View Full Version : Death to Spies - Moment of Truth Unofficial German Translation

10-08-2009, 10:05 AM
Death to Spies - Moment of Truth
Unofficial German Translation

According to statements of officials there will be no German localized
version of DtS Mot. This is why I decided to take this as a challange
for a new project.

I will post my progress from time to time in this thread. I don't know
if somebody is interested, but perhaps there are some German speaking
people here who can help me out with some advices or ideas.

OK let's start: Till now I translated the following texts strings from:

Main- and ingame-menus
I also made german letters in main menu available. The original font
just showed cyrillic letters instead of German umlauts.

You can see of the current state of work on the attached pics below:

AHO - http://aho.6x.to

10-09-2009, 10:10 AM
Current state of work @ 9th October 2009

German specials characters in main menu font implemented
Main and ingame menues translated
Question in menus are now completely written out
"Verbs" in action menu translated
UI strings of inventory and inventory selection window translated
UI/menu messges translated
Descriptions of difficulty levels translated and optimized
All weapon names in inventory and action menüs translated and extended
All backpacks translated and optimized (action menu now shows full name)
///Update ///
All ammo names translated and extended
What comes next: Translation of ammo and items/objects


10-09-2009, 11:26 AM
Thank you very much for your dedication and hard work!

10-13-2009, 12:12 AM
Current state of work @ 13th October 2009

All items, uniforms and clothings translated
The action menu now shows full descriptive names of uniforms and
clothings instead of "apparel"
The inventory screen now always show the full name of clothings
Credits now fully translated
Next: Help texts


10-15-2009, 12:13 AM
Current state of work @ 15th October 2009

Ingame help texts are completely translated
... reformatted
... optimized
Next: Cut scene texts and script modification.


10-15-2009, 02:17 PM

I wanted to put subtitle text to final cutscene, but the engine ignores the

I used:
CutScene.LoadSubTitles(ns, "Levels\\Rolik_Addon\\rolik_8.shad" );

and put it into function "Level.InitRolik_8()" like the other cutscenes do,
but nothing happens....

Can anymbody help me?

Liz Shaw
10-15-2009, 02:25 PM
Did it work with the others?

10-15-2009, 02:36 PM
Did it work with the others?

Cutscenes 2-6 have already subtitles. They are shown if you select
Russian as cutscene audio lang.

Yes the others work well...

10-15-2009, 09:41 PM
Current state of work @ 15th October 2009 (Update)

Ingame help texts are completely translated
... reformatted
... optimized
Sub titles in cutscenes now always shown
Sub titles translated
Sub titles reformatted
Next: Briefing and Level strings of mission #1: Lightning

PS: What doe's the following sentence mean:
"More than one piece in play."


10-17-2009, 01:01 AM
Current state of work @ 17th October 2009

Level 1: Lightning

Briefing texts, objectives, messages, dialog texts, inlevel-cutscene subtitltes translated
... optimized
... corrected
Made most of the dialog texts of Germans identical with speech.
Extra: If you shoot the soviet radio operator a message will appear...
Next: Level 2

10-17-2009, 07:32 AM
Current state of work @ 17th October 2009

so, did you solve the problem with subtitles to cutscene 8?

10-18-2009, 07:52 PM
so, did you solve the problem with subtitles to cutscene 8?

ATM unfortunately not. I skipped this problem. I will care about it later,
when the other things are done.

Perhaps you know somebody who can help me out? :))

10-19-2009, 09:52 PM
Current state of work @ 19th October 2009

Level 2: King's Riddle

Briefing texts, objectives, messages, dialog texts, inlevel-cutscene subtitltes translated
... optimized
... corrected
... reformatted
Made most of the dialog texts of Germans identical with speech.
Next: Level 3

PS: What is meant with "White head"?

10-20-2009, 07:41 AM
ATM unfortunately not. I skipped this problem. I will care about it later,
when the other things are done.

Perhaps you know somebody who can help me out? :))

In what cutscene you wanna play subtitles? In last one?

then you must use :

CutScene.LoadSubTitles( house, "Levels\\Rolik_Addon\\rolik_8.shad" );

10-20-2009, 10:18 AM
In what cutscene you wanna play subtitles? In last one?

then you must use :

CutScene.LoadSubTitles( house, "Levels\\Rolik_Addon\\rolik_8.shad" );

Unfortunately it did not work. In which function and exactly where
do I have to add this line?

