an aircraft pit at some point, at least some controls in the right place etc. But there is concern about the 'static monitor with head tracking' technology currently used vs possibly a huge spherical projector that covers 180 degrees (a Swedish guy is trying to commercialize his version, it looks very awesome), or the third option - VR glasses.

The VR glasses would be ideal. Don't need bulky space consuming stuff then, only a chair, some controls in the right place and that's it. Projector is second most realistic, and the headtracking with static monitor comes third.

Regarding trim wheels specifically - I used my G25 wheel (With 900 degrees of rotation) for elevator trim, and it worked REALLY well. Only the wheel would recalibrate itself sometimes if USB was messed up, or restarting the computer, and then it would snag on cables and pull stuff around ugh. Now I don't use it because of the 'troubles' of cables and the space it took up to the left of my chair, and the problems of only supporting 4 devices in IL-2.

Yet I recommend anyone to look at a basic steering wheel for trimming. Can get it so cheap. Just put it in the right place and disable force feedback, or open it up and remove the centering spring, if it has such a thing.