View Full Version : Whats the appropriate PATCH? Getting PO'd

01-06-2010, 11:02 PM
What is the D@mn appropriate patch for my game?
How do I know which VERSION of Game I have???
This is just plain ignoranat!!!

I bought it in America, from Shelf!!!
DL'd Patch from here http://www.kings-bounty.com/eng/legend/patches.php
Its american/english site so I take it it should be Right patch? 1.7???

But now game says WRONG Disc!

01-08-2010, 06:38 PM
If you look on the box the game came in, or on the dvd, if you see the word ATARI, then you have applied the wrong patch. The patch you have is for the Nobilis version of the game. reinstall and apply the correct patch. I did the same thing. :(