View Full Version : Will it ever happen ?

12-07-2009, 09:56 PM
Hi everyone

Im new .... please take my comments seriously lol rofl

So as i have bought all sides of MOW + RT

I come to 1 single simple point


Alot of people do not have the time to play online im sure if skirmish mode was modded in alot more copys where to have sold im sure of that i know thousabds of pc gamers which love to bash offline Skirmish !!! as myself also enjoy it.

My main qestion is how could such a great company and such a great game miss out a main offline favtor for fans of the series ? which is ??


I was furious i had high hopes expecting a solid offline game i then later after buying the first game on release read about a single yet long draging campaign.

If just offline content was added to this great title alot more people would enjoy it alot more.

thiers another game on ist way but all has ceased to give info out now it seems the company behind the game died somewhere and left the new MOW rotting away hope thats false !!!!

So on behalf of me my 5 brothers and my freinds will you put skirmish mode in please ? and make it glorious ?

I only ask with much respect thankyou so much for reading this.

12-09-2009, 05:19 AM
Get the Campaign Generator Mod now.

If you get a chance go to


This is another site for Men Of War discussion.

12-09-2009, 05:57 AM
Get the Campaign Generator Mod now.

If you get a chance go to


This is another site for Men Of War discussion.

I have all versions of this feature but i do notm know how to work it tryed many times i only get errors or its to hard to use ......