View Full Version : hit counter

01-19-2010, 07:57 AM
hi again

would it be possible to put new feature for sow, like counter which tells u after landing(by ground crew) that how many hits you received during your flight, and what kind of hits and where?

like the screen where u see ur plane before take off in il-2 where u can also determine what to repair and what to leave on plane-

01-19-2010, 08:09 AM

Something like Arcade=1 in IL-2? Showing with arrows the hits etc? And is this the Stafroty we knew as a crazy mofo? ) :D

01-19-2010, 08:43 AM

Something like Arcade=1 in IL-2? Showing with arrows the hits etc? And is this the Stafroty we knew as a crazy mofo? ) :D

same prick :)

and yyea, something like arcade mode, with just more info on it. like how damaged parts there is and what type of ammo caused it

01-19-2010, 12:28 PM

Get back to squad you gitty guy ;) Come to Blitz in 4.-7.2. at Tampere, ging there. And I agree, would be nice to have a repair report or something as I am aircraft mech. Would add to immersion, if not too much to make.