Is'nt the handle name of the last cutscene "final"?

I need sub titles in rolik#1 Where Strogov reads the certificate
and #8 where Strogov reads the letter...

10-20-2009, 12:25 PM
Current state of work @ 20th October 2009

Level 3: White head

Briefing texts, objectives, messages, dialog texts, inlevel-cutscene subtitltes translated
... optimized
... corrected
... reformatted
Made most of the dialog texts of Germans identical with speech.
Next: Level 4: Dora


10-21-2009, 07:43 AM
Unfortunately it did not work. In which function and exactly where
do I have to add this line?

Is'nt the handle name of the last cutscene "final"?

no, you must add it in Level.InitRolik_1(), and Level.InitRolik_8():
handle name is house (local house = Level.NewCutScene( 'house' , 3547.0, 4450.0 );)

also check that in subtitles you must define time when they appear..
first cutscene goes from 1.0 to 3500.0
last one from 3547.0 to 4450.0.

try to test in first cutscene like this :

1.0 3500.0 "- Something, something..."

10-21-2009, 11:12 AM
no, you must add it in Level.InitRolik_1(), and Level.InitRolik_8():
handle name is house (local house = Level.NewCutScene( 'house' , 3547.0, 4450.0 );)

also check that in subtitles you must define time when they appear..
first cutscene goes from 1.0 to 3500.0
last one from 3547.0 to 4450.0.

try to test in first cutscene like this :

1.0 3500.0 "- Something, something..."

I did all these before, but I used ns as handle name.
Thanks I will try this now! :)

CutScene #1 Works fine
CutScene #8 Does not work!!! I dunno why

PS: The times in each SHAD file start from 0 to last frame... of each cutscene.

10-21-2009, 02:17 PM
Current state of work
21st October 2009

Level 4: Dora

Briefing texts, objectives, messages, dialog texts, inlevel-cutscene subtitltes translated
... optimized
... reformatted
Additional: Cutscene #1 has now subtitles showing a fragment
of the document Strogov is reading.
Next: Level 5: Polish suprise


10-21-2009, 06:35 PM
CutScene #1 Works fine
CutScene #1 Does not work!!! I dunno why

So.. did cutscene#1 work or not work? :)
or u mean cutscene#8 not working?

PS: The times in each SHAD file start from 0 to last frame... of each cutscene.

yes. But! i'v checked, time is not in frames, time in seconds. so you must divide by 30 frames per second. ex.:

cutscene 8 defined from 3547.0 to 4450.0 frame.
so begining time for subtitles will be: start_time = 3547.0 / 30.0;

so put in subtitles for cutscene 8 this line:

118.5 148.0 " - Something, something..."

must work now..

10-21-2009, 07:28 PM
So.. did cutscene#1 work or not work? :)
or u mean cutscene#8 not working?
Sorry typo sure I meant cutscene #8.

yes. But! i'v checked, time is not in frames, time in seconds. so you must divide by 30 frames per second. ex.:
I meant the time for each cutscene in rolik*.shad files are starting
from 0 (second) to x seconds.

so put in subtitles for cutscene 8 this line:

118.5 148.0 " - Something, something..."

must work now..
OK I'll try again...

10-21-2009, 08:10 PM
Thank you very much OSS it works :) :) :)

Final cutscene now shows translation of letter Strogov
receives as sub title...

The correct timing for sub title was:
135.5 143.0 "Es gibt einen neuen..."


10-21-2009, 08:43 PM
AHO, why you called Zolotnitsky (VCH-briefings) as agent? AFAIK he's colonel of Soviet counter-intelligence, not the agent :)

10-21-2009, 09:07 PM
AHO, why you called Zolotnitsky (VCH-briefings) as agent? AFAIK he's colonel of Soviet counter-intelligence, not the agent :)

In english Version of Mot He's called like that....
What does in the original vch stand?

10-21-2009, 09:58 PM
What does in the original vch stand?

Just the name. "To: Zolotnitsky"

10-21-2009, 10:08 PM
Just the name. "To: Zolotnitsky"
What would you suggest? Are there any Infos about him?
I could not find any on Wikipedia or web.

...and whos is this Smirnov?

10-22-2009, 09:53 AM
Are there any Infos about him?
I could not find any on Wikipedia or web.

I think, it's not a real name. He was a Strogov's chief by the game story (\Levels\Rolik_Lubyanka\sound_01_a.ogg).

...and whos is this Smirnov?

Perhaps Zolotnitsky's chief. For example, general of Soviet counter-intelligence.

10-22-2009, 12:31 PM
I think, it's not a real name. He was a Strogov's chief by the game story (\Levels\Rolik_Lubyanka\sound_01_a.ogg).

OK, I found it. In offiical german localization of DtS he is called
"Oberst Zolotnitsky".

10-22-2009, 01:22 PM
Current state of work
22th October 2009

Level 5: Polish suprise

Briefing texts, objectives, messages, dialog texts, inlevel-cutscene subtitltes translated
... optimized
... corrected
... reformatted
Made most of the dialog texts of Germans identical with speech.
Next: Level 6: Shefferd

Liz Shaw
10-22-2009, 02:12 PM
I think there's a mistake in one of the voice files used in White Head. In all of the German "script_37" lines (where the guards tell you not to enter the bathroom while the Standartenführer is using it), they refer to him as "Colonel Richter". Is the rank Standartenführer the same as the rank Colonel?

10-22-2009, 02:18 PM
I think there's a mistake in one of the voice files used in White Head. In all of the German "script_37" lines (where the guards tell you not to enter the bathroom while the Standartenführer is using it), they refer to him as "Colonel Richter". Is the rank Standartenführer the same as the rank Colonel?

I'm not sure: Colonel (Oberst) ist a regualar military Rank (Wehrmacht)
Standartenführer is a SS-Rank.

The SS (Sturmstaffel/Storm Squad) were special elite forces foundet
by the Nazis. They use strange (funny sounding) rank names.

Perhaps they're taken from ancient military ranks or are just fantasy...

Update: Standartenführer means "Flag"- or "Banner"- "chief" or somthing linke that...
Update2: Yes I discovered the mistake too while translating...

10-22-2009, 02:47 PM
Level 5 - Shefferd: Which town is this?

10-22-2009, 04:20 PM
I think there's a mistake in one of the voice files used in White Head. In all of the German "script_37" lines (where the guards tell you not to enter the bathroom while the Standartenführer is using it), they refer to him as "Colonel Richter".
I'm not sure: Colonel (Oberst) ist a regualar military Rank (Wehrmacht) Standartenführer is a SS-Rank.
Update2: Yes I discovered the mistake too while translating...
No mistake here.
SS Standartenfuehrer == Wehrmacht Oberst == Colonel.

The SS (Sturmstaffel/Storm Squad) were special elite forces foundet by the Nazis. They use strange (funny sounding) rank names.
What's strange and funny in these rank names?

Update: Standartenführer means "Flag"- or "Banner"- "chief" or somthing linke that...
Standartenfuehrer means "Chief of the regiment".
Standarte means not only the Flag/Banner ;)

10-22-2009, 05:01 PM
No mistake here.
SS Standartenfuehrer == Wehrmacht Oberst == Colonel.

But SS members did not use standard military ranks afaik...!?!

What's strange and funny in these rank names?

Because they sound strange in German, non military and a
kind of fantasy like...


Standarte means not only the Flag/Banner ;)

It means Banner-carrier, that was the guy in roman legions who
carried the banner foloowing pic:


The Nazis adapted some styles of the Romans...

10-22-2009, 05:45 PM
But SS members did not use standard military ranks afaik...!?!
Every army has own military ranks. SS has them too. From Schuetze to Reichsfuehrer.

Because they sound strange in German, non military and a kind of fantasy like...


It means Banner-carrier, that was the guy in roman legions who
carried the banner foloowing pic:

The Nazis adapted some styles of the Romans...

Again, in this context Standarte doesn't mean flag. It mean regiment - large group of soldiers :)

Rottenfuehrer - leader of the team (Rotte)
Sturmbannfuehrer - leader of the battalion (Sturm)
Standartenfuehrer - leader of the regiment (Standarte)

10-22-2009, 06:13 PM
Every army has own military ranks. SS has them too. From Schuetze to Reichsfuehrer.

Again, in this context Standarte doesn't mean flag. It mean regiment - large group of soldiers :)

Rottenfuehrer - leader of the team (Rotte)
Sturmbannfuehrer - leader of the battalion (Sturm)
Standartenfuehrer - leader of the regiment (Standarte)

Better help me ;) "Level 5 - Shefferd (Cowboy): Which town is this?"

10-22-2009, 09:57 PM
Current state of work
22th October 2009

Level 5: Polish suprise

Briefing texts, objectives, messages, dialog texts, inlevel-cutscene subtitltes translated
... optimized
... corrected
... reformatted
Made most of the dialog texts of Germans identical with speech.

Level 6: Shefferd

Briefing texts, objectives, messages, dialog texts, inlevel-cutscene subtitltes translated
... optimized
... corrected
... reformatted

Next: Level 7: Renegades


10-23-2009, 01:31 AM
...and whos is this Smirnov?
Isn't he the guy from Call of Duty World at War?

10-23-2009, 09:31 AM
Better help me ;) "Level 5 - Shefferd (Cowboy): Which town is this?"
Why do you think that I know this place? :confused:

Isn't he the guy from Call of Duty World at War?
Sure! He wears winter clothes in summer and uses butcher's cleaver to nobody can recognize him. Best way for the high officer of Soviet counter-intelligence :mrgreen:

10-23-2009, 09:48 AM
SS = Schutzstaffel

10-23-2009, 10:29 AM
Why do you think that I know this place? :confused:
Because you know MUCH about World War II. :)

SS = Schutzstaffel
Yeah you're right I confused it with "SA" (Sturmabteilung /Eng: Storm Division)


10-23-2009, 11:23 AM
Because you know MUCH about World War II. :)

Thanks, but I don't think so :)

10-23-2009, 11:58 AM
Thanks, but I don't think so :)

At least more than me ;)

10-23-2009, 02:49 PM
Current state of work
23th October 2009

Level 7: Renegades

Briefing texts, objectives, messages, dialog texts, inlevel-cutscene subtitltes translated

... optimized
... corrected
... reformatted

iNFO: The game is now completly translated (text strings only)

NEXT: Correction of wrong and/or ugly text on textures

Liz Shaw
10-23-2009, 03:10 PM
NEXT: Correction of wrong and/or ugly text on textures

When you're done with that, can you send me those textures please?

10-23-2009, 03:43 PM
When you're done with that, can you send me those textures please?

Sure, do you wanna have the raw files (PSD) or the release versions (dds)

Note: About the half of them I corrected already while making my
DtS Enh. Addon.

Liz Shaw
10-23-2009, 04:02 PM
Sure, do you wanna have the raw files (PSD) or the release versions (dds)

Note: About the half of them I corrected already while making my
DtS Enh. Addon.

Release versions, please!

10-23-2009, 07:48 PM
Release versions, please!

Here are the ones I corrected for my DtS Enhancement Addon.
The new textures from MoT will follow when I've corrected them...

10-23-2009, 09:14 PM
Current state of work
23th October 2009

Corrected wrong and ugly text on textures from DtS main game,
which are also used in MoT (ammo boxes, blackboards etc.)

Corrected wrong text on the maps of level "Polish suprise"
PS: Liz Shaw, the zip file is for you (maps)

10-25-2009, 01:34 PM
Current state of work
25th October 2009

Corrected/optimized maps of level 2 King's Riddle

Replaced improper text from "Die Station der Unterseeboote " to
"Grundriss der U-Boot-Basis 'Saltzwedel')

Die Station der Unterseeboote = The station of submarines
Grundriss der U-Boot-Basis 'Saltzwedel' = Layout of uboat base "Saltzwedel".

P.S.: @ Liz Shaw: The ZIP file is for you again...


10-26-2009, 12:31 PM
Current state of work
26th October 2009

Corrected all textures with german Text.
Almost ALL of them were incorrect!!!
Note to Liz Shaw: The ZIP file contains all mot textures for you!

Next: German voice files.

10-26-2009, 01:07 PM
Almost ALL of them were incorrect!!!


10-26-2009, 01:09 PM

Yes, only one, the warning plate in first level was correct :)
I only consider new MoT textures...

10-26-2009, 01:29 PM
Yes, only one, the warning plate in first level was correct
"Achtung, Minen!"? :)

10-26-2009, 01:34 PM
Status Quo

[x] Translation of menus and ui...
[x] Translation of inter-level cut scene sub titles...
[x] Translation of level specific texts (brifings, objectives, dialogs...
[x] Optimization, correction, reformatting and extension of above points..
[x] Synchronization of german voices and dialog sub titles...
[x] Enabling of inter-level cut scene sub titles for each language
[x] Correction and optimization of german texts on textures
[x] Minor script optimizations
[x] Correction and optimization of german speeches/voices
[x] Logo-Video
[ ] Readme
[ ] Changelog
[ ] Website

Note: I'm glad to say: "It's done" ;)

[-] = Partially

Replaced german voices/speeches which were also used in DtS
Replaced ugly voice files from Mot
Translation & extras now complete...

10-26-2009, 01:38 PM
"Achtung, Minen!"? :)


10-26-2009, 09:22 PM
Status Quo

[x] Translation of menus and ui...
[x] Translation of inter-level cut scene sub titles...
[x] Translation of level specific texts (brifings, objectives, dialogs...
[x] Optimization, correction, reformatting and extension of above points..
[x] Synchronization of german voices and dialog sub titles...
[x] Enabling of inter-level cut scene sub titles for each language
[x] Correction and optimization of german texts on textures
[x] Minor script optimizations
[x] Correction and optimization of german speeches/voices
[x] Logo-Video
[x] Readme
[x] Changelog
[x] Website

OK all done....
Jason I'm waiting for your mail ;)

Liz Shaw
10-27-2009, 07:50 AM
Actually, AHO, have you modified the loading screens for all MoT levels yet (with the name of the level in them)? I don't know which font you used...

10-27-2009, 09:15 AM
OK all done....

Good work in a short terms! My congratulations!
If you interested in creation of german version of MoTmod - please let me know via PM.

10-27-2009, 09:30 AM
Actually, AHO, have you modified the loading screens for all MoT levels yet (with the name of the level in them)? I don't know which font you used...

I did not modify the the loading screens, because I never planned this.
I generally focused on german translation.

BTW: I don't like the new loading screens.. (=Wallpapers)

The font is called "Harting Plain". I put it into attachment for you.

Good work in a short terms! My congratulations!
If you interested in creation of german version of MoTmod - please let me know via PM.

Thank you. Well translation of MoTmod is really simple. I can send you the
files (official localization of DtS and my unoffiial one of MoT).

10-27-2009, 09:36 AM
I don't like the new loading screens...
Are you planning to change them?

Thank you. Well translation of MoTmod is really simple. I can send you the files (official localization of DtS and my unoffiial one of MoT).
Not only that. Also I'll need some your help with additional translations. We reworked weapon/equipment names and some terms from strings.shadvs

10-27-2009, 09:38 AM
Are you planning to change them?
No, as I said to Liz Shaw, I just focussed on german localization.

Not only that. Also I'll need some your help with additional translations. We reworked weapon/equipment names and some terms from strings.shadvs
Sure I can help you :)

10-28-2009, 02:33 PM
DtS MoT Unofficial German Translation website is online:

Link via my projects site (http://death-to-spies.com/aho/)

Liz Shaw
10-29-2009, 12:00 AM
The font is called "Harting Plain". I put it into attachment for you.

How do I make this font register on PhotoShop?

10-29-2009, 07:47 PM
How do I make this font register on PhotoShop?

There is no need to register it on PhotoShop. Just register it on the
system (Windows) and the font will be shown in PhotoShop's font list.

Do you know how to do this?

Liz Shaw
10-29-2009, 11:05 PM
There is no need to register it on PhotoShop. Just register it on the
system (Windows) and the font will be shown in PhotoShop's font list.

Do you know how to do this?

No I don't! Don't tell me you have to use Command Prompt?

PS. By the way, what was wrong with the "Ganz genau!" phrase the Germans use?

10-30-2009, 12:49 AM
No I don't! Don't tell me you have to use Command Prompt?

He he, don't be scared ;)
Just drag & drop the font file to fonts folder, e.g. c:\windows\fonts\
Use the windows explorer!

PS. By the way, what was wrong with the "Ganz genau!" phrase the Germans use?

The soldiers or workers say this, if you gave them a command.
But no German would say somthing like this (Ganz gengau =
Completely right) They would say "Zu Befehl" or "Jawohl".

02-20-2012, 08:47 PM
Did anybody ever use this translation?

09-09-2012, 12:40 AM
Some f****g guys have stolen my translation!!!
See: http://schote.biz/sprachdateien-deutschpatches/14-death-to-spies-moment-of-truth/1046-deutsche-texte-untertitel-menus.html

They declare it as their work and they also have removed me from the credits!

:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::e vil